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Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

I voted for Biden, and will vote for him again. Yes, I wish he was younger (I did not caucus for him because I thought he was too old). No, I do not support every one of his policies, although generally I am satisfied. I generally prefer liberal policies over conservative ones.

Conversations about candidates have their uses, but personally I think it's the platforms and issues that are the most important. While I'd be happy to represent "The Braindead Liberals" and have a respectful conversation with any of you about any topic, I would like to pose a question, or group of questions, to this clearly very Conservative group:

What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc.

I have my doubts that one more internet message board argument is going to benefit humanity in any way, but neither do I think an echo chamber where only one side is represented benefits anyone. Respectful conversation and exchange of ideas is what our country needs more of. Let's have it.

I have to admit, I try to give the President respect regardless of who is in office. This is the first time in my life I can say that I have lost all respect for my president. Career politician that has an IQ of a crash test dummy, no sense of what the American people need, brought us to the brink of WWIII, and has the entire nation under extreme economic stress. Add to that the border policy, the lack of ownership of issues and the corrupt cover ups that certainly changed the election and I just can't find an ounce of me that respects Biden.

As far as what the country needs from my side:

1. Fiscal conservatism - this has been something that our government (both sides) have not been able to do in a long time. We have to stop the BS spend, spend, spend attitude of this country that the last 4 decades have brought, we will not survive much longer.

2. protect our country and our people first. This includes, but certainly not limited to, the border. Our country is still the greatest in the world and people want to immigrate here, I understand this. But you have to be vetted and come in the right way. I will take the wall to start, it will provide some deterrence but certainly is not an end all. Reinstate and make permanent the "stay in Mexico" policy of Trump. I would also increase the number of agents and or issue military surveillance of the border with the ability to use force to keep people from crossing illegally, it will never be impermeable but it cannot continue to be open gates. Billions spent monitoring and controlling the border would still be 10x lower than the financial burden of open borders.

3. Term limits for every elected official. You are there for the people not to swell your personal pocket. With that, no more insider trading by our officials and harsh punishments for those caught.

Along with term limits, cognitive competency testing must also take place. We cannot afford to have folks in major cognitive decline holding positions of power.

4. Limiting government handouts. No more sitting at home and getting paid. Yearly and lifetime limits on all government assistant programs. You should contribute to this country in a positive way if the government is going to pay you. I know plenty of road side ditches that need cleaned ;)

5. Energy independence. 3 years ago we were making money off American produced energy, sad state of affairs today. We can balance where and how we drill, etc. with conservation efforts, both sides know this.

6. Infrastructure investments - more half ass fixes. This is the only 1st world country I have ever been to where you can lose teeth driving down the interstate. The technology is there already, use it.

7. Eliminate the NEA. Teachers unions, teachers pay, benefits, education structures, etc. should be 100% controlled by the states.

8. Work on incentives for America to become independent of China and others. I don't have the answers here but we cannot rely on foreign countries to provide us with key products or ingredients to survival (i.e medications). We are still feeling the affects of the pandemic on supply chains, this is not going away soon so the investment in America has to start now.

9. More funding for law enforcement. 346 officers shot in line of duty in 2022, that is 346 too many. Stricter punishments that must be served to full term. Law, order, and discipline go a long way. Additionally, the use of federal officers in highest crime areas reinstated.

10. Arrest Fauci

11. Stronger foreign policy. We are the joke of the free world. Afghanistan withdraw was one of the largest foreign policy blunders in the history of the US. We have lost respect internationally and our enemies are taking advantage.
What is the Republican platform? What are the key 5 issues that Republicans stand for? What are the most important legislative priorities, and why?

