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Zumbo the idiot.


I have been guilty of this from time to time, so I am not pointing at anyone directly when I say this.

But, sometimes it pays to show a little humility on a website. We often come across brash when we discuss something of great personal importance.

Remember, other posters can't see you and it easy to convey a message that is possibly somewhat different or certainly with a different emphasis than maybe one intends. I use a lot of sarcasm when I speak and I have been called out on it before when a reader thought I was bashing them. When in fact, it was just the opposite message I was trying to send.

There are always two or more viewpoints on any issue. Often times coming from different levels of how we perceive an issue. I try to remember this when I post, but I am not always successful.

I hope others will try to post with the same type of consideration. I think this site is likely the best on the net when it comes to keeping bashers at bay, but this post is starting to go the wrong way.

Hope everyone found some sheds this weekend.
Re: Etiquete!

sorry this got out of hand, i just dont see any sense in "Trampling on a man's grave" he has to live with the consequences, its not our place to judge. i think he fully realizes what he did and would like to rectify it. i strongly disagree with condeming him as a hunter.
i wont make any other comments on this issue.
Re: Etiquete!

I bet ole Jim is wishing he went with the story that someone got on his computer and posted that blog and not him. Deny...Deny...Deny. What anti assault weapons statements? Wasn't me.

The guy is now a poster child for the anti-assault gun cause. Outdoor Life and Remington Arms did the right thing. Being a hunter and a gun owner he has been taught, as we all have, to never put down another persons legal way of hunting. Bowhunters badmouthing gunhunters, bear spot and stalk hunters bashing the bear baiter or the dog bear hunter; traditional bowhunters bashing compound bowhunters. Traditional Muzzleloaders bashing the inline muzzleloaders. Bolt action rifle hunters bashing the semi- auto or AR user. The lists go on. We as hunters, are our own worst enemies, when it comes to laws being implemented and rights taken away. Hunting is the only viable way to maintain healthy animal pops. and it is also a billion dollar industry. Hunting is here to stay, but when a hunter makes a comment about a certain type of rifle, like a famous hunter like Jim Zumbo did, that right to own these AR's and semi-auto guns legally, can be threatened immediately. The legislators take his comments to heart because he is a so called "expert" in the gun/ hunting world.
Re: Etiquete!

Zumbo stepped up and apologized, AFTER he and his promoters received several complaints. Don’t think it had a lot to do with being a man, had a lot to do with trying to save his reputation, and appease his promoters and the gun industry. Zumbo made a huge mistake, and yes he will pay for it personally, however, as I have said, the rest of us will also pay for his "foot in mouth" statements. Think about it, do you really believe that if his words only hurt himself that there would be this huge public outcry? Think about what he did and how most gun supporters have reacted.

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i don't care how old you are, you hit the nail square on the head.

zumbo wrote those comments, to be taken as his true beliefs on his blog. if he TRUELY meant those words, then he should have defended them. his appology rings false, just to try to save face. i don't give a crap how old you are, if you spend your entire life traveling the globe hunting, you damn well know that those comments were going to raise the ire of MANY hunters, and feed the anti-gun propaganda machine. i commend every one of his former sponsors that dropped him, and hope he is put out to pasture. i hope to never see his face on tv or in a magazine
Re: Etiquete!

I know I've Jim Zumbo'd on different topics in my short 27years on earth...meaning I've said things without thinking all the way through, and I've said things that after I thought about them I didn't really believe in.

When you reach that kind of celebrity status, you're poked and prodded with your every move and every word. Jim has been in this status for several years, look at his resume of articles and whatnot. For him to say "I'll go so far as to call them TERRORIST-weapons" is what I call CAREER-SUICIDE. With his experience and "so-called" expertise he should have known the results from such comments.

I've had, what would be called an AK-47, even though it's actually an SKS. (7.62X39 to be exact)...I guess in reality it's my dad's gun, but I've used that gun for the past 10 years to hunt coyote. So I would say my opinion on this situation is well rooted, considering I'm not a terrorist.
zumbo is a moron, always was. somewhere along the line here, he has proven himself an idiot. either by writing an article, on which he knew absolutely NOTHING about, and forming an opinion based on his total lack of knowledge, or by his lame ass appology, now that he has taken some much negative critiscism. now, he will align himself with uncle ted, to try to redeem himself in the eyes of the hunting public. i wish ted would slap the taste outa his mouth.
zumbo's "heartfelt" appology has less to do with his "change of opinion" and everything to do with his loss of sponsorship dollars.

guy is a tool, and deserves to be lumped together with jimmy houston, troy gentry, wold hunting assoc, and the like.

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I agree with everything you said there T. Especially the part about Zumbo being a tool. LOL. I love it.

Here is my coyote rifle. Mine is the top 24" model. It is a perfect varmint hunting rifle and is even called the Varmint EOP .223. It will out shoot most bolt action rifles on the market, or as good as any of them in the accuracy dept. It is discriminated strictly by its' appearance. Zumbo lived and breathed guns and had to of known about these when he made his comments. He simply just doesn't like them based on appearance only and thought that he would show the world just what he thought. Well, we showed him just what we thought about his damaging remarks toward gun owners of America.So did Remington, OLN, and all of his sponsors.

Here is my coyote rifle. Mine is the top 24" model. It is a perfect varmint hunting rifle and is even called the Varmint EOP .223. It will out shoot most bolt action rifles on the market, or as good as any of them in the accuracy dept. It is discriminated strictly by its' appearance. Zumbo lived and breathed guns and had to of known about these when he made his comments. He simply just doesn't like them based on appearance only and thought that he would show the world just what he thought. Well, we showed him just what we thought about his damaging remarks toward gun owners of America.So did Remington, OLN, and all of his sponsors.

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Sweet Rifle.
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