Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Doe Harvests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Excellent points! This is the beutey of online forums, get every different angle. Maybe its NOT agreat idea for everyones style of hunting. My personal feelings are that the stata has it somewhat backwards. The part I think that is backwards is you are obligated to buy an anysex tag first, then you get doe tags from there on out. This MAKES you (If you want to hold out for a buck) buy two $26 tags right off the get go. It appears to be a revenue issue too me. Maybe I look at it wrong, but if the state wants the doe population in check, maybe they could offer the doe tag first, or at least make it an option.

You make valid points, and your right not everyone cares about qdm. But, we are not here to persuade everybody nor is qdm. QDM is for people who want to be involved in management. They get enjoyment out of planting, or planning and seeing results. It gives whitetail fanatics an option to be involved in deer all season long.

I and many other people involved in QDM accept the fact that everyone is not going to be involved.

I practice QDM and will continue to get the message out to whoever is interested. Like you said, this site is full of dedicated hunters. If they want to get involved or learn about QDM this forum is a good starting point.

I don't think that the DNR will change their license system unless doe harvests fall drastically. The last two years have been record doe harvests so it's apparent that their campaign is working.

Good points on all sides. One of the reasons I've always been nervous about the "earn a buck" program is the number of button bucks it will take out. Let's face it, if a guy is out there to take a trophy, but has to shoot an antlerless deer before he can get the buck tag, the first animal by him without antlers is in trouble. I shoot alot of does, but work very hard to make sure it's never a button buck. If it cost me a chance at a dandy buck, I'd be more than just a little upset. To each his own.

Good points by all.

Back to the original question asked -> We were out over this last weekend - one of the group filed two doe tags.

I still have two antlerless only I hope to fill.
Been getting another new doe tag after each one I shoot. More than likely will end up stuck with one left over by the end of season, but I will have some meat!! I dont mind it anyway for the hours of enjoyment I will get out having them. Two does and counting.
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