More importantly, what specifically do you want to see done? If "Fix Immigration" is the issue, ok, how exactly? Spend billions trying to construct and police an impermeable border? Deport every illegal immigrant? Increase funding and staff the legal immigration process to reduce backlog? Etc. it.
The Uni-party Republicrat Establishment platform is different from the Conservative platform. With that said… Conservative platform:
1) anti war & foreign entaglements
2) SECURE BORDER. & oh yes it can be done!!!! & oh yes did Biden open it up on purpose & IMO- it’s TREASON pure & simple. & I don’t say that to be provocative. I truly believe that’s an impeachable offense & it’s sabotage of a nation what is going on!!!
3) Reduce Gov spending/printing $, inflation, Deficit & the direction of the country that will bankrupt us & send us down the road of every other fallen empire & country that couldn’t control spending & corruption…. Leads me to #4…
4) CORRUPTION!!!! We all know, if we’re honest - Bidens are corrupt to the core. I’ll just skip past explaining- we all know this, let’s just call a spade a spade. CORRUPTION in short vague bit: TERM LIMITS!!!! No stock trading. No “getting rich from being in office”. Total gutting of FBI & rest of deep state. Government Collusion with big tech & media- gotta end. Weaponizing Justice system against political enemies. On & on. It’s rotten to the core on both sides but no doubt the stuff like “deep state” & prosecutions are vastly skewed against right.
5) MAGA!! ;). Random thoughts .., America loving again vs hating the country. Lift up bottom & middle class by offering opportunities & not crimpling them with inflation or being a slave to the welfare state. Or letting millions of illegals in to take their jobs!!!!! Or bringing in limitless drugs & ramped crime in the Left run big cities. This country is on fire. Invaded. The people are suffering & all the Politicians do is talk about the “invasion” on Jan 6… cause only THEY matter & if the rest of the country is burning down or in mass chaos- those are just problems for us LITTLE PEOPLE!!!
6) I’ll throw 6 out there…. Quit with the woke indoctrination of our kids & this bizarre insane obsession with this 24/7 “LQBTQ*%*+={>£€¥• + “u r a racist” insanity!!!!!! It’s non stop. It’s fed to these kids daily at school. While they can’t get math, science, writing & social skills dialed in. It’s so out of hand, this world is upside down!!!

IMMIGRATION could be fixed. BS to anyone who says it can’t. Absolutely a wall & full enforcement works. BS to any political hack that says it doesn’t. Border patrol makes it clear as day what they need & it’s no secret they detest what is being done right now. &
Absolutely u could stop illegals by going after the crooks that exploit & pay them… which again- hurts the citizens of this country!!! We could have every last one gone if we wanted to. U all know it and anyone with the IQ of a Tomato or a Biden knows it!!!

My reply to YOU is sincere & meant with respect to you. I don’t respect what’s happening to our country so please understand the difference between the 2 sentiments. Again - thank you for your posts & once again- props on your honesty & balls to post opposing views in a minority situation. Best wishes to YOU & Country!!!
Yes. I don't think the Biden administration has been perfect, far from it. But I like a lot of things that have been done.

Of things you mentioned specifically. NO, I don't like the high prices. Grocery shopping has driven me nuts, and I am a person who is fortunate enough financially that it hasn't been a real burden. BUT, what should be done to fix it? What are the solutions? Certainly not government price controls, right? Fed needs to reduce the supply of money to kill demand? Is that what Republicans are calling for? (I don't know). How does that reduction in demand effect business/jobs? It's all a balance, right? Was COVID stimulus check from Biden a mistake? I got one from Trump too, even got a separate extra letter from him making sure I knew he was the person to thank for it.

I love parental involvement in education. I'm baffled by 1 student's parents saying "I don't want my kid to read this book," therefore no one else's kid can read that book. But more than that, I wish instead of these culture wars, Iowa was working harder to fix our roads and bridges.

Not sure some of your other facts are accurate, but we don't need to dig unless you want to. And yes, I agree with a lot of gun restrictions! I own several guns! I don't think very many democrats want ALL guns taken away. I think if people sat down and actually talked about this sort of thing, they'd be surprised on what they could agree on. That would be my hope anyway.
You quoted that you like some things that Joe has done! Enlighten us on what you like that he’s done….. nothing is coming to mind for me.
Biden immediately stopped work on the wall. If walls don't work, then why did they put one up around the capital right after Jan 6th? We should fix the rampant immigration problem and police the border. I think we should also do more to let the people that are here illegally to work somehow do it legally, not sure the best solution there.

