Would you ever?


Active Member
Would you ever set up off of a group of hunters during shotgun season from the road? I think it would be a pretty ballzzzy move to shoot another groups deer from the road. Alright heres my story, was driving around last year after getting done pushing a couple properties,and wanted to see if there was any action going on around the area and saw a big group pushing a large timber, so i pulled over and grabbed the binoc's (no gun in hand) and walked up to a high spot in the ditch next to the fenceline to get a better view, as the push went on saw a couple deer run out to acouple of the posters and one of them shot one and as i was watching that, 3 shots came from the timber about 300 yards away and someone screamed "Big One". Then less than 30 seconds later here comes this nice 10 point out of the timber running right at me! It was in a matter of seconds and the deer was standing in the ditch looking right at! He sat there for what it felt like 5 minutes but probably 30 seconds then ran across the road! After that i thought to myself, well i could of shot that deer!!! stupid that i didnt go get the gun!.Then i got to thinking, what if i really shot that deer! you know how mad they would of been that i shot there deer!..........Would have you taken the shot? I just think it wouldn't be right
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I wouldn't but know a lot of people that would. We have a group that owns the property in between two of our drives and every year they watch us till we push the deer to them. And every year it seems a big buck goes there way but they always get buck fever and miss. It's annoying but part of it.
Be careful...illegal to shoot between the fencelines, or even have a loaded gun in that area, so shooting him from the ditch would not have been legal anyway.

Legality aside, that situation to me seems more about "the kill" and less about "the hunt". Personally, I wouldn't be proud to take an animal that way. Some people would be, and there is nothing wrong with that.
We have had people wait for us to push property and they set up on the gravel road waiting for the deer to come. One year close to 30 deer came right at them and they blasted like world war 3 and only shot 1 doe lol. The big bucks were in the back of the pack and escaped unharmed. Needless to say we were not happy and they didn't stick around for us to tell then that lol. It seems like there are 2 groups up here that do that a lot to people. I wish the dnr would be driving up the road when this was going down!
I probably wouldn't myself. I'd be doing just what you were. Watching and then all of a sudden going whoa I could have shot that deer.

From my understanding of the regs, you cannot shoot a slug/rifle/muzzy/handgun from the roadway anywhere in the state. BUT you can shoot from the ditch SOUTH of highway 30. That's one that makes me scratch my head every time....
I've never pushed deer and I don't consider it ethical hunting to shoot a running deer but that's just a personal preference. I understand most Iowans grew up pushing with guns and it's commonplace.

Legal or not, who could feel any sense of accomplishment shooting a deer from the road or ditch? Drive around with your gun and wait for someone else to do all the work and then basically poach a deer. You might as well pick up a road kill, mount it and call it your own kill....
I probably wouldn't myself. I'd be doing just what you were. Watching and then all of a sudden going whoa I could have shot that deer.

From my understanding of the regs, you cannot shoot a slug/rifle/muzzy/handgun from the roadway anywhere in the state. BUT you can shoot from the ditch SOUTH of highway 30. That's one that makes me scratch my head every time....

Just sat in on a hunter safety class with my son last weekend and that came up. The way the CO put it South of 30 you would be alright as long as you don't shoot from or across the road.

I take my son out for shotgun. We won't drive that property but will set up to get a crack at the deer escaping the neighbors. Fortunately there are a lot of hills and we will be well away from the line and out of sight but it is really the same thing and I don't care.
Safety would be my first concern. Assume the group hunting doesn't know you are posted there and they start flinging lead at that big buck.
Although it may be legal it sounds very unsafe and a Busch league move, IMO.

My brother in law has guys go to the extent of knocking on his door and telling him they wounded a deer that went into his timber. He usually says ok I will go with you but you leave your gun here. Conveniently the rest of the party all posts up on the opposite end of the property from where they enter and of course, no blood trail or any evidence they actually did wound a deer. It is crap like that, that gives shot gunners a bad name. He said if anyone else pulls that move again he will have them call the CO and have the CO escort them. I dont blame him. It is a shame that guys have to abuse that the law that allows us to track our wounded game on private property.
I don't think I would, in that case. I'd probably be too concerned with safety to even be standing there anyway, as I don't enjoy the sound of bullets/slugs whizzing over my head! But, assuming I was, and if and where legal, if it wasn't the ditch to the property I can hunt, I wouldn't be doing any shooting in the ditch. Honestly, I consider the ditch to be part of the property that is inside the fenceline (if there even is a fence), and so it would not be my property to hunt. Technically, since you pay taxes on land out to the middle of the road, it is the landowner's property, right?
pushing deer

