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As I mentioned further up in this thread. I planted switch last year with nearly zero sign of it all year. I wrote it off as a failure due to the weather conditions. I sprayed this field with gly around the first week of May....this is what it looks like now...beautiful switch all over coming on strong!! I have some areas that have some foxtail that I will hit with quinclorac next weekend and I am debating on spraying with 24d or leaving the forbs....either way the mythological grass has come alive!!

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When should you spray the 2,4d or how tall should the weeds be?
1st year switchgrass.
As I mentioned further up in this thread. I planted switch last year with nearly zero sign of it all year. I wrote it off as a failure due to the weather conditions. I sprayed this field with gly around the first week of May....this is what it looks like now...beautiful switch all over coming on strong!! I have some areas that have some foxtail that I will hit with quinclorac next weekend and I am debating on spraying with 24d or leaving the forbs....either way the mythological grass has come alive!!

Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk
Second year switch, 2,4-d anytime. New switch …. Id let it be around 6-12” tall…. I’m more conservative because: when you have some plants 6” tall…. U might have some new plants emerging at same time that could be injured. Later the better IMO

Tmayer: I would NOT spray…. U have a light amount of forbs that actually can be beneficial… ragweed & the flowers you have, etc won’t hurt a thing. If mine, I wouldn’t spray.
Thinking of what to do with Switch grass planting this year. This is 2nd year switch that was frost seeded. I missed the herbicide treatments this year due to weather conditions and time. I did spray quinclorac 3 weeks ago and helped with grasses in planting, but did not kill all the grass looks like I have some switch patches that are 3 ft tall and seeding out, and a lot of seed that germinated this year 6-12" tall it is not super thick.

Do have some broadleaf in planting. Worried about using 24D right now may have some switch that are two young.
My question is should I mow everything at 6" high or higher or try to mow around the tall stuff?

And due to seeding coming up light what would be the best way to try to thicken existing stands this fall?
IF this is second year stuff at this point I would let it go , Next spring say March I would do Oust/XFM75 at 2 oz an acre it will be clean as a whistle and release all your switch .. You will be happy .
Wow, so what are your thoughts moving forward? Is frost seeding going to be a thing of the past for you?
My thoughts are there is more than one way to skin the cat. More tools in the tool bag.

I will continue to mostly frost seed for two reasons.

1. I have more time in Feb/Mar than spring.
2. Broadcast is faster than drilling.
How tall should 2nd year get before it heads out? This is 2nd year CIR mostly 3-4' tall and starting to head out. 85# lab in photo for frame of reference.


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need advice from video below on my neglected switchgrass planting
It really doesn’t look that bad. If I saw that right- your switch plants look like they are coming through - just crowded.

Few options…. Clipping asap is perfect. Since you did that- u opened the canopy & those switch plants should be just fine. Could leave it at that. Clip once more later if needed.

Herbicides if you wanted …. Atrazine or simazine & crop oil. Or labeled rate of 2,4-d would probably be the best option. If a lot of foxtail - quinclorac & methylated seed oil. All of these are options & optional. If it were mine- I probably would mow it…. Assess in a week or 2…. 2,4-d as needed.
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