We sadly put our lab mix to sleep at the end of January after his declining health and ultimately after finding out he was full of cancer
We are in the beginning stages of looking for a new lab puppy. Since Jake was a black lab mix we are looking for a different color this time. We really want a yellow or a chocolate female. I was wondering if anyone knows of any reputable breeders in Iowa or close to Iowa surrounding states who might have any yellows or chocolates now or expected this summer.
I very rarely go on Iowawhitetail anymore but saw a post not long ago (I think it was originally from a year or so ago) of someone asking for breeders cuz he was willing to pay 5000+ for one. That is way to steep for me...we just want a good family dog and if I hunt a few times a year with it that would be awesome. I've googled some in Iowa but hope there might be more out there that I'm not finding. -Thank you
We are in the beginning stages of looking for a new lab puppy. Since Jake was a black lab mix we are looking for a different color this time. We really want a yellow or a chocolate female. I was wondering if anyone knows of any reputable breeders in Iowa or close to Iowa surrounding states who might have any yellows or chocolates now or expected this summer.
I very rarely go on Iowawhitetail anymore but saw a post not long ago (I think it was originally from a year or so ago) of someone asking for breeders cuz he was willing to pay 5000+ for one. That is way to steep for me...we just want a good family dog and if I hunt a few times a year with it that would be awesome. I've googled some in Iowa but hope there might be more out there that I'm not finding. -Thank you