I know I am going to take alot of crap for this, but I'll say it. This pushing deer crap is just so much b>>>Shi>. I know it is a Iowa thing. But, god almighty, this practice just breeds trespassing and lawlessness. Not to mention how dangerous this is. I own a farm in Warren county and can attest 1st hand how screwed up this practice is. These groups really don't care whose property they are on and where they shoot. The common theme is, ( My dad hunted here 30 years ago and by god i will too.) I admit I am not a born and raised Iowan. But for God's sake guys. I have 2 slug holes in my morton building. I have had slugs fired over my head while setting a stand. My wife will not come outside during the shotgun season, the first year here someone put a slug into our morton building 30 ft from where she was feeding the dogs. It really is a practice that's time has come to end. I have a farm in Wayne county that I treat as a managed farm. The locals think it is their own ground and I must actually be there tho keep pushers from hunting it. I have lived in many places
and can say that Iowan's are absolutely terrible about hunting places that do not belong to them. Not really sure what to do about this, I manage my farms and really put alot of money and time into trying to make my places real whitetail showcases only to have a group of guys just show up and trespass wherever they think they can get away with it. I have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars.
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I know I am going to take alot of crap for this, but I'll say it. This pushing deer crap is just so much b>>>Shi>. I know it is a Iowa thing. But, god almighty, this practice just breeds trespassing and lawlessness. Not to mention how dangerous this is. I own a farm in Warren county and can attest 1st hand how screwed up this practice is. These groups really don't care whose property they are on and where they shoot. The common theme is, ( My dad hunted here 30 years ago and by god i will too.) I admit I am not a born and raised Iowan. But for God's sake guys. I have 2 slug holes in my morton building. I have had slugs fired over my head while setting a stand. My wife will not come outside during the shotgun season, the first year here someone put a slug into our morton building 30 ft from where she was feeding the dogs. It really is a practice that's time has come to end. I have a farm in Wayne county that I treat as a managed farm. The locals think it is their own ground and I must actually be there tho keep pushers from hunting it. I have lived in many places
and can say that Iowan's are absolutely terrible about hunting places that do not belong to them. Not really sure what to do about this, I manage my farms and really put alot of money and time into trying to make my places real whitetail showcases only to have a group of guys just show up and trespass wherever they think they can get away with it. I have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars.

Sell your farm? Buy one somewhere else? Tell all your out of state friends what's happening in iowa so they don't buy here? Hey I think you just solved the problem! More land for iowa residents! Bring on the orange army!
Sell your farm? Buy one somewhere else? Tell all your out of state friends what's happening in iowa so they don't buy here? Hey I think you just solved the problem! More land for iowa residents! Bring on the orange army!

Man that sounds like your still fighting for the south in the civil war bowtech.
I know I am going to take alot of crap for this, but I'll say it. This pushing deer crap is just so much b>>>Shi>. I know it is a Iowa thing. But, god almighty, this practice just breeds trespassing and lawlessness. Not to mention how dangerous this is. I own a farm in Warren county and can attest 1st hand how screwed up this practice is. These groups really don't care whose property they are on and where they shoot. The common theme is, ( My dad hunted here 30 years ago and by god i will too.) I admit I am not a born and raised Iowan. But for God's sake guys. I have 2 slug holes in my morton building. I have had slugs fired over my head while setting a stand. My wife will not come outside during the shotgun season, the first year here someone put a slug into our morton building 30 ft from where she was feeding the dogs. It really is a practice that's time has come to end. I have a farm in Wayne county that I treat as a managed farm. The locals think it is their own ground and I must actually be there tho keep pushers from hunting it. I have lived in many places
and can say that Iowan's are absolutely terrible about hunting places that do not belong to them. Not really sure what to do about this, I manage my farms and really put alot of money and time into trying to make my places real whitetail showcases only to have a group of guys just show up and trespass wherever they think they can get away with it. I have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars.

I know I'm going to catch a lot of crap for saying this, but I'll say it. You posting on an Iowa based website and classify all of us Iowa's as trespasser's is complete crap and you my friend are a dumba$$. Were are you from? Michigan? Minnesota? Wisconsin? You're obviously forced to come to our great state and buy land to fulfill your need to kill big deer? Did you ever for a second think that maybe you are getting what you deserved? Maybe those boys who hunted that ground for 30 years and then some rich POS out of state'r with too much money comes along and throws cash in the landowners face so he can buy up ground that he knows holds big deer. Once you purchased that ground you immediately come down and put up as many no trespassing signs as you could buy from the local Thiesens. Then you proceed to warm all the surrounding farmers and neighbors that this is now YOUR land and everyone better stay off, the big deer calling this land home are now under your possession and the ridiculous taxes you pay show that? You also proceed to tell them you have $5000.00 in trail cameras that if you catch them on you will prosecute to the fullest. Did you ever stop to think for one second that you're the problem why trespassing has gotten so crazy and out of control over the past 5 years. Be interesting to see the number of land that has been purchased by out of staters over the past 5 years. With an attitude like yours I show no remorse for the holes in your brand new fancy Morten building, you obviously got what you disserved. Guys like you need knocked off your high horse every once in a while because I hate to break it to you but most of the guys on this site as well as us Iowa's don't fall into that category. Hell, if you do your homework this state has some of the nicest farmers/landowners around that are way more willing to gain access to their ground for "Free". But that doesn't matter for guys like you does it? :thrwrck:

