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Resident landowners....

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I'd say get rid of the party hunting rule. Someone can just go out and shoot however many bucks they can have a gun tag for. Buying tags for wife, kids, and dog then go out fill them for themselves. Some people respect the rule but others also abuse it.

If you get rid of party hunting, what stops the same people that buy tags for wife kid and dog from doing it in any other season? Either way it's illegal. DNR are spread so thin I don't think anything stops people from hunting illegally except ethics and morals.
If the deer numbers continue to decline each year party hunting will get restricted. Big groups shooting everything that moves isn't helping the population...

No it won't. Extra doe tags will get restricted. There's no way the DNR is going to give up revenue the party hunters add to the pot.
mplane 72 How many dollars do you spend each year planting beans and corn that the free ranging Iowa deer herd feed on. I fail to see what TRUE affect LOT have on the deer population. I would be willing to wager 90 % of the landowners could care less about shooting monster bucks. I think the "if its brown its down" attitude of SOME large group hunters has more of an affect on population and age class of the bucks. The one thing we must all understand is NOT EVERYONE THAT DEER HUNTS CARE ABOUT LARGE RACKS. I would say the majority are after venison to put in the freezer. And that's OK if we all thought the same way it would be a very boring world. We have some of the best whitetail hunting in the world here in Iowa and part of that is due to the abundance of the corn and beans they feed on.
Yes so tell me this, how is being able to fill one of your group members tags (your party tags) hurting deer population? Again its the number of tags that hurts the population, not the style of hunting!

I'm looking at it from the farming for mature whitetails point of view. It certainly hurts one ability to let deer get old and big.

I want to shoot very large bucks. If I need meat I'll take a doe. Otherwise I'm hunting horns.
I'm looking at it from the farming for mature whitetails point of view. It certainly hurts one ability to let deer get old and big.

I want to shoot very large bucks. If I need meat I'll take a doe. Otherwise I'm hunting horns.

Hunt however you want. Just don't try to dictate how we (Iowans) hunt across the fence. Unless you own thousands of acres you can't manage a deer herd. You can't stop them from leaving.
Mplane If the deer belongs to everyone and you think the L.O. Tag should go away. Maybe the land owners will say no more hunting on are land. So the hunters that don't own land will all be hunting public. See how that would work for you.
mplane 72 How many dollars do you spend each year planting beans and corn that the free ranging Iowa deer herd feed on. I fail to see what TRUE affect LOT have on the deer population. I would be willing to wager 90 % of the landowners could care less about shooting monster bucks. I think the "if its brown its down" attitude of SOME large group hunters has more of an affect on population and age class of the bucks. The one thing we must all understand is NOT EVERYONE THAT DEER HUNTS CARE ABOUT LARGE RACKS. I would say the majority are after venison to put in the freezer. And that's OK if we all thought the same way it would be a very boring world. We have some of the best whitetail hunting in the world here in Iowa and part of that is due to the abundance of the corn and beans they feed on.

First, I'm not looking for a pissing match. If someone wants to have an honest conversation, even a debate, about the subject I'm game. If you want to tell me why my thinking is wrong fine. If your just going to get your dander up because my idea threatens you we have nothing to discuss.

I said I don't own any land and I don't farm so obviously I don't spend any money planting anything. What's your point? Land owners are more entitled to a publicly held resource then non-landowners? If that's were our thinking is going we're heading for a European Model of hunting.

One thing I have observed and I know it's a small sample of LO/Farmers. Most farmers I know don't hunt much and don't really care about shooting a big buck. If they do hunt it's shotgun only. I also know a lot of guys that own the land and rent the farming. Sure it's an investment but the real reason they own it is to hunt it. I plan on being one of those guys in the next few years. Anyway they get the LO tag and whatever crops the deer eat come out of the renters pocket.

A little story from the past season. A bunch of my LO buddies and I were drinking beer and shooting the bull. One of them told the story about seeing a 180+ buck across the field chasing does. 15 minutes later he passed a 150+ at 15 yards hoping to see the larger one. Never happened and my buddy was kind of regretting passing. Well another of the LO's just said "don't you have 2 buck tags in your pocket?"

I think you missed my point about the effect of LO tags. I was saying that I expect a lot of them go into the if "brown and down" hat for party hunting. Also, my concern about the deer population in the area I do most of my hunting is far from worrying about LARGE RACKS.

As far as the discussion about party hunting. First, it will never go anywhere, just like LO tags. Second, in hard hit areas where party hunting kills the majority of deer reducing antlerless tags will do nothing. The tags will have to be changed from ANY SEX to BUCK ONLY.
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Question? Can anyone point to another state that has a LO tag system like ours? Not just that the LO gets a tag at a reduced cost but that they can get more tags then the general public.

