Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Trailer Buck

That is a heck of a set up...hard to believe that I would ever think of something like that honestly. Sounds like your Dad is set up in a great area to keep seeing deer. Congrats on a fine deer to him!
Great buck, and a huge congratulations to the hunter! Now I know what I'm going to do when I can't/don't want to climb my ladder stand any more...
Love the setup, great buck too! :way: Now all he needs is an underground tunnel down to the trailer. :D

With that bloodtrail, what was he using for a broadhead?
Everything about that story is bad a**!! Congrats to your dad for finding a way to keep getting it done and to continue to enjoy the sport he loves so much.
With that bloodtrail, what was he using for a broadhead?

Good question...one that I don't know the answer to. I know he's too cheap to spend $15 a piece for Rages, so who knows. :D Maybe if he checks in here he'll let us know.

Not real sure how to do this, so if it is all screwed up please excuse. In answer to Davier broadhead question, I have been using G5 Outdoors T3 expandable with 1 1/2" cutting dia. Special tks to son NWBuck for posting & to all the many congrats/comments. My hope is that you have the opportunity to enjoy many years of hunting & outdoor activity. FYI -- the trailer hunting happened without planning. Fall 2008 several deer were somewhat near the backed in trailer at that location. It is morning & not to light yet, so after looking closer my wife & I realized one deer was a massive antlered buck (largest we have seen on the hoof). It was like "Bang" turn that trailer around & hunt. For concealment a Double Bull Matrix fit nicely. My wife deer hunts with bow & muzzleloader & was not hunting on this day. With a spotting scope, she got to see it all develope on 11-16-12. At first she thot the buck spooked then realized the buck was on its final run. Tks again to all.
Not real sure how to do this, so if it is all screwed up please excuse. In answer to Davier broadhead question, I have been using G5 Outdoors T3 expandable with 1 1/2" cutting dia. Special tks to son NWBuck for posting & to all the many congrats/comments. My hope is that you have the opportunity to enjoy many years of hunting & outdoor activity. FYI -- the trailer hunting happened without planning. Fall 2008 several deer were somewhat near the backed in trailer at that location. It is morning & not to light yet, so after looking closer my wife & I realized one deer was a massive antlered buck (largest we have seen on the hoof). It was like "Bang" turn that trailer around & hunt. For concealment a Double Bull Matrix fit nicely. My wife deer hunts with bow & muzzleloader & was not hunting on this day. With a spotting scope, she got to see it all develope on 11-16-12. At first she thot the buck spooked then realized the buck was on its final run. Tks again to all.

Thanks for the info and major congrats on the buck! You should think about contacting the broadhead manufacturer and doing an ad for them! :D
No doubt about it, the best harvest post I've read in a long time! Congrats to you...simply awesome, just awesome!
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