Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Butcher Shop

Hey there DOR, I saw some impressive butchering set ups in North Carolina this past fall while I was hunting down there. These guys kill alot of deer and size and gender doesn't matter. With so many deer coming in each morning and afternoon you have to have your act together or they will spoil. Some of the things I saw :
Instaed of a floor drain, they hosed the floor down and right out a cut out in the wall at floor level. Gondalears for hoisting the deer up as the guys mentioned before. Their walkin freezer was outside but built into an exterior wall so you could acess it from the butchering room. Stainless steel cutting board is a must for wear as well as cleaniness. A hose bib with hose and a nozzel for spraying down the floor. A laundry sink ( deep model ) with hot water availability so you can clean up your knives and tools.

Good Luck To You.
I would do most of what suggestions were made. The only suggestions I might have are to have a hole cut into the middle of your butchering table, same principle as filleting fish, to slide your scraps and trim into, bucket underneath or some type of container. Works slick on the table I use. Another good investment is a food saver that you can vacume pack your deer steaks and burger with. Saves on freezer burn!
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