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Year round food.


Food plot questions. Currently, i have 5 acres of plots on 60 acres in southernish Illinois. With the largest plot being 2.5 acres. I’ve followed the Jeff sturgis method of no til, 1/2 brassica, 1/2 peas, beans, oats. Layered rye in after a couple weeks. Fall planting. My goal is year round food.
Id like to do a clover blend, brassicas and grains. Strips. I know it’s the dbletree method and the info is in here somewhere but honestly, there’s SO much info, it’s a bit overwhelming. lol. I’m looking for timeline and seed suggestions? It’ll be no-til and I’m ok with chemicals. I don’t have access to a drill.
I know a lot of my newbie questions will be repetitive to this group. I do appreciate all the info you guys send my way. Thank you.
This should answer
Complete kill,
2 weeks-ish later I broadcast, roll and spray again.
Two weeks after that I broadcast rye on non-brassica side.
Dbletree also mentions adding Berseem and 60# of oats in spring. Then clipping oats in June. Was he putting oats in his clover side?
I’m considering a 1/2-1/2 plot. Clovers and Brassicas. Any thoughts?
I went with 20-40-40.
What happens to brassica space the following spring? Are guys frost seeding clover in it? Or is it dead space for spring/summer?
This year I did three sprayings on a brand new plot. On the the third I broadcasted, rolled and sprayed. Added plot start when planting and plot boost a few weeks later. Worked great except I did end up in a battle with Marestail after the first sprayings (which is what led to three sprayings rather than two) so I need to figure something out with that this year.
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This year I did three sprayings on a brand new plot. On the the third I broadcasted, rolled and sprayed. Added plot start when planting and plot boost a few weeks later. Worked great except I did end up in a battle with Marestail after the first sprayings (which is what led to three sprayings rather than two) so I need to figure something out with that this year.
Liberty works well on marestail if you have the right conditions. Not sure what chems you were using to kill it.
Thank you! I’ll give that a shot this year. I started with just gly for a burn down which is what led to the issue. I quickly got on them with a 2,4-D/gly mix and that killed some and seemed to stunt the growth of most. I’d like to kill most this year.
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