It is going to be a good fall!
Please no, cross fingers! Stay away, I'll check my pond and creek this weekend!
Uggghhhh. Bring a frost!!!
Agree - velvet off is a huge blessing..... no easy velvet to bite through and no bloody magnet mess when shedding. That will help for sure.
Ironically- in my actual border- I’ve found none dead. Folks in area found a good amount. I did load some spots up with garlic & sulfur in some mineral - coincidence?!?! I better not repeat That too often as I’ll get blamed for spreading the CWD thats been wiping out deer by the millions in the Midwest. *yes, I know- some disagree with minerals - I get it- understand ur point of view. I just personally think the data isn’t there on that. & likely could find out that until every deer scrape branch, deer swapping spit, congregating & interacting naturally like crazy- mineral will have little or zero impact as natural behaviors of deer are likely far more intense. Off topic BUT- back to main issue1 on my personal farm, in borders, as far as I know, little to no ehd & 2 miles in any direction is different story.
4-5 fold...... they eat heck out of it.... in theory & cattle & horse & sheep folks do it as well.... creates odor that flies don’t wanna bite.
My ticks fell off deer very fast.
Boosts immunity
Improves (with other minerals as well) vascularity & blood flow. Vasodilating actions as well. This helps cool deer, reduce impact of hemorrhaging & increases chance deer recovers.
Garlic is a natural: anti-inflammatory, helps in digestion & high in antioxidants. Heck, I’ve taken it myself for those reasons.
I just googled “garlic, horse, feed” & this came up. Clearly biased and they want to sell it to u but I just skimmed through this and they have their rationale.
Not saying it’s a 100% sure thing & ive read a PILE of data on it. But- long story short- im convinced based on 3 years now that it’s very impactful to deer that eat it. I will say this.... bucks that POUND IT, on trail cam..... I’ve NEVER lost one of those bucks in 3 years now.
Oops. Sorry.
Previous thread:
1st 2 links sell u something. I get it. But- I believe there’s validity based on my experience. Strongly believe. I can add studies & data (mixed results) but I won’t bore u all with that.
I buy granulated 50 lbs garlic from a restaurant supplier online. 100 lbs mineral, 5 lbs granulated garlic, 1 lbs feed grade sulfur & top dress 5 lbs molasses. Works awesome for ticks, flies, etc - In my experience and opinion.
Should we call him Fligh?Well if I could get the deer to eat that invasive garlic mustard crap then I'll be golden? Thanks for the info flounder!
Oops. Sorry.
U can google all sorts of stuff. The most robust info is if u search for “garlic, sheep, feed, flies” or an animal that’s common & has economic value. That’s how this info always starts..... “well, works on cattle, let’s try it on deer”. Sometimes it does relate, sometimes not. Garlic & sulfur to deer do work for biting insects and a huge list of other health benefits.
Previous thread:
1st 2 links sell u something. I get it. But- I believe there’s validity based on my experience. Strongly believe. I can add studies & data (mixed results) but I won’t bore u all with that.
I buy granulated 50 lbs garlic from a restaurant supplier online. I think this one....
100 lbs mineral, 5 lbs granulated garlic, 1 lbs feed grade sulfur & top dress 5 lbs molasses. Works awesome for ticks, flies, etc - In my experience and opinion. Not extremely expensive, not risky IMO, lot of upside with little downside. I understand all the dynamics at play here..... building resistance, letting nature take course, not treating deer like cattle, folks against feeding, whatever - I’ve weighed it all out & for ME- I’m comfy & convinced. That’s ME though. Just throwing out a perspective & some info & u all are smart folks to decide what or what not to do. Hope above info at least helps a little.
Another quick question. Is there any initial bad reaction to garlic on the part of the deer? I ask because we are into hunting season already and if I put this out I don’t want to bump them away if there is an adjustment or a learning curve it takes them to get used to it
Should we call him Fligh?
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I agree with saver here. For sure the molasses would get you in trouble during season if hunting right away.I don't know about the garlic, but I too am curious about it. But be careful putting something out now that would get you over into a possible baiting situation, as the hunting season is underway.