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Good Drop Away rest

I had the Quality Archery Designs drop away, it looks just like the Rip Cord. Froze up on me when it got cold (and it was a new rest). Switched to Trophy Taker, don't dare to switch back- Simple is better in my instance.
Oh yeah, it froze up when I had a 180" deer at 8 yards, I promise that's when it happened AND the 1st time I had noticed it, of course it would go like that right!??!?
MOhunter I used a trophy taker on my Mathews with good success but it didn't work as good on my Guardian so I ended up with the limb saver rest and it works great. Very quite and as easy to set up as a trophy taker. One little thing I really like about the limb saver rest is that you don't have to put anything on the prongs to make your draw quite. Whatever that stuff is they use for the prongs makes no noise when you pull the arrow across it.

Sorry I'm a little late on the post.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BWJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone use the TT full containment yet (side slot or top slot) ?? </div></div>

Brent, i have the side slot and love it!! the only down fall with the other Tropy Takers was the noise, this rest totally eliminates that.

Cats Meow if you ask me!!!
I've used the Whisperflite since 2006 and am 100% satisfied with it. Very inexpensive compared to others on the market and 100% reliable and very quiet. I bought mine used off ArcheryTalk.com to see if I liked it and have never taken it off my bow.
Thank you guys for all the great comments have had to put some up grades on hold for a while because of new hard wook floor going into the house.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BWJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone use the TT full containment yet (side slot or top slot) ??</div></div>

I've been having good results with the TT full containment. No issues thus far with contact and blazers.

Definitely get the top load. Way better IMO. Side load works but it's kindof a bi!!h getting your arrows in. Last year we were just bending them up a touch and you could slide your arrow right in. This years topload is very nice.

Great rest...

Ripcord's are great rest too.
If you usually use your bow for hunting I would go with a rip cord or a QAD rest. The QAD is nice because it doesnt go down when you relax your bow, it only goes down when you shoot. That is the only down fall of the rip cord is it drops if you have to relax the bow. If you shoot alot outside of hunting I would go with the Phantom just because you dont have to click it up. I think it is pointless to go to a non full containment drop away when they are just as good if not better than the traditional drop aways. All in all why waste your money on something that is not full containment.
Another vote for the Trophy Taker full containment. Very quiet and there is no way your arrow is ever going to fall out. Mine is the side load, which doesnt bother me at all, but I'd probably get the top load if I bought another.
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