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Youth Licenses

The way I read it they want their 9 day season back before the adult start hunting???

Agree. I thought moving from 9 days to 3 but allowing the tag to be good the rest of the 35 days was a great compromise. Both of those happened last year. Part of the reason to shortened it was they also moved up the starting dates of all seasons as that was a big topic at the DNR listening sessions. Keeping it at 9 days would put youth starting in March. I think what they have now is a good plan.
  • Deleted by zvholk
The bill passed out of the full Natural Resources and Environment Committee then was reassigned to the Ways and Means Committee and was passed out of the subcommittee yesterday. It still needs to pass the full committee then be debated by the Senate and if passed it would still need to go through the same process in the House. Even if this bill does pass it wouldn't take affect until next year's tags. Unless there are fall youth tags then it might be in effect for them this year. It is a Ways and Means bill so it will be alive through out the legislative session. In other words, this bill is funnel exempt.

There was a fiscal analysis done on the affects/effects of this bill on the FWTF here is a link to the report: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/FN/1038232.pdf For those of you that are "click adverse" the FWTF will lose 0ver 300K/yr. They predict an uptick in sales but not nearly enough to make up the difference.

I'm going off the reservation here a little bit but there is a movement by a couple of Senators to take as much money away from the DNR as possible. This is one of those bills wrapped in the flag of "For the Youth".

Affect and effect, the correct usage has always baffled me. No matter how many times I google usage of those words I can't keep it straight.
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