Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company
Can pretty much seed anything right now with clover. It's so moist & cool u will get away with a lot. Won't get some benefits of rye but do keep it mowed as time goes on.

Thistles- can keep em aggressively mowed. U have a lot of options though. I'd read the BUTYRAC or 2,4-D,B label to see if it covers thistles. Not sure on that one. Another option is hitting with glyphosate at a higher rate and inter seeding some more clover. U likely would not kill the clover even with a quart per acre. Even 2 usually doesn't do it but it will be a hard hit to clover so may leave as second to last resort. Last resort is frying the whole thing and redoing. Another spray that could work on thistles (read label, not sure but I think I recall it working on thistles at certain stages) is PURSUIT herbicide. Probably be my go to if mowing didn't work. Expensive but low rate usage so it's really not expensive. Much cheaper than redoing plot. Lot of options.
Got a couple spots in clover patches that are thick with Canada Thistle. Aggressive mowing has kept them in check so far. At least they haven't bloomed. Next time those patches are in oats/rye the thistle will get treated to a dose of Milestone & 2,4-D. Basagran & oil is reported to work to control thistle in clover, but I've never personally used it.
Best way to kill thistles with out spraying we have found is wait till there just starting to bloom and not yet to seed then mow them off
I only mow mine a couple times because I simply don't have the time. As long as it's cool & moist- u can mow anytime it flowers or anytime weed competition needs knocking back. I like mowing mine in late August or early sept so it's lush & tender for fall.
I have mowed mine three times this year already. I like to keep weeds down and the deer like it better when it is shorter.
I just went out for the first time on Saturday to weed whip it all, and the rye and weeds were high but the clover was thick and competing with them just fine. I took a picture but will have to figure out how to post it when I have some time. I was really impressed with how good it looked. This was my first time frost seeding, and I am really pleased with the results.
Right on. With all this moisture, stuff is growing like your lawns and likely could use a lot of mowings if you have the time. For sure keeps it tender and desirable and keeps weeds down. Flowering clover is a sign for mowing as well (slows or stops N production but I usually let some flowering phases go so produce some seed) so mow when you see that if able at least a couple times. Dang I wish I had more time. Keep on top of weeds, keep it tender & just lay off the mowing if we get hot & dry spells.
With work and rain I still haven't been able to spray my clover plots. They also need mowed again. Hope it's not too late and I can do both this weekend if work and weather allow.
With moisture and cool temps like this- "too late" ain't gonna be an option for some time to come! U can do anytime.
This is the first year I have tried crimson clover as a spring/summer cover crop. I have been extremely happy and impressed. This was panted in April and has been mowed twice and as you can see it is back up to about 18-20". I planted this is several plots that will get tilled in and replanted to brassica mix later this summer. In the meantime it is a great food source, is controlling erosion & weeds (for the most part), and saving money on nitrogen cost for the brassicas. I'll get pictures of other plots at some point. the one that was planted into last year's rye is interesting. I planted the crimson at the recommendation of this board and in turn would recommend it to anyone looking at similar applications.

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Well done 83. Skyleran looking great too. U guys have some great attractions and nutrition!!! That's a great looking plot and picture. Crimson is a "pretty clover" and sure has lots of bennies beyond that. Well done!
Couple pics of other plots.

Not bad for $15 in seed. There area a few more weeds than some of the other plots but it will all get smoked before brassica planting anyway. I'm sure the deer don't care. :)


This plot is the one if find interesting. This was a rye grain plot last fall. This spring I mowed the Rye early, waited for it to green back up, and tilled the ground twice when planting the clover. As you can see the Rye made it through, along with a boatload of crimson. This was mowed recently and will get smoked and put into brassicas. I flushed a boatload of quail out while mowing... that was cool to see..... another added benefit.

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Here is my first attempt at clover. I just broadcast seeded this into a fairly open ground as you can see in pics. This clover is less than a month old but coming up great. I have mowed it twice now to keep the weeds down. This is a mix of durana, alice white and Balasna. The deer are really taking a liking to this spot now! Very happy with how it is turning out, just goes to show anyone can grow clover! haha

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