Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. H

    Sunflowers in early fall food plot mix?

    Has anybody included sunflowers in their early fall food plot mixes. When I have planted them in the spring the deer tend to decimate them. I was considering putting them in a mix with forage peas or soybeans and possibly crimson clover.
  2. H

    Controlling giant goldenrod in newly drilled Switchgrass

    It appears I have created a very favorable environment for giant goldenrod to thrive in my new 7 acre switchgrass planting. The area was fall sprayed with gly, seed was drilled in late Nov, applied 4-5 qts of atrazine in early April, and sprayed gly again about May 1st. The only green now is a...
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