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looking for a lab pup...


We sadly put our lab mix to sleep at the end of January after his declining health and ultimately after finding out he was full of cancer:(...
We are in the beginning stages of looking for a new lab puppy. Since Jake was a black lab mix we are looking for a different color this time. We really want a yellow or a chocolate female. I was wondering if anyone knows of any reputable breeders in Iowa or close to Iowa surrounding states who might have any yellows or chocolates now or expected this summer.
I very rarely go on Iowawhitetail anymore but saw a post not long ago (I think it was originally from a year or so ago) of someone asking for breeders cuz he was willing to pay 5000+ for one. That is way to steep for me...we just want a good family dog and if I hunt a few times a year with it that would be awesome. I've googled some in Iowa but hope there might be more out there that I'm not finding. -Thank you
Check out Double TT British Kennels. He's in Kansas selling the finest Brithish gun dogs, labs.
$1,400. World class dogs.
We will have two litters out of Max, our Woody son. He is OFA excellent, Elbows normal, and EIC clear. Siedelmann labs. look at gundogbreeders and find our customers reviews.
We will have two litters out of Max, our Woody son. He is OFA excellent, Elbows normal, and EIC clear. Siedelmann labs. look at gundogbreeders and find our customers reviews.

We also had to put our 10 yr old Chocolate lab to sleep last week due to bone cancer. What do the male/female pups cost?
Heard alot of praise of Arrowhead Kennels out of Hudson. No idea what they cost though. Another place to check is iawaterfowler.con. There are quite a few threads on dogs and breeders.
thanks for your suggestions! I've checked into Arrowhead and that seems like a real good option. But I'll check out the others as well...
Ty Green Bedford Iowa 712-621-4474
Silver Labs 6 Silver 2 Charcoal Born 3-19
Home Raised with Kid interaction daily
Bred for hunting or home companionship
Top Quality dogs from Top Quality guy and Family
Thanks Curtis but WHY ????

I'm not Curtis but many stay away from them because they aren't AKC recognizes as a color and because from what I've read and been told is that they are breeding a recessive gene to get that color. I'm no expert just what I have educated myself with. I'm assuming you know something I don't and would like to hear it. And I'm not being sarcastic, I'm very open to learn.
I'm not Curtis but many stay away from them because they aren't AKC recognizes as a color and because from what I've read and been told is that they are breeding a recessive gene to get that color. I'm no expert just what I have educated myself with. I'm assuming you know something I don't and would like to hear it. And I'm not being sarcastic, I'm very open to learn.

This is a main reason. Also many times people breed to weimeraners to produce the color then continue from there. Also many times other undesirable traits come with. Many of the people I've talked to that have purchased a silver have had problems with the dogs being very aggressive or having anxiety problems. I'm sure there are some great dogs but I've heard more horror stories than anything.
Find a reputable breeder and buy whatever color lab you want. I don't doubt there's shady puppy mill type breeders out there, but there's good ones as well. If someone is selling crappy silver labs I guarantee you they're selling crappy black, yellow, and chocolates as well. Don't forget chocolate labs weren't a recognized color by the AKC at one time either.
To the OP, to answer your question on reputable breeders, check out CaveInn Labradors. Fantastic people, great dogs. They breed for all colors. And there's not one Weineramer on sight?
Find a reputable breeder and buy whatever color lab you want. I don't doubt there's shady puppy mill type breeders out there, but there's good ones as well. If someone is selling crappy silver labs I guarantee you they're selling crappy black, yellow, and chocolates as well. Don't forget chocolate labs weren't a recognized color by the AKC at one time either.

Serious question.....what does a "crappy" Labrador look like, or what makes a Lab crappy?
I guess i used the word crappy in reference to the "undesirable traits" Curtis mentioned earlier in this thread. I admit it was probably a poor word choice.
"Crappy" examples of any breed of any species might include all manner of health problems (both genetic & environmental), all manner of temperament problems (both genetic & environmental), nonstandard physical characteristics (e.g. size, color, conformation) just to name a few. Many may even "look" OK but still be "crappy" examples of what the breed should be & what a good breeder should be striving for.
"Crappy" examples of any breed of any species might include all manner of health problems (both genetic & environmental), all manner of temperament problems (both genetic & environmental), nonstandard physical characteristics (e.g. size, color, conformation) just to name a few. Many may even "look" OK but still be "crappy" examples of what the breed should be & what a good breeder should be striving for.

I was hoping you'd chime in! Thanks for the legitament answer, as I was hoping the "term" mutt or "pound" dog wasn't going to be throw into an argument of what is considered "crappy" for a dog; as I believe fully that any dog regardless of being a "purebred" can succeed fully if the handler is actually capable of training him/her.

I had a short hair growing up that was mixed with a vizla, hands down the best bird dog I've had the honor of hunting over. Shot hundreds of "wild" birds over him. Another unbelievable dog I've had the privilege of watching work was a border collie/lab mix that would flush roosters, flush rabbits, chase coyotes and tree coons; in some peoples eyes that would be a "crappy" dog. In reality crappy dogs are most likely just crappy because they have crappy handlers.
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