Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Would you have sold it?



If you had harvested a world record, would you sell the animal? I am not sure if I could or not.
Depends on the bid, the rights, & my situation at the time. Even if I didn't need the money, I could always use an extra 1000 acres.
If I would have harvested it, and I could get a duplicate, I would not have a problem selling it. On the other hand if it was my daughters, there isn't enough money in the world.
I would but not because of the money motivation. Sure the money would be nice to have but I think the liability of having the record in you home would potentially lead to theft???? What about a house fire destroying the head? not things that would likely happen but it would be irreplaceable. With a replica, should it be stolen or torched, could be replaced. I personally would like for folks to see the rack in all its glory in a display like the folks at Bass pro have. Although it is Tony's personal harvest, I have to commend him for sharing it with the world. Just my $.02
Depends on the bid, the rights, & my situation at the time. Even if I didn't need the money, I could always use an extra 1000 acres.

[/ QUOTE ]and you get replicas with a mount
Before they Harvested this animal, I would have said No way, never in a million years. But now after I have seen what goes alone with this harvest, you bet. Id take the replica and run. Believe me, the replicas are nice, cause Ive seen them.

Like Shredder said, it will be nice for the world to see it.
i would place it in a store like bass pro but would not sell it, would display it for a couple of years to the public than give them a replica and take the real one home

I would sell just about anything for the right price.And I like the 1000 acres post.If they offered money plus to buy me some awesome land here then that would be hard to pass....
i would have probably toured with it for a year or so, got all my ducks in a row, and then sold it off. of course, having a world record rack in hand may make me change my mind.

you never know. i don't blame them one bit.
I would have to agree with Shredder on this one for the reasons he gives. Several months ago I said no way. But, the more I think about it, the more I wouldn't want anything one thing in my house that is worth that much money. I guess I would make sure that there was a sale contract that says X-number of replicas and something like if they resell it must first be offered back to me for a preset price.

The 1,000 acre idea that pharmer gives us is a good reason too. Plus, you could buy a whole lot more than 1,000 acres at that price when you figure in the crop ground rent or CRP payments that will pay for several hundred extra acres.
I'm with all of you guys! Hold on to it for a while, have a replica made, and then take a vacation to the Bahamas about a month before the next hunting season.
Can't really determine if it would bring more to sell right away or to hold out for a little while - probably hold out. Would be hard to sell, but considering what you would get for it (as long as you got a replica) plus the worries of something happening to it - I think I would have to let it go. About the only better way for it to be would be to get paid to have a place like Bass Pro rent it from you.

$100,000 for a 15 year old to start out with is a good chunk of change.
No Way. "The largest whitetail ever harvested by a hunter." The Missouri Monarch and Hole in the Horn, both found dead, are bigger. I doubt another record breaker is coming any time soon. $100,000 is not much money especially when it's being split three ways. Keep the original and have Bass Pro pay for the rights to display the replica. What a shame!
As Cindy Lauper once said "Money changes everything". Although that's not the reason I hunt I'd sell it to the highest bidder faster than you could say KA-ching.
Does anyone know if a broker was involved??This was "chump change" for these big Outdoor Companies.
i can't see myself ever selling comething like that. i believe it is disrespectful to the animal. but then again i have never had that much money waved in front of my face
I'm with Shredder on this one. Gets stolen or destroyed in a fire and you've got nothing. I'd sell it with the understanding that should my reproduction be destroyed I could always get a replacement.
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