I'm looking to buy a youth Muzzleloader in the next couple of weeks and was woundering what everybody was using? I was looking at the Knight littlehorn, and the CVA wolf compact.
Bought a CVA Wolf for my Grandson last year. Easy to use and easy to clean. Killed his 1st whitetail with it. Came with a Konus scope and case. Seems to be a quality gun, and we have no complaints.
Bought my daughter the knight littlehorn for her birthday this year. Put a Nikon Omega scope on it this week. Going to go to the range tomorrow afternoon and try it out. Seems like a pretty well made rifle.
Picked up a TC impact last year for my 11 yr old son. He is a little on the small side for his age and it fitr him really well. Very nice gun, and it was not to expensive. Shoots really well too. I sighted it in at 100 yards for me and took a buck last year at 125 yards with it myself during shotgun season.
My first muzzy was a CVA Wolf I got when I was a kid. I just got rid of it last year to upgrade to the optima, but it was still a great shooting gun. Just wanted something a bit bigger.
I got my son a Traditions Pursuit Ultralight XLT when he was 8. He shot his first buck with it at 60 yards that year. Shooting 60 grains of Blackhorn with 250gr Hornady SST's it's very accurate out to 75 yards with almost no recoil.
My daughter was so enamored with his gun she picked it up and hunted with it through the rest of that season and took her first deer as well @ age 13. She now owns an identical gun and can easily handle 90 grains of powder. Both guns are topped with Nikon Omega's and the kids love shooting them.
I bought my kids a pro hunter last year but to be honest they prefer the Knights better, I cut down the stocks about two inches and it fits them perfect
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