Defund the police for the completely false narrative of systemic racism in the police force is ridiculous. Biden supported that. Also, if you don't like how the police are policing, your solution is to give them less money and expect an improvement?

Biden chose kamala Harris as VP, not because she was qualified, but because she was a black woman. She is horrible. Can you name one good thing she has done as VP. Scarier yet, if Biden dies, she's our president.

Biden clearly has diminished mental capacity. He can't talk unless he's reading from a script. It really makes me wonder who his handler is and who is really running the country.

Biden completely botched Afghanistan. He is weak and the rest of the world is walking all over him. One main reason for inflation is the Ukraine war and There's no way Russia would have invaded Ukraine if trump was president.

The other reason for inflation is the government kept covid money pumping out way too long. He should have opened up the economy sooner and shut off the covid money.

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Forgot, I agree with wasteful defense spending. The DOD just failed it's fifth audit. They can't account for 1/6 of their $3.5 trillion in assets. If you really want to get upset, watch Jon Stewart's interview with the defense secretary.

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You're acting like a crazy liberal: you disagree with someone, so you immediately get hostile, scream, and berate.

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You just berated me. And then you summed up why Biden sucks. THIS IS SCREAMING, when you type, I didn't do that. Scroll on.
I provided civil reasons why I don't like Biden as an on-going discussion of both sides. I didn't call him my enemy and tell him to get the F out of here.

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I provided civil reasons why I don't like Biden as an on-going discussion of both sides. I didn't call him my enemy and tell him to get the F out of here.

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You wasted your breath and typing. You aren't going to change the mind of a Dem. I'm done with political correctness. Biden and his supporters ARE my enemy. It's the truth, that's all. I said get the f outta here, because acorn posted on a thread titled Trump or Desantis. Thread had nothing to do with Biden, but acorn had to go there.
If it makes you all happy, I'm done posting in this thread.
If it pisses u off big league. Those are the times I tune out. Honestly - that’s why I only check the news on rare occasion….. because it does make me so mad. & I don’t want to be in that world in my own head. So I turn it off.
Do I think it’s fine to debate this stuff? ABSOLUTELY! Especially when it’s with decent people. Which is what we have here. & I’ll say it…. I’ll bet you a dollar Acorn is a good dude with good intentions. I don’t think the same of Biden & the corrupt establishment. I’m angry what they did to our country BUT i also want civil debate. & it’s a RARE thing to have this group of good decent people (say VS Facebook or some Media site) & where we can hear from a Biden supporter & at least respect the discussion. Or his right to speak. I don’t agree with it but I want opposing views able to be expressed. Liberals are afraid to give Trump or many conservatives a voice. It’s WEAK!!! It’s a weak position!!!! This site ain’t weak. We aren’t weak. We should let other views be heard. Think I made my point. ;).

Biden is not fit for president. Or even fit for being outside a nursing home. The country is being ruined before our eyes. We got a year to get this right…. I’ll be honest - I believe Trump or Desantis could trounce President Vegetable. If we don’t resolve ballot harvesting, mail in voting, signature verification, on & on…. Won’t matter. That’s the battle. Way before who should win the primary or who the best option is in Nov 2024
If it pisses u off big league. Those are the times I tune out. Honestly - that’s why I only check the news on rare occasion….. because it does make me so mad. & I don’t want to be in that world in my own head. So I turn it off.
Do I think it’s fine to debate this stuff? ABSOLUTELY! Especially when it’s with decent people. Which is what we have here. & I’ll say it…. I’ll bet you a dollar Acorn is a good dude with good intentions. I don’t think the same of Biden & the corrupt establishment. I’m angry what they did to our country BUT i also want civil debate. & it’s a RARE thing to have this group of good decent people (say VS Facebook or some Media site) & where we can hear from a Biden supporter & at least respect the discussion. Or his right to speak. I don’t agree with it but I want opposing views able to be expressed. Liberals are afraid to give Trump or many conservatives a voice. It’s WEAK!!! It’s a weak position!!!! This site ain’t weak. We aren’t weak. We should let other views be heard. Think I made my point. ;).