I knew i would take crap and i wasnt disappointed. No, no one forced me to move here. No, i am not from wisconsin,minnesota or michigan. Yes, i do expect native iowans to respect the boundaries of land they dont own or have permission to hunt. Is that too much to ask? I wonder if the responders to this post are land owners themselves. Maybe i can put it in perspective. Lets say you own a home and in your home is a refrigerator. You work very hard and have all your life to keep that refrigerator full for you and your family an friends. One day after you have just filled it with food your neighbor sneaks in and steals your food, you refill it, then your other neighbor sneaks in and steals it again. You get my point. I love iowa, it has great things about it that make it a special place. I did move here specifically for the deer hunting. I had no idea this kinda thing took place out here. You always here how nice, respectful and gracious people are out here. And for the most part it is very true. The only blemish i can find is this penchant for trespassing to shoot deer. Honestly, how can anyone disagree with this? I AM BETTING SOMEONE WILL DISAGREE. BTW IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THE GUYS THAT DO THIS THEN I AM NOT SURE WHAT YOUR BEEF WOULD BE. ALSO, I NEVER PUT A NO TRESPASSING SIGN OUT. I HAVE FENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD RESPECT. HMMM GUYS LIKE ME NEED TO HAVE THEIR LAND TRESPASSED ON. BOONER, HARD TO IMAGINE A GROWN MAN WRITING THAT. I GOT WHAT I DESREVED!!!! HOLY CRAP.
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Man that sounds like your still fighting for the south in the civil war bowtech.

You've got to stand for something! I just can't stand it when out of staters complain on this website. Maybe they should focus on changing the laws in their own great states rather than change ours. I know shotgun hunters get a bad rap and I also know there are plenty of shot gunners out there that break the rules and act like idiots, but to throw them all in the same category is not the way to go about it. If you are having trouble with trespassing take care of it. Don't get on a public forum and complain.
I knew i would take crap and i wasnt disappointed. No, no one forced me to move here. No, i am not from wisconsin,minnesota or michigan. Yes, i do expect native iowans to respect the boundaries of land they dont own or have permission to hunt. Is that too much to ask? I wonder if the responders to this post are land owners themselves. Maybe i can put it in perspective. Lets say you own a home and in your home is a refrigerator. You work very hard and have all your life to keep that refrigerator full for you and your family an friends. One day after you have just filled it with food your neighbor sneaks in and steals your food, you refill it, then your other neighbor sneaks in and steals it again. You get my point. I love iowa, it has great things about it that make it a special place. I did move here specifically for the deer hunting. I had no idea this kinda thing took place out here. You always here how nice, respectful and gracious people are out here. And for the most part it is very true. The only blemish i can find is this penchant for trespassing to shoot deer. Honestly, how can anyone disagree with this? I AM BETTING SOMEONE WILL DISAGREE. BTW IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THE GUYS THAT DO THIS THEN I AM NOT SURE WHAT YOUR BEEF WOULD BE. ALSO, I NEVER PUT A NO TRESPASSING SIGN OUT. I HAVE FENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD RESPECT. HMMM GUYS LIKE ME NEED TO HAVE THEIR LAND TRESPASSED ON. BOONER, HARD TO IMAGINE A GROWN MAN WRITING THAT. I GOT WHAT I DESREVED!!!! HOLY CRAP.

You are comparing deer hunting to filling your refrigerator with groceries as well as putting every Iowan who hunts into a category of unethical, disrespectful, non law abiding citizens-you my friend are an idiot :way: You come over an online forum based out of this state and put us residents on blast because some redneck warren county boys drive deer off your ground???? Now your throwing around things that would lead someone to give you piddy. You served, I thank you for that, your boys serve, I also thank them for that, However I do not know where this has anything to do with hunting and your situation?!?!?! You earned your money to buy recreational land, congrats, do you want a thanksgiving pie? The things I have I have also earned, however your situations isn't like "most" of the guys on this site. I apologize for the comments regarding your personal property and it being damaged however you getting what you deserved is in regards to the actions you are most likely not telling us. Many of us who deer hunt and have a passion for it know how guys like you are and we know the "underlining issue" you are so "accidently" leaving out in your attempts to play the victim role in your situation. So quit with the victim card your attempting to play it's not going to fly under the radar with me. The high horse comment was directed yet again at your actions not your personal biography that you seem to think is so important. You being a Veteran has nothing to do with the type of person you are in regards to this website ( the deer hunting world). However you unrealistic opinions and loud mouth accusations leads me to believe what kind of person you are as well as how poor of a character you truly have!
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Booner, your amazing...you tell all that from an online post. Obviously, i am in a battle of wits against an unarmed man.

I am neither a victim nor am i looking for pity, that's so absurd! Your right, my service has nothing to do with deer hunting, it was an attempt to get you to understand that i am not some rich p.o.s. As you so elegantly describe me. I am from very very humble beginnings and have worked very hard for everything i have. My comparison to food in a fridge is also a metaphor to which it seems you are incapable of understanding. I never bashed all iowans or all gun hunters for that matter. To defend trespassing or unethical behavior goes beyond my comprehension, not sure what that says about you. Notice i said you, no one else.

You have to be capable of actually understanding what i am saying if you want to be engaged in a battle of wits.