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Your Thoughts On Setting Buck Age Class Goals

The Silence

PMA Member
How do you guys decide each year on what age buck you are going to wait to take a shot at? I haven't been bow hunting too long so I've only shot a couple bucks. The other thing I wanted to mention is that I probably bow hunt on average 1 time a week and a little more during the rut. How do you guys balance waiting on shooting older deer with getting enough experience shooting for instance 2.5 year olds? I want to hold out to shoot a 3.5 year old or older buck but not if that means waiting 3-4 years to do so.
I don't know if I can answer it for you but I'll just say what I do. Since I have just 100 acres, and with partnership with the neighbors, we decided that 4.5yrs is the minimum age. We have lots of 2.5yr Olds, handful of 3.5yr Olds, a few stray 4.5yr Olds wandering around each year (except this year) and to our knowledge probably never a 5.5yr old. This way at 4.5, we can still have great dear. Shooting 2.5 and 3.5 is just too easy...having 5.5 or greater is an awesome bonus! Will we tag a buck every year? Nope. But completely worth it to us and WE CAN STILL HAVE FUN. This is on our personal farms that we own. We do hunt by permission and if we see big racked 3.5yr old bucks there, we'll shoot them.
New Bowhunters need to get some deer under their belt before they decide they want to be trophy hunters. Going after antlers can be a long lonesome road at times. You will personally know when its time for yourself to take the next step but until then enjoy the ride.
I didn't worry about age class my first 6 yrs of bow hunting and I probably should have waited longer. It all depends on what you want, what your area has for age structure and what personal challenge/goal you want to achieve. Keep it realistic and make sure your skills develop as you gain experience. My rule is, if I have to ask myself if I should shoot a buck, then 9 times out of 10 I should wait for a bigger deer.
Again just one person's view.... I decided early on 4.5 yrs old and 150" plus. Sometimes a cull buck. I hunt on permission and public ground. I am now 4.5 and 165" plus. I know there is a good chance each year I won't get what I'm after. Some years I don't even have target deer on cam. It's has little to do with if I get one, but if I do does it accomplish my goals and make me happy. I love the hours on stand and honestly don't care if I shoot one. I take great pride in passing quality deer, even if someone else shoots them. It's the chance I take.
That's really a question only you can answer. My initial thought is, if you're not willing to potentially go 3-4 years without tagging a buck, then start low. I haven't put my bow tag on a buck since 2010 and I'm fine with that. I'm going to be a mess when it finally does come together on a buck that's up to my standards. 4.5+ years old is my goal. As far as experience goes, get one or two doe tags every year if you can in your area. That may help.
I've been hunting all my life but fairly new to bowhunting. When I jumped in I decided that I'm only doing it for mature deer. My strategy has been simple, shoot the first mature buck that gives me the opportunity. I never hold out no matter what I have on camera. I've been satisfied with any mature buck so far but now that I have a few under my belt I might start changing my goals. I am also totally fine with not filling my tag. I think being ok with that is a big step in the right direction.
Why not just shoot a couple does each year to satisfy your hunger to shoot something? That's what I do personally. I personally just love spending time in the timber observing the rut and deer behavior. Holding out for a big one definitely leads to spending more time in the stand. To each their own but I would rather shoot a doe than have a pile of forkie antlers piled in a corner somewhere. Honestly if you get a mature 4.5+ year old type buck even every 4 years I think you're beating the odds.
For me, I never want to shoot a buck that I think is younger than 4.5 with a bow or gun, unless there is a good reason to (i.e. need to feed my family and doe population is low, a "cull buck" (but how do you really know it's not going to be better later in life), it's health is poor and is suffering). I have shot young bucks in the past with the gun, so I don't get excited to shoot more, even with the bow. I'd rather let them grow. When I started bow hunting, I probably would have shot a large racked 3.5 yr old, mostly due to wanting to get a decent buck and not being able to age them very well (not sure I can guess exact ages now, but fairly confident if I think something is 3.5 or younger). I shot at a few deer, bucks and does, my first year but missed all so didn't fill any tags that year. I got lucky in getting a doe and a mature buck my second year, and that mature buck probably made it easier to go after mature bucks afterwards. I've shot many does in the past, a few with the bow and more with the gun, so that doesn't excite me that much either. I always think I'd like to hold out for a 5.5 yr old or older buck, but sometimes a 4.5 yr old will do if he gives the right opportunity and gets me excited. I haven't shot a deer since 2012 with the bow or gun, although there have been several opportunities for does and young bucks since then. I have let a few good bucks walk by without drawing on them or trying to get a chance at them due to thinking they need a year or two (at least one what I believed to have been a 4.5 yr old that I'm sure my family would think I was crazy to let go). I don't get to hunt as much as I'd like, and the past couple of years has been about once a week as well. But, even with the reduced time in the stand, I will hold out for mature bucks over young ones. I may take a doe one of these times to put some more meat in the freezer, but at this point I don't think I need to shoot a young buck unless it's for a reason stated above.
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I can eat 2 deer. Not enough does around my area to take 2 though. So I take one... A ton of yearlings this year and last. Only 3- 2 yr olds I have seen after 78 hrs bow hunting. Not one 3yr old seen. One beyond ears buck running a doe across the field during rut. I am waiting for 3 yr or better, but time is about up. Most bucks gone under ground now. I have only 40 acres. I have taken 4 yrs and better bucks though past 3 yrs. Great for my area. Which many call poor. I care less for horn. I like older because they have Survived my neighbors. More meat on em...But I must wonder where all the yearlings end up? I should see more 2s,and,3s..I think neighbors are less picky.
New Bowhunters need to get some deer under their belt before they decide they want to be trophy hunters. Going after antlers can be a long lonesome road at times. You will personally know when its time for yourself to take the next step but until then enjoy the ride

Great advice Ishi...sometimes I notice my deer hunting friends (including myself), can take things to the extremes. Setting up lots of restrictions in regards to age, score, etc. I believe for many of us, it is a continuing adventure where we strive to become better hunters and achieve loftier goals. Most important is that you KEEP IT FUN! Do what works for you on your journey.
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