Biden is not fit for president. Or even fit for being outside a nursing home. The country is being ruined before our eyes. We got a year to get this right…. I’ll be honest - I believe Trump or Desantis could trounce President Vegetable. If we don’t resolve ballot harvesting, mail in voting, signature verification, on & on…. Won’t matter. That’s the battle. Way before who should win the primary or who the best option is in Nov 2024
My thoughts on politics align with yours almost exactly. I do think one thing in today's world that really decides elections is that more and more people today want free stuff. They vote accordingly and could care less what harm is being done to the USA under the Democrats. As long as they actually receive free things from Democrats or are promised free stuff that is who they will vote for. I figure this group makes up about 40-50% of our population now. Look at what Biden is giving out recently......College loan forgiveness, rent forgiveness, no evictions, the child tax credit increases, free healthcare, legal fees and welfare for illegals, I believe some Dem states still give out covid money, and the list goes on.. It's an uphill battle going forward to take the country back and I'm hoping it can be done.
I have to admit, I try to give the President respect regardless of who is in office. This is the first time in my life I can say that I have lost all respect for my president. Career politician that has an IQ of a crash test dummy, no sense of what the American people need, brought us to the brink of WWIII, and has the entire nation under extreme economic stress. Add to that the border policy, the lack of ownership of issues and the corrupt cover ups that certainly changed the election and I just can't find an ounce of me that respects Biden.

As far as what the country needs from my side:

1. Fiscal conservatism - this has been something that our government (both sides) have not been able to do in a long time. We have to stop the BS spend, spend, spend attitude of this country that the last 4 decades have brought, we will not survive much longer.

2. protect our country and our people first. This includes, but certainly not limited to, the border. Our country is still the greatest in the world and people want to immigrate here, I understand this. But you have to be vetted and come in the right way. I will take the wall to start, it will provide some deterrence but certainly is not an end all. Reinstate and make permanent the "stay in Mexico" policy of Trump. I would also increase the number of agents and or issue military surveillance of the border with the ability to use force to keep people from crossing illegally, it will never be impermeable but it cannot continue to be open gates. Billions spent monitoring and controlling the border would still be 10x lower than the financial burden of open borders.

3. Term limits for every elected official. You are there for the people not to swell your personal pocket. With that, no more insider trading by our officials and harsh punishments for those caught.

Along with term limits, cognitive competency testing must also take place. We cannot afford to have folks in major cognitive decline holding positions of power.

4. Limiting government handouts. No more sitting at home and getting paid. Yearly and lifetime limits on all government assistant programs. You should contribute to this country in a positive way if the government is going to pay you. I know plenty of road side ditches that need cleaned ;)

5. Energy independence. 3 years ago we were making money off American produced energy, sad state of affairs today. We can balance where and how we drill, etc. with conservation efforts, both sides know this.

6. Infrastructure investments - more half ass fixes. This is the only 1st world country I have ever been to where you can lose teeth driving down the interstate. The technology is there already, use it.

7. Eliminate the NEA. Teachers unions, teachers pay, benefits, education structures, etc. should be 100% controlled by the states.

8. Work on incentives for America to become independent of China and others. I don't have the answers here but we cannot rely on foreign countries to provide us with key products or ingredients to survival (i.e medications). We are still feeling the affects of the pandemic on supply chains, this is not going away soon so the investment in America has to start now.

9. More funding for law enforcement. 346 officers shot in line of duty in 2022, that is 346 too many. Stricter punishments that must be served to full term. Law, order, and discipline go a long way. Additionally, the use of federal officers in highest crime areas reinstated.

