Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


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I thought the regulations just stated that your couldn't have anything electronic "on your bow". I didn't realize it went farther then that.
Todd didn't start this thread so I don't think you can accuse him of advertising. He's been playing defense the whole time.
Why don't you pay for the advertising like other companies have to; instead of using a free internet forum? I don't mind seeing Lone Wolf as a sponsor on this site along with several other. I would be irritated however if they used the forum threads to try to sell their products.

When I clicked on the forums this morning at the top next to the Treehopper ad banner was a White Knuckle Productions ad banner as well. We don't just put them up there for free.
Yeah, we are actually a sponsor of Iowawhitetail, and they are a sponsor of our DVD's. I'll always support Chris and the Iowawhitetail guys because they have always supported me. Also, met a TON of great guys through the Iowawhitetail booth at the Iowa Deer Classic. We always have a great time.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Now I'm starting to get a bit of an itch boys!
He he... Not that itch yet. Once I start hanging some stands I'll get sumac so bad I'll swell up like a blow-fish!
It's not any different than any battery operated devise that isn't used to attract or aid in the shooting of an animal.
I know, I said I was done..but I gotta ask Todd..who did Ozonics talk to with about this? I guess the reason I ask is this is the reply I received..we talked on the phone, and then we emailed the conversation to each other so we had it...
Ryan; if this filming company had asked we would have given them the same response regarding this new device. I shared your question with another officer and he also had the same opinion as mine.

Steve Dermand

So I guess until Steve gives me an answer that its good to go, I guess I still see it as illegal? Again, the gray area, so perhaps its each officers discrection? IDK
Mechanical Device ?

The Iowa regulation state "any mechanical conveyance or device to hunt deer is illegal. I guess this could be a little vague as to its meaning in a specific decision. Maybe this is what the DNR is using in their conversation with flugge.

Todd there needs be some science support about the use of ozone in my opinion. Look how long Scentlok claimed to get 100% of human odor 100% of the time until some one made them prove it. How could they ever claim that when they knew they only had 27% coverage of carbon whose pores had glue sprayed on them.
No one is challenging your personal experiences but there needs to be more questions answered
Like I have stated before, I am not sitting here trying to make anyone look bad. I simply read things differently that most people. So, I guess by me calling the DNR to ask, well I want the clarification. When I get told its Illegal, until that officer tells me its legal, I guess I know where I stand on the product being used. Assuming that its legal because it doesnt bait or attract deer, well, I get how you could read it that way with the use of rangefinders and such, but again, I read the whole mechanical device in the law and decided why not call. I guess before I carry something into the field that could possibly be illegal, I will make a phone call. I mean come on, I dont want to shoot the world record and then have it illegal :drink1: So thats why I am just curious who Ozonics talked with, because Steve is pretty much set that they are illegal..so either they all need to be on the same page with it, or Steve will have to give me a call and tell me he changed his mind. Also, I know Steve was going to call Ozonics, because he said he has not heard from them about this product...
What do you think would happen if we all made the committment to hunt like Shovelbuck this season? No fancy rangefinders, scent spray, machines, etc. I bet there would still be some giants that go down. Big buck hunting is 10% equipment, 60% skill, and 30% luck.
flugge, have those 2 officers called/talked to any other officers? how about their direct supervisors? just saying that each officer can interpret a "gray area" differently.
Muddy- I have no idea who those 2 officers have talked to, but since I have talked to them, I have talked to a few others, who also side with it being illegal. And the reason is, because it runs continously with a battery. If it was ran manually, or only ran when you hit a button, they said it would be fine. But since it runs all the time, thats why. So I think so far, I have talked to either 10 or 11 different officers that all went the same way..So I guess I dont know? Again, not trying to throw rocks, just want to figure it out. And again, Steve was going to call Ozonics, so I guess I will know more after that conversation happens?
Muddy- I have no idea who those 2 officers have talked to, but since I have talked to them, I have talked to a few others, who also side with it being illegal. And the reason is, because it runs continously with a battery. If it was ran manually, or only ran when you hit a button, they said it would be fine. But since it runs all the time, thats why. So I think so far, I have talked to either 10 or 11 different officers that all went the same way..So I guess I dont know? Again, not trying to throw rocks, just want to figure it out. And again, Steve was going to call Ozonics, so I guess I will know more after that conversation happens?

I have no dog in this fight but they do not run continuously. There is an on and off button as well as other settings.
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