Youth Hunting Age, Opinions & Thoughts on when to start


Staff member
Hey guys, not meant to have my opinion here, honestly just constructive discussion. Opinions are fine, just want some constructive feedback. My boy is 4 & 1/2 years old. My nephew, who is disabled & got him set up with crossbow is 10. My other nephews are 1-5 years old (a whole crew of killers coming! ;) ).

I was just thinking....
Is there a "psychological" "best age" to introduce a kid to deer hunting? I have NO IDEA. In very basic common sense discussion, I mean, are there maturity things folks need to consider and to what degree? Thinking out loud here. I don't know.

Is it smarter to introduce a kid to hunting with other stuff like: small game, target practice, being outdoors shed hunting or outdoors in general, etc? I don't know this either. I'd probably venture to guess most just do this anyways. Most kids are almost always gonna start out with dad or friends being outdoors doing other stuff BUT just mentioning. Starting with small game would be the thought maybe I'd go with possibly.

Nothing will change and I'm not advocating it. I believe you could have a kid shoot a deer at 4, which my boy then could do. No way would I have him do it BUT I suppose he could. I'm inclined to wait to see his interest level and maybe start with squirrels in 3-5 years from now, dunno? I know he can't sit still for 5 minutes so we're a long ways away.

I have buddies who I think have kids 6, 7, 8 or so that have killed deer. Cool. Don't know if that's for my kids or nephews, etc or not? Maybe they will define that more than I will. Don't have a thing against it, so please don't mis-understand. I also totally get- no 2 kids are the same. One might be great at 7 to start and another not until he's 17. Totally get it. Any age-range thoughts though. IN GENERAL, is there an age when it's "too young"?

I started at 12 or 13, small game. Couple years later I did deer, 14 or 15 I think. It was a perfect transition for me. But that's just me. Me and my bro tried forcing my younger bro to hunt for 2 years. It backfired. He hated it. Then, 2 years after that, he was about 18, something popped, he wanted to go out, got his 1st buck, now he's a lunatic like the rest of us. It's weird how he wouldn't even consider enjoying it until, in his case 18. Heck, we even tried recruiting my own dad (city boy) at maybe 45 years old. That one FOR SURE didn't work out ;) 2 times out and he went back to the car both times, hated it. So, some people it's not for them PERIOD. I get it.

I mean, what is your thoughts though.... As young as when they seem genuinely engaged & interested? Start small game 1st? Not push them as it can backfire? Do you think there's a generic age that's too young or not? LESSONS YOU VETARAN DAD'S OR MENTORS OF THE PAST HAVE LEARNED, Etc, etc? Just having constructive thought on how I am going to approach a mob of little rascals that will be coming of age in the next decade. I want them to love it like I do so I won't push it on them. But, what's your thoughts, opinions, rationale & feelings on the matter in constructive terms? Thanks!
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My boys did the small game hunts around 10-11, then started deer at 12.

Some families are starting earlier now? With today's blinds and 20 GA. I guess I don't blame them.
My nephew couldn't stop talking about deer hunting last year at 7. Lots of target practice and anticipation. Got a doe right in front of him and the moment of truth he says "no you shoot it." I can't say exactly why but clearly he wasn't ready
Depends on the kid. My closest friend had his boy killing deer by 6. He is 13 now and has a pile in the 150s or better and a 183 last year with a bow.
Skip every kids different and every situation is different. Owen started sitting with me at age 3 in blinds watching me shoot does he was able sit still and be quiet and had the drive to do it earlier than most. He got to see some great hunts with lots of animals that fueled his desire. I first started him on really windy days knowing if he did make some noise it wouldn't be a big deal. He was about 5 1/2 when he first sat behind the gun but he was ready. He was well practiced with his BB gun and a .22 and never actually shot the lightly loaded muzzleloader until he was deer hunting that first night and made a great shot. He also practiced with plenty of dry fires on primers through the muzzleloader he had all the mechanics down without any recoil. We would play hunting videos and he would tell me when to stop the video and then he would show me where he was going to shoot. I really think all that practice went long ways. I think when Charlie and your nephews are ready you will just know it. I also think deer hunting is the safest easiest way to get them started if you have private land and blinds. First off he won't be walking around with a gun in his hand loaded. Second more than likely he will be hunting game that isn't moving around much or running. Get some electronic ear muffs so you can give instructions and talk about what's going on they'll go a long ways towards keeping everything safe . The gun gets pointed out the window put on a rest before the safety gets turned off. I truly believe that's the safest way to go and easiest way to start.i'll bet you'd be surprised as soon as the first one gets going how much others will want to do it as well so wait for that first one to have interest do it right and I bet it will fuel the fire of the rest of the kids but definitely don't push it when it happens it happens.
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So my son and daughter started at 6 and 8 on turkeys due to that was the first season open after they expressed they wanted to go. In my head, like Central Iowa said I thought it would be one of the safest ways for them to hunt. We were fortunate enough to hunt private so I was able to have a blind, heater, gun rest and chairs already in place. So then I just had to worry about getting them and the gun to the blind. I always try to make it as fun and special each time we go out. When they have harvested an animal, we make a special point when we eat it to thank them for providing food for the family.

