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You've got to read this....

Old Buck

Life Member
There is an 'interesting' story by Marc Hansen in the Metro & Iowa section of the Des Moines Register today, October 14, 2003. Maybe someone can get a link to it. He discusses the death of the Albia buck and comments made by 'a wildlife artist' in an earlier article by Julie Probasco-Sowers.

The following phrase in the first sentence gives you a strong clue about the perspective of the writer...."the deer (Albia buck) that was finally cut down by a teenager with a muzzleloader".

Once you've read the article I'd be very interested in hearing comments and discussion from iowawhitetailers.

Old Buck ('a wildlife artist')
It's an "interesting" read for sure. I do believe there is some confusion as to who has the "disconnect" though.

I'm sure I can understand how you feel being brought into this twisted tale.
I agree with Chris. It does have to burn a hole in your stomach. It simply amazes me that one would use a reference to a childrens book in an article they want to be taken seriously.
Even though he say's he's not anti hunting, he sure qualifies where he stands after that. He sounds like he lives in the fantasy land of his favorite book and never quite made it out of his liberal college mindset.
This guy should run for the Iowa City City Council. He'd fit right in. The reason the old tree died was the stag mercilessly rubbed its antlers against it stripping away all it's bark.

The 'Bonker
Talk about disconnected, real life vs. a fairy tale?

"Often those closest to the wild world marvel most at it's majesty".

what a freaking limpwristed fruitcake....does this guy actually live in iowa???? Sounds a lot like a hilary clinton-sanfranscico spin to me!!!!
He's right...don't bother sending him angry emails because he'll never get it. He doesn't want to.

I think this guy has consumed and smoked too much wild seven leaf "Parsley". Is he for real??? Makes you wonder which mental institution he received his journalism degree at. Enough said!!!!
First off Old Buck I am in simple awe of your artwork.
Second everyone is entitled to there opinion, but that is just what that is. I entirely disagree with what he has said and am not sure what his idea of an "anti-hunting crusader" is.
Sure sounds like one to me. Lets all go out and give him some more "legends" to write about!
I'm surprised this made the front page of the metro section of a NEWSpaper. It doesn't seem to have any news just bleeding heart opinion. Thats what the DSM register seems to be these days an opinion column for the left that publishes more opinion than news.
He might not ever get it but we can still bombard him with e-mail. Just a thought. Then again, why bother?

Oh my gosh! I can appreciate and understand what "the artist" has said but I do not get where this newspaper guy is coming from. I feel the same way OLB BUCK. This guy just doesn't get it.
just more typical bull crap from the register. they have a couple outdoor writers, and the rest of the paper is usually leaning toward the anti's, peta, and gun grabbers. since he stated that he doesn't understand it, why in the hell is he writing about it. i don't understand how nuclear fission works, and i damn well don't try to discuss it. he might not read anrgy emails on the topic, but somebody will read calls to the 2 cents worth column, and letters to the editor.
I COULD PUKE!!!! He's using the same type of rationale that the state reps did when voting on the dove hunting season, fantasy = reality to these people.
Gotta question the sanity of a man who quotes a children's story in an adult column. If he is not a anti-hunter, I'm not quite sure what his point was.
Wow! I hate to be a name caller but what an idiot!!! A legend is a legend, dead or alive. Babe Ruth is still a legend as much as Chris Lane and Old Buck! The bad thing with guys like this is that in there twisted little mind the deer has been served some injustice. It is probably okay in his mind to kill a unborn child and call it a choice but to kill a animal is not fair. Kind of backwards to me but what do I know I'm just some backwards thinking blood thirsty deer slayer!
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