I cover every inch. But for deer- it's not needed. I do actually like having little pockets that are "park like" but only for diversity. Even in those spots, I'll hack down the trees competing with my best quality trees. But.... I personally do "something" with every inch of timber. I prefer having diversity every couple hundred yards.... for example- I'll just do crop tree release in some areas, double girdle the competing trees and it doesn't get "insane thick"..... then every 100 yards or 200 yards I'll create a .5 to 1 acre bedding area with hinging or just taking down the crap. It changes all over on my place. I like having pockets all over of bedding & then just general tsi on everything. I'd say mine is thicker than needed but I'm fanatical about wiping out junk - more than is really needed. I also have some tall good trees so it's prime time to free stuff up. I'll admit- I love eradicating large % of "junk" like black locust, thick bitternut hickory, elm (Chinese has got in my area), etc. and yes, I'm hard on ash as I pretty much think it's gonna go by-by with ash borer most likely BUT even if not- I like oak and walnut way better.
So- above is long Answer to easy ?.... yep- I cover every bit but one ridge might be "park like" for 2 acres, next to it- hinge cut..... 200 yards away u might find pockets I just "totally opened up to sunlight" (if all it was is junk.., and heck, I sometimes direct seed trees or forbs in there if I have time on occasion.). I just like lots of "structure", cover & terrain changes, massive amounts of browse & cover & want oaks, walnuts, cherry, etc to flourish as great crop trees. & long term I want to change the make up of the forest from all the undesireAble trees to more oaks, walnuts, etc. can make huge gains fast if u take time to know all species and take the time to locate the good quality trees and take out the crap.
Later on, if u guys want me do a vid on "anything" I can. I for sure need to get a tripod or get someone to film. I know my iPhone job is silly. I know trees and love that- I'm the opposite with technology and film stuff though.

Side note...... a good place to "start" learning tsi (tip of the iceberg and do get help!!!!)..... I almost call it "reverse tsi" or maybe weed tree removal... if a guy wants to at least get started, the basics are this to keep you "pretty safe".... learn your protected trees to seek out: walnut, white, red, burr & swamp oaks. Cherry, best hickory poles (thin others), few others that are desireable. Why I call it "reverse" is a guy could go in and target these to kill & be pretty safe: Bitternut hickory, thin shagbarks so only best poles remain, elm, locusts of any kind can go (love to kill off all black locust), ironwood, ash (imo), elder, buckeye & a few others. Kill those off to start (if u wanted to kill, hinge, top off- whatever) and u likely are pretty safe. It's sure not a complete job BUT if a guy wanted to get started without major risk of screwing up timber- pretty safe. That's just my OPINION & you will also find- tsi is pretty "subjective" and opinions run the gammit on how to approach it. Plus everyone's goals are a little different. Just make sure u are not accidentally cutting walnuts, white oaks, etc!!!