Then this deer season, my daughter who is 10 and got a deer last year decided she doesn't want to hunt to deer hunt this year. I am fine with that and told her if she changes her mind to let me know and I would love to go spend some time with here. IF she changes her mind great, if not that is great also.
Like you stated every kid is different. My dad introduced us young. We would sit with him in his home made treestands when we were four. I don't know why but I fell in love. I can't speak to my maturity level but I harvested my first deer when I was 6 and would get a bow tag instead of a youth tag when the youths were only allowed 16 days. I walked in on my own,climbed on my own,and hunted alone. It helped that our timber was only 400 yards out Mom and Dad's backdoor and it was a place I spent a lot of time with my dad. Each child is different but I hope to get mine involved early when that time comes. It is a much better experience than sitting in front of some gaming console and there is many life lessons to be learned in the outdoors.
Each kid is different and how they are raised I think plays a role as well. I don't recall the exact age but I would chase sparrows and starlings all day long with my BB and pellet guns. Progressed to small game, turkey then deer. 1st deer hunt was when I was 9 and killed my first when 10. I was fully ready. I see many kids much younger hunting these days which is fine by me but often wonder how many of them really grasp what is going on. I would imagine some do and others don't but the parents push it on them.

My daughter is 6 and extremely smart for her age. I took her in the turkey blind when she was 5 and killed a bird in front of her. She handled it very well and really wanted to go do that. She wants to sit in the deer blind with me this fall at 6. She is nowhere near ready to hunt though but I am loving that she wants to at least go out. I got her a little bow and she is shooting it. She doesnt like shooting at targets but loves flinging them out in the yard. The only part I didn't like though when I shot that bow bird in front of her is she said it was funny when it was out in the field flapping. It was basically dying and there is nothing funny about that. She didn't grasp what we had just done.

My son is 2.5 and his motor skills are much more advanced than hers were at that age. I could see by the time he is 6, he will be able to shoot a bb gun well and bow. We will see. Everyone is different but I am going to take them out as much as I can if they want to and not going to force it on them.

