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Resident landowners....

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Your own people? Really, it's not a resident/non resident issue. I'm a resident and I think if someone owns X amount of acres and pays taxes on it they deserve a tag. Since ever person on this thread stated they don't fill 3 tags then what's it going to hurt to cut them back?

Since they don't use them what's it going to hurt to keep them? ;)
Here is what this sounds like. Non landowners can't get 3 buck tags so landowners shouldn't. Not all landowners fill all their tags with bucks. Some fill with does some just want to out there hunting and so they have a chance to shoot a big buck if one comes by, they want to be out there hunting their own ground and not miss a chance at something special. They have earned and paid for the right to have that extra tag. Non landowners typically bow hunting non landowners not all bow hunters though and even some gun hunters feel they are hardcore great American hunters and it's not fair that someone that invests their own money to purchase land to earn money or to provide habitat for wildlife gets more opportunities to hunt than they do. This is the democrat/Obama effect. Otherwise know as the looking for a hand out life's not fair I deserve better why do I have to work for anything or earn anything effect. This makes sense to me not sure why it doesn't to everyone. you bought land you are grooming ground to improve the states hunting wether that's farming or planting food plots. You pay taxes on your ground. People that lease or ask permission don't pay taxes on the ground they hunt. But that's not fair they get 1 more opportunity to hunt. What do they do that I don't. I didn't shoot a 190 deer like lee and Tiffany did. Boooo. Hooo. I feel sorry for you. Will you feel sorry for me when I am paying my taxes that just went up on my ground? Wow. People. WOW
Here is what this sounds like. Non landowners can't get 3 buck tags so landowners shouldn't. Not all landowners fill all their tags with bucks. Some fill with does some just want to out there hunting and so they have a chance to shoot a big buck if one comes by, they want to be out there hunting their own ground and not miss a chance at something special. They have earned and paid for the right to have that extra tag. Non landowners typically bow hunting non landowners not all bow hunters though and even some gun hunters feel they are hardcore great American hunters and it's not fair that someone that invests their own money to purchase land to earn money or to provide habitat for wildlife gets more opportunities to hunt than they do. This is the democrat/Obama effect. Otherwise know as the looking for a hand out life's not fair I deserve better why do I have to work for anything or earn anything effect. This makes sense to me not sure why it doesn't to everyone. you bought land you are grooming ground to improve the states hunting wether that's farming or planting food plots. You pay taxes on your ground. People that lease or ask permission don't pay taxes on the ground they hunt. But that's not fair they get 1 more opportunity to hunt. What do they do that I don't. I didn't shoot a 190 deer like lee and Tiffany did. Boooo. Hooo. I feel sorry for you. Will you feel sorry for me when I am paying my taxes that just went up on my ground? Wow. People. WOW

Ekkkkk I think he just pointed out people acting like democrats.
So who's the Dem? Who's suffering from the Obama effect? Guess your your view depends on where your at. Like I said earlier, entitlements are hard to take away once they've been given out.

I've shared my thoughts now I'm done.
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Question? Can anyone point to another state that has a LO tag system like ours? Not just that the LO gets a tag at a reduced cost but that they can get more tags then the general public.

I could google as easy as you could. Relevance? Since one state does something, all should?
How about stop all deer hunting for a year? I would be up for that. :)

I wouldn't.
As long as I can hunt why would I? Unless it is made into law. :eek:
I have been a good steward to my land. Been making great changes for the wildlife and haven't shot the shi! out of the does and bucks.
That is just my opinion anyway.
Well thanks, I respect your opinion as well. Yes I like your idea. Just my opinion but 3 is too many. Two for landowner, one all season buck tag for everyone else...

It really depends how you look at it.
I love to hunt and would do it everyday of the year. (I am glad they close it actually or would still be hunting)
I can bowhunt with my kids. Take my buddy and his 82 year old dad out during shotgun and still hunt the late muzzleloader season.
My incentive is maybe I will shoot a mature monster.
Does not always happen but sometimes it does.
Would it change how much I am out there if they only gave us two?
No it wouldn't but why would I want it to change?
Bowtech, I wouldn't. As long as I can hunt why would I? Unless it is made into law. :eek: I have been a good steward to my land. Been making great changes for the wildlife and haven't shot the shi! out of the does and bucks. That is just my opinion anyway.

Same here but wouldn't you sacrifice a year of hunting if everybody else did? That means no deer getting killed by hunters for a year. That should help the population out. I know it will never happen but I would be fine with it.
Same here but wouldn't you sacrifice a year of hunting if everybody else did? That means no deer getting killed by hunters for a year. That should help the population out. I know it will never happen but I would be fine with it.

Bowtech I am all for helping other people.
Ask the people that know me how much I contribute.
If I am not shooting the shi! out of the herd, making more habitat,
to help the wildlife and putting food plots in to help them through the winter that is a hard question to answer.
Not to be greedy but who helped me do all this other than JNRBRNC?
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Not to be greedy but who helped me do all this other than JNRBRNC?
I think you missed an o there, buddy.

And when was the last time I hunted up there? I helped develop habitat without expecting anything in return. ;)

Yeah, landowners shouldn't get a tag. :rolleyes:
Bowtech I am all for helping other people. Ask the people that know me how much I contribute. If I am not shooting the shi! out of the herd, making more habitat, to help the wildlife and putting food plots in to help them through the winter that is a hard question to answer. Not to be greedy but who helped me do all this other than JNRBRNC?

That's your perspective and you have your right to it, it was hypothetical anyway. Just curious if anybody else would give up a year of hunting to help better the state of iowas deer herd as a whole.
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