Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

hunt updates


PMA Member
Hey everyone, I was wondering if it would be nice to have an ongoing "update" thread through the season. This would be a thread that we all could throw in our latest updates from recent hunts (movement, rutting activity, etc.). I was thinking it would a be a good quick source located in one thread that we could see how everyone is doing, rather than filing through ten different ones every night. Don't know if it will go over well or not, it may get pushed to the bottom and never revived, but I thought it may be worth a shot! If it really is a hit, maybe a mod could turn it into a sticky so its always easy to find? Anyway, feel free to pitch in and we'll see what happens! Good luck to all!
Sat a cut corn field last night and saw 20 does. Didn't show till last light. No bucks.
Sat timber this morning and was dead until 8:15 am. Saw 13 does between 8:15 and 9:30. No bucks again. Sure seems like alot of does and no bucks. With the frost it was raining leaves/acorns/walnuts like mad when sun came up.
Sat on the couch this morning from 8:30 til noon. Saw about 6 really big bucks. Couldn't get a shot at any of 'em as they were on tv. Will try to get off couch and into the timber this week after work.
Seriously though, I like the idea of this thread! I find motivating to read what other people are seeing and experiencing. Kind of one stop shopping to see what's up!
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Went out for my first sit of the year tonight with my 3.5 year old daughter (her first sit ever). I was hoping to be able to shoot a doe since she was with me but it didn't happen. Saw 10 deer, all does except 2 small bucks. Had one group of 6 about 70 yards away, they were the closest. I was very proud of my girl, she did amazing for a kid of that age!
Nice PM sit tonite. Was hoping to film my 13 year old son shoot his first bow deer. Saw about 15 deer, including 6 bucks, but nothing in bow range. Typical early October pattern...does with does and fawns, bucks together, all feeding without a care in the world. Fun night in the woods...

sat tonight only saw 2 doe and 3 fawns. could have limited out on tree rats geeez! also had the crap scared out of me. deer cleared out of the field right before dark so i left a little early. as i was walking i heard a big growl, to my surprise there was a coon at the base of a tree 15 yards away. guess i scared him just as much as he scared me!
Last night was one of my favorite sits ever. I shot 3 does by 6, freezer full for the year. I saw over 20 does and 8 bucks. Bucks were fighting and tearing up trees. Saw a 3 year old 10 with a droptine run off 2 smaller bucks. It was one of those special hunts.

Oh yeah and my friend and client shot a monster last night too.
Last night was one of my favorite sits ever. I shot 3 does by 6, freezer full for the year. I saw over 20 does and 8 bucks. Bucks were fighting and tearing up trees. Saw a 3 year old 10 with a droptine run off 2 smaller bucks. It was one of those special hunts.

Oh yeah and my friend and client shot a monster last night too.

Holy Smokes! Any pics of the CARNAGE?!:drink2:
breiner11 said:
Last night was one of my favorite sits ever. I shot 3 does by 6, freezer full for the year. I saw over 20 does and 8 bucks. Bucks were fighting and tearing up trees. Saw a 3 year old 10 with a droptine run off 2 smaller bucks. It was one of those special hunts.

Oh yeah and my friend and client shot a monster last night too.

Cripes!! Sometimes I can't even shoot 3 ducks in one sitting. Haha
Went out for my second sit ever with a bow Friday AM. Got into the stand and had 3 nice bucks come in. Was able to take a shot at the closest one and tracked him for 4 hours. Blood trail the size of the Mississippi river, still no deer. Feeling a little down. :( Went out Sat. and tried to find him and still no dice.
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Took a buddy from work out this weekend and he was able to stick this 3 yr old. His first deer ever and it was with a bow. Needless to say he was tickled.
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Sat oct 6th on a farm that have not hunted before. Had a doe an fawn work through about 45 minutes prior to dark. Ended up shooting a coyote, (first one with a bow) at thirty yards.
Friday Oct 5 sat PM and shot a young doe at 13 yards, Sat Oct 6 took my 11 year old cousin out for a AM sit sat for about an hour and a half before a doe gave him a 25 yard broad side shot, hit her right in the heart. His first deer ever was down and it was done with a bow, an added plus got it on film!
Sat tonight. Seen a fair amount of deer movement early and late. I think the early movement was due to the neighbors dogs (damn them anyway) chasing deer around. But last half hour of light I had a good amount of deer in the plot and one buck that got a free pass tonight. Didnt appear that they were getting too rutted up yet.
Sat am saw two doe's :(. Say night seen countless does and five good buck 300 yards and a coyote. Missed :(. Sunday morning saw one buck and a coyote, no shot, Sunday night saw 6 does and a forky. All in all good weekend. Killed a coyote Thursday night. All Thea coyote are a big problem.

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Blakesburg i'm not so sure that is the same deer in both of your pics. Looks like a different, but very similar deer
Well if anyone had read my earlier post about wanting to find some place to hunt in Polk County, you can forget it. lol I did some spot and stalk hunting on public ground on Friday morning. There were no vehicles parked around anywhere, so I figured I'd be alright. Spotted a couple does after walking about 75 feet from the truck. Sat and watched for a while, until they disappeared behind a tree line. I started to move and then spotted them coming through the tree line right at me. I sat down and the two does and two other does all came to within about 20 yards. They spotted me, but couldn't figure out what I was. Im still sore from sitting there motionless holding my bow for 30 minutes while they checked me out. After they moved on, I didnt see anything else but a pheasant.

Went down to my Marion County hunting ground. Checked my trail camera and to my surprise, there were 3 pretty good bucks on it from this past week alone. I've had my trail cam out for about 7 weeks and had never gotten any pics of any of these deer!

Decent 8 pointer


Pretty big 9 pointer. I'd be very tempted to shoot this one.


Small 12 pointer. Could be a really nice deer in a year or two.
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