10. Arrest Fauci

11. Stronger foreign policy. We are the joke of the free world. Afghanistan withdraw was one of the largest foreign policy blunders in the history of the US. We have lost respect internationally and our enemies are taking advantage.
Oh, on #4 you must also be talking about some farmers. Except in the off season they hang down in their 2nd home down south or maybe even a 3rd home up north. Plenty of handouts there as well as corporate subsidies, tax breaks, allowing avoidance of taxes by off-shoring income, etc.
Trump gets things done. This isn’t a popularity contest. It’s about leading, looking out for our nation and at times saving lives. If Trump were President there would be no Ukraine war. The Dems who facilitated the fraud literally have blood on their hands. The crime spikes in the cities would not be happening etc. The examples are endless. I don’t care who Trump rubs the wrong way the man wins. Period. This isn’t a game.
I would like to know what you think Trump gets done? I agree about there being a lower probability of the Ukraine war but obviously no way to prove that theory. And crime spikes? Umm if I remember correctly Trump was president when the BLM riots were taking over the nation. He had TONS of chances to call in the National Guard yet never did. And really he didn't win...He handled Covid poorly. He was the one that appointed Faucci. Look I voted for the man twice but other than low gas prices, a good economy and a goof foreign policy with China he really didnt do shit....

I mean he did aide in dividing the country....not blaming him for it as I believe it was actually Obama started it but Trump certainly didnt help matters.
I would like to know what you think Trump gets done? I agree about there being a lower probability of the Ukraine war but obviously no way to prove that theory. And crime spikes? Umm if I remember correctly Trump was president when the BLM riots were taking over the nation. He had TONS of chances to call in the National Guard yet never did. And really he didn't win...He handled Covid poorly. He was the one that appointed Faucci. Look I voted for the man twice but other than low gas prices, a good economy and a goof foreign policy with China he really didnt do shit....

I mean he did aide in dividing the country....not blaming him for it as I believe it was actually Obama started it but Trump certainly didnt help matters.
Listen to podcast when Simon Conway interviewed Trump a few days ago about communist Faucci. It’s on Iheart radio good insight about that dog
I think some need to ask a different question. Who has the best shot to win in a general election. That may be a different answer than who you might think is the absolute best candidate.
This is the correct question to ask.

There is a reason that the MSM wants Trump to run and not DeSantis. Trump will lose because he turns people away, he cannot get the independent vote. White mothers hate him.

If you pay attention the MSM is doing nothing but bashing DeSantis because they know if he gets the nomination he will beat the dead guy in office....
Oh, on #4 you must also be talking about some farmers. Except in the off season they hang down in their 2nd home down south or maybe even a 3rd home up north. Plenty of handouts there as well as corporate subsidies, tax breaks, allowing avoidance of taxes by off-shoring income, etc.
I agree the farm subsidies & “hand outs” need to go for farmers. Left or right - maybe we all agree on this?!?! Same with corporate subsidies & ESPECIALLY the CORRUPTION that gives companies like Amazon or google a 0% tax rate while we are sitting here as working men paying 25-45% or more (dependent on state rate & tax bracket).
I’m in this farmer group…. I MAYBE get 2-5% of what I pay in back in subsidies …. The main one is my crop insurance is backed by government by law. & they pay for about 1/2 the cost.

There is ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE farmers have VS a person who lives off welfare…. Farmers pay vastly more in than they take out!! Pay fed & state income tax. Pay into SS. Pay massive property tax bills. Many families have to sell farms when farmers die to pay the government on the value of the land!!!! so many fees & other costs your head would spin. They put huge $ back in the system vs the little “handed” back.

I’d take a farmer who works their butt off, contributing to the system, with a 2nd house over… an able bodied working man living in government funded housing with free food, utilities, healthcare, etc!!!!

Agree - the handouts of all types got to go!!
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