For me, I never want to shoot a buck that I think is younger than 4.5 with a bow or gun, unless there is a good reason to (i.e. need to feed my family and doe population is low, a "cull buck" (but how do you really know it's not going to be better later in life), it's health is poor and is suffering). I have shot young bucks in the past with the gun, so I don't get excited to shoot more, even with the bow. I'd rather let them grow. When I started bow hunting, I probably would have shot a large racked 3.5 yr old, mostly due to wanting to get a decent buck and not being able to age them very well (not sure I can guess exact ages now, but fairly confident if I think something is 3.5 or younger). I shot at a few deer, bucks and does, my first year but missed all so didn't fill any tags that year. I got lucky in getting a doe and a mature buck my second year, and that mature buck probably made it easier to go after mature bucks afterwards. I've shot many does in the past, a few with the bow and more with the gun, so that doesn't excite me that much either. I always think I'd like to hold out for a 5.5 yr old or older buck, but sometimes a 4.5 yr old will do if he gives the right opportunity and gets me excited. I haven't shot a deer since 2012 with the bow or gun, although there have been several opportunities for does and young bucks since then. I have let a few good bucks walk by without drawing on them or trying to get a chance at them due to thinking they need a year or two (at least one what I believed to have been a 4.5 yr old that I'm sure my family would think I was crazy to let go). I don't get to hunt as much as I'd like, and the past couple of years has been about once a week as well. But, even with the reduced time in the stand, I will hold out for mature bucks over young ones. I may take a doe one of these times to put some more meat in the freezer, but at this point I don't think I need to shoot a young buck unless it's for a reason stated above.