Also, can a LO get LO antlerless tags as well as an LO any sex tag and if so do those antlerless tags come out of the county quota?
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I have a friend in Nebraska that is a non landowner & he shoots 2 bucks a year with his bow legally.Also landownwers that are farmers are planting the crops for an income or way of life not for the deer herd.There were deer here before you bought the land you bought the land not the deer.The deer are the states property & we all pay taxes to the state.The fact is God created us equal not for one person to be treated better or worse just because they own land.
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Mplane If the deer belongs to everyone and you think the L.O. Tag should go away. Maybe the land owners will say no more hunting on are land. So the hunters that don't own land will all be hunting public. See how that would work for you.

Maybe, but access is already a major issue. That's why I am looking to buy my own land. A few may do what you said out of spite but those people are probably not letting anyone else hunt anyway. I am only stating my position from a philosophical stand point. I do not have a hard on to get rid of LO tags.

The farmer that owns the land I do most of my hunting on on always used to just get the reduced cost LO tag. It was not until antlerless tags got tight that he started buying the state wide tag too. He does not care what these tags get put on.

As far the the LO tags. I have said before that I really don't agree with them from an ideological stand point. If we are managing under the North American Model it just does not sit right with me that on group gets something the rest can't have? If all the residents own the free ranging Iowa deer herd why does one group get a chance at one more buck then the rest of us?

I also think some of you are possibly under estimating the effect of the LO tag. While many here may not fill 3 tags a year I think it's safe to say that your motivations to hunt are different then the majority and your a bit more thoughtful about what you put your tag on. A lot of farmers get that tag and just throw it into the hat with the rest of the tags for shotgun, especially in areas like where I do most of my hunting and antlerlees tags sell out long before shotgun season.

This is a good discussion.

I think the above is a very well thought out post.

The extra LO tag also does not sit well with me either. M Plane brings up a good point about the North American model for management of natural resources. This was a part of the Public Trust Doctrine. The deer of the state are not owned by the landowners... but are owned by the residents of Iowa. You see landowner tags more often out west (Utah comes to mind), but these other states weren't founded under the Public Trust Doctrine.

I see that a farmer should have extra rights to manage the deer population on his own land... but shooting an extra buck isn't going to affect population. I am fine giving farmers extra low-cost doe tags to fight overpopulation. Landowners have a boatload of privilege in Iowa, and this just doesn't seem fair to the average "jo-shmo" taxpaying resident hunter who doesn't own land. Some say, "oh well. Just save up to buy some land"... C'mon, that's easier said than done for most folks!

One common argument I've seen on this thread is the observation of many that they rarely fill all 3... so why have it in the first place? This argument only supports the side that is against this allowance.

I agree that there are bigger issues affecting our deer herd. However, this is an appropriate discussion and one deserving of attention.
The farmer that owns the land I do most of my hunting on on always used to just get the reduced cost LO tag. It was not until antlerless tags got tight that he started buying the state wide tag too. He does not care what these tags get put on.

So if it gets filled with a doe, why would anyone be upset that he got a LOT? Is it only when it goes on that "third buck" that people are upset.

Also, the LOT is an any-sex tag, not a third buck tag. ;)
So if it gets filled with a doe, why would anyone be upset that he got a LOT? Is it only when it goes on that "third buck" that people are upset.

Also, the LOT is an any-sex tag, not a third buck tag. ;)

Actually no. If I was really upset about anything it would just the fact that one group is getting special access to a publicly held resource. Be it buck or doe. But I'm not upset, just having a friendly conversation.

But if you really want to boil it down to my little world that LO tag going on a doe really sucks for the numbers in my area. Which goes back to my point. Nothing will change in low number areas unless ANY SEX tags are changed to BUCK ONLY!
I dont think its the third anysex tag that is the reason for the deer herd decline. Its been here for sometime.
EHD and the rifle season is whats causing the problem. Had plenty of deer before that.
This is a good discussion.

One common argument I've seen on this thread is the observation of many that they rarely fill all 3... so why have it in the first place? This argument only supports the side that is against this allowance.

Yeah that is what I was thinking (why have 3 if it is rarely used)?

It's bitter pill to swallow when guys are against reducing the 3 bucks a year, after all this discussion.
mplane Your not getting my point. My point is if the land owners don't let you on there land to hunt you will not be killing the deer that belong to everyone.
It's bitter pill to swallow when guys are against reducing the 3 bucks a year, after all this discussion.

I'll be just as vocal about my third tag as NRLO's are about what they want.

As I stated before, it extends my hunting season to enjoy my passion on my land.
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