I am just a parent always learning though. The kids didn't come with an instruction manual. Gotta go with what you think is best for your kid.
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To me, it is like any other hobby I like. I present it to my son and until he is "coachable" and truly shows an interest I don't stress over it or push something on him. I remember as a child my dad pushing trap shooting on me. I have never like it.........I don't want that for my son. At the same time, if he doesn't take an interest in hunting ever or shooting a bow, or sports that is OK. Just last night I asked my 4 year old to go golfing with me he always likes to go and play around on the greens, wash golf balls, pick flowers, etc. This was the first time he legitimately wanted to play and asked me next time to bring his clubs. I was beyond excited. So, I think you introduce them to it, let them in on bits and pieces of the activity and slowly see if their interest grows.
My oldest son is also 4.5 yrs old. My plan is to get him shooting a bow, he is very excited to get a diamond atomic and start shooting. I want him to go along with me when he wants and observe wildlife and someday I hope he will ask me to hunt himself. My plan is to have him wait til he can shoot enough # with a bow to actually hunt. I am not against guns, I learned on guns first myself. But, I want him to go basic first, if he wants to in the time I will support what he wants. My dad never took me hunting as he wasn't a hunter so I learned it all by trial and error. I hope to let him learn on his own more and help him when he asks for it. No video games in the blind for me either.
My 5 year pounded a gobbler last spring and is going for a deer now. went out for our first hunt last night and had deer out of range until it was too dqrk. Boy was he excited!
My youngest age is 7 but they have to prove to me that they can shoot good. Also set limits to shot distance we don't shoot over 50 yds. with the muzz.
I got my son a BB gun when he turned 4. We spent the next 4 years learning the fundamentals of shooting and safe gun handling. He got a .22 in the meantime and continued to practice. He became a very good shot. Last summer he expressed an interest in deer hunting, we borrowed a 20 gauge and he shot a button buck. He then expressed an interest in turkey hunting and killed a great Tom! He just recently shot a young doe. His first successful harvests are my favorite hunting memories!
I never got taught any type of hunting when I was younger. Had a pellet gun at 8 and killed some birds. Wish I would have started earlier. Had to learn everything by trial and error. My daughter is 3.5 yrs old. Always says she wants to go hunting with daddy when I leave to bow hunt. Great enthusiasm but after fishing with her this summer at least once every couple of weeks and catching a few she is ready to go home. But still gonna take her out and shoot some tree rats before I start bow hunting. She says she wants to, we'll see how that goes. That's how I cut my teeth in the hunting world with my best friend at 14, and besides bow hunting still my favorite game to pursue!
I don't know. I guess it's dependent on the kid. I've taken my kids with me duck hunting since they were 3 or 4. Easy, fun, they can screw around and only have to be still and quite when birds are working. The move to the Turkey and deer woods was tougher. My oldest killed his first deer at ten, my second will go duck hunting but has no interest in deer hunting and my youngest, age 6, is going to try sitting with me in a deer stand during the early season. I am thinking of getting him his first Turkey tag next spring.
There's something nice about being out with a hunter where every deer that's seen is most likely a shooter.
My oldest is now 15 and a bit more picky with is tag. I got him an antlerless tag for this season so he will shoot a doe. We eat a few deer a year and what he kills I won't. He has also finally spent the summer committed to becoming proficient with his bow so he will be hunting bow season this year which he is really excited about.
My wife was asking me when I'm going to take the youngest. She wanted me to take him this year. Some of our friends with kids the same age have been killing deer for a couple years. I have seen how these hunts go. Faces stuck in an Ipad to keep them quite until daddy says it's time to shoot. Maybe I'm a hard ass but that's not hunting to me and not how I want to introduce my kids to hunting. I also want my kids to appreciate everything that goes into hunting. Things like patience and self control. I'm sorry but I've seen several 5 year olds standing over their first deer and not even realizing what they've just done. I also wonder if they will even have a clear memory of it.
My dad didn't hunt. I learned everything on my own and deer hunting always seemed the pinnacle of hunting skill. My first deer did not come easy and my first mature buck was harder still. Of course a large part of that was because I refused to do it with a gun. I guess I want my kids to take steps.
Sorry for the ramble and if I offended anyone. Great thing is we live in a country, and in this state, where the decision to start your kids hunting is left to the parent.
I agree with all of above posts. None of which offend me for sure. I also started with no parents that hunted & really no one I knew hunted. Grew up in town and did get a BB gun & whacked a few birds, a squirrel later on, etc. Got obsessed with catching frogs, turtles & snakes and I loved being outdoors. I really think that lead me into hunting. Every day in the summer, me and friends & bros (if not playing sports) would load up nets & buckets and take our bikes out of town. Come back and fill the kiddy pool and our bathtub & aquariums up with frogs, turtles and snakes. My mom loved it! Ha. She also appreciated when her friends came to swim in our pool that often had a 30 lbs snapping turtle in it! Or when the snakes got loose in house.
The second I knew I could keep going outdoors by using my pellet gun on squirrels- to this day I still remember being more excited than u could ever imagine. Sitting in the woods waiting. That was maybe 12-13. So nervous I remember missing 2-5 of 1st squirrels I was shaking so bad. Saw my 1st deer in woods squirrel hunting. Couple years later after shooting bow at church camp, realized I knew I could use a bow to go after those deer I saw squirrel hunting. Upgraded to a $200 Darton Bow and started walking around. A year later- my 1st deer. "And now u know the rest of the story"
Man, great memories but I got into it late. Think 1st buck & deer period I was 14-15.
I think now I'm going to make my boy start on over run public land like I had to so he doesn't get spoiled ;). What's crazy to me- for me, somehow I could go 5 days without even seeing a deer (cause it was both: that bad of hunting and I was that bad of a hunter) and on the 6th day when I saw a deer- omg, what an experience. I want my kids & nephews to have those fun memories & excitement & appreciation for hunting and being outdoors.
Some of our friends with kids the same age have been killing deer for a couple years. I have seen how these hunts go. Faces stuck in an Ipad to keep them quite until daddy says it's time to shoot. Maybe I'm a hard ass but that's not hunting to me and not how I want to introduce my kids to hunting. I also want my kids to appreciate everything that goes into hunting. Things like patience and self control. I'm sorry but I've seen several 5 year olds standing over their first deer and not even realizing what they've just done. I also wonder if they will even have a clear memory of it.
My dad didn't hunt. I learned everything on my own and deer hunting always seemed the pinnacle of hunting skill. My first deer did not come easy and my first mature buck was harder still. Of course a large part of that was because I refused to do it with a gun. I guess I want my kids to take steps.
I couldn't agree more. Great take.
Depends on the kid. My closest friend had his boy killing deer by 6. He is 13 now and has a pile in the 150s or better and a 183 last year with a bow.

Agree completely. My daughter is 7 1/2 and I haven't even thought about introducing it to her because she just needs more maturity imo. Her cousin is the same age and started this youth season and took to it fairly well. My dad started me (small game) at 10 and 13 (deer). I didn't blame him one bit either, as I look back I needed the time to appreciate hunting and more so appreciate the the weapon of choice and how to handle it well and to also realize what it could do.

So.....each individual person is different imo.

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