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WTB:Norinco AK-47


Life Member
Wanted: Norinco AK-47


Hey guys I want to purchase a Norinco AK-47 in 7.62x39 caliber.
I have a permit to purchase and I am willing to travel a ways to pick it up. If you would prefer you can send it to my FFL dealer.
Please send me a PM with the details of what you have.

Yes, Norinco is Chinese made, unless its changed in the last few years. I've read and heard that the Romanian AKs are a much better rifle. I sold my Romanian AK several years ago because I didn't like the plastic handle and didn't need 2 AKs. I kept the Egyptian model because it had the wooden handle.

There are TONS of AKs (all kinds) in gun shops in Phoenix, Ron, and are relatively easy to acquire. I can get you in touch with the more reputable ones if you are interested.
My desire for a Chinese Norinco AK-47 in 7.2x39 has to do with my military service in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:country-region w:st=
Viet Nam</st1:country-region>. I would like to add one to my collection of that era memorabilia.

Brian, PM sent.

My desire for a Chinese Norinco AK-47 in 7.2x39 has to do with my military service in <!--?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
--><st1:country-region w:st=
Viet Nam</st1:country-region>. I would like to add one to my collection of that era memorabilia.

Brian, PM sent.

That's why my dad got 2 AKs (and an AR and an SKS)! He wanted one of everything he either carried or was shot/shot at with. I completely understand where you are coming from. Way back then we looked at Norinco, but the price was jacked way up so we went with an Egyptian one. I'll check my messages, Ron!
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