You really spoiled the kid now, letting him shoot a big deer like that. Now he thinks he's gonna get a buck that size every year. Jeez........................Some dad you are.......
On a side note we did see two differnt sets of bucks sparring that night, and on Friday night while out glassing some fields we seen a nice buck chasing a doe like the rut was in full swing. He was completey dogging her and literally came withing 30 yards or so of us two different times. I have never seen a buck chasing a doe that hard unless the doe was in esterous. Could this even be possible that a doe came in this early ?
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I watched a buck stir up a large group of does the other night. He was running around nose out like he was checking them all.
I enjoy spoiling him !!!reminds me of when I was a kid and it was neat to even see tracks. I couldnt imagine seeing 9 bucks in the same year much less 9 on the same field back then. We are living the good old days right now !!
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