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Gravity Wagon Blind

Brett Morris

PMA Member
A buddy and I have been working on our latest project the past couple weeks. Pretty happy with how it's turning out. Our biggest goal was having a mobile blind for youth season and our wives, and those frigid days during late muzzleloader for ourselves ;) a few pictures to show the progress. Entry is pretty slick: we made the grain chute a little bigger, laid a 2x4 ladder down on the inside, and then a trap door in the floor, which leaves lots if storage space inside as well. Almost 15' to the peak.
Very nice work! I like that it is elevated so much. I may have to adopt your idea when I get ready to build one myself.
Looks good. I'd be a bit worried about a cross wind. I'd tie it down if it were mine. Just a friendly suggestion.
Looks good. I'd be a bit worried about a cross wind. I'd tie it down if it were mine. Just a friendly suggestion.

I was thinking the same thing. Install tie downs and a motor and you will be good to go.
Nice looking setup. I saw one similar on iowasportsman forum and he made some metal rods that swung out from all 4 corners, then he staked them to the ground for stability. Should add some flat shelves by your ladder to lay stuff on while getting in. I go through the floor to my blind and make several trips up the ladder to get my stuff in before closing the door. I also have a plastic tube that goes to the ground with a funnel so you don't have to go outside.
That thing looks slick and I think the deer will adapt real quick. What did you use for windows?

All the materials have been recycled from my buddies post-frame company so we used single-pane windows, knowing it might be a battle keeping them from fogging up.

The wind has been a concern and we settled on using ground anchors and ratchet straps on all 4 corners. It's surprisingly sturdy but I know a crosswind could get it moving in a hurry.

What's everyone's thoughts on how quickly the deer will adapt to it? Our original intent was to keep it as close to an original gravity wagon as possible but comfort/height took a higher priority during construction.
Looks good...very nice work!

We have 3 similar blinds built on old wagon frames, and if you put it out in the next week or so, you'll have deer walking past without giving it a second thought by bow opener. Good luck!

My blind is elevated and sets out in the open. I had deer tracks going by it within 4 days after I put it up when I went back for some finishing touches.
We made a blind like that but used an old steel barge box. Built a platform to go across the top the set a blind on it. but we filled the barge box halfway full of dirt.
Nice! Good idea to use tie downs, especially if it will be in an open field somewhere. I think the deer will get used to it fairly soon. Once read somewhere (not sure if it was IW) about someone that put out a box blind on the ground and deer didn't care for it, but then they put it on wheels (probably moved it too) and the deer didn't mind at all. They figured it was because it looked more like piece of farm equipment with the wheels. I've also read that the best time to hunt a stand is the day you put it out, so maybe just pull it out sit that day!

The floor of the blind is on top of the wagon sides, correct? I've thought about this idea, but putting the floor at the bottom of the straight portion of the sides, where it starts to angle down. Guess that was mainly so it wasn't quite as tall, but you were probably going for all the height you could get.

We made a blind like that but used an old steel barge box. Built a platform to go across the top the set a blind on it. but we filled the barge box halfway full of dirt.

If this was a baiting state, I might suggest some corn in the bottom...but then you'd have to redesign your entry.
We have a camera 30 yards away pointed back directly at the blind and have deer walking within 5 yards the same day we took it to the field. I was surprised with how quick they adapted.

That's correct: the blind is on top of the gravity wagon simply for additional height. We got it staked down last night which is more for peace of mind. It looks super top heavy but it's deceivingly sturdy. Less than 2 weeks until we're chasing a couple bucks during youth season out of it!
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