yote vs two blade rage


New Member
I shot this coyote with the two blade rage on Sunday morning. Check out the entry and exit wounds! Yikes.


entry wound

entry and exit wound
its alot of fun shootin a yote with a bow, i cut one down the other day with a 2 blade rage and another one last mornin of early muzz with the tc at 50 yds. both weapons are rather deadly on the poor things!!
Bet its hard to walk to your stand, crossing creeks, climbing your tree..ect in those Crocs. lol

On a serious note, make sure you clean that arrow good. You don't want that to cost you a shot in the future. Trust me, had it happen.
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Nice Yote!

I do have a story about the rage blades though speaking of them...good buddy of mine is bow hunting right now in Iowa. He was convinced before the season to switch to the rage broadheads due to the insane cutting path! This last Sat. night equipped with the Rage broadheads, shot a 170" class deer behind the shoulder. The buck jumped the fence 40 yds away and he saw the arrow fall out. The deer ran another 10 yds and laid down. He could see some blood too. He left it lay until the next morning, went out and he was long gone! Found the arrow he saw fall out when it jumped the fence. One of the blades was bent and there was very little blood. Our best guess is the blade that was bent hit the shoulder stopping the arrow short of a kill shot...Lesson learned : Mechanical broadheads require you to shoot further behind the shoulder than you'd think due to the wide cutting path...he was just sick about the whole thing, and put his old Muzzy's all back on...
The best thing you can do with the rage brodheads, like any brodhead, is to not shoot the animals in the shoulder. That will solve your problems. Ive had nothing but pass throughs and great blood trails so far on three deer and two turkeys.
Lets please not start another 'rage debate.' If you don't like them, don't use them, simple as that!

Great shot and congrats!
I have shot two doe and a buck this year with the 2 blade rage.......i couldn't believe the holes it put in them. Blood trails 3 feet wide and farthest recovery distance of 50 yards. Awesome heads.