My nephew was in the area of the “giant 6” 2 nights in a row. Saw him 2 nights in a row. As well as this old brute. The big 6 never gave a close shot. My bro was sitting with him & said “there’s an 8 out here I have no clue which deer but he’s 100% FULLY mature & Dieken gonna shoot if chance on either deer”. The 8 got it the 2nd night & we think it’s a deer that used to be on neighbor & at least 6-7 years old. It was standing next to a stud 150’s 3 year old when he shot it. Perfect shot. Huge body & a maxed out deer that likely would be beating the crap out of younger bucks soon here. My nephew, Dieken, was/is stoked. Proud of my man! Got most the kiddos to help find him & load him up….
Our next target…. The big 6

Our next target…. The big 6