Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Here's My Solution to the Problems Raccoons Cause


Well-Known Member
We haven't seen pheasants or turkey broods on our place in 8+ years. A quick discussion, a trip to Theisens, 14 dog proof traps later, and we were set

14 sets. 10 coon and 1 grinner this morning. 4 preggos and the grinner had 10 babies in the pouch.


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So great!!!! If everyone across state does this now…. Bird population will blow back up. Good work!!!!
My neighbor at my farm has been hammering them too...right out of his yard. They're everywhere.
Nice work. Pro tip from an old trapper, liquid smoke is an awesome attraction for coons.

Mini marshmallows and cat food was my go to in dog proofs. Just don’t fill above the trigger

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Going to do this soon
- favorite brand of trap?
I see the legislation has passed to allow but dont know when it takes effect - do i still need DNR permission to take out nuisance coons?
That is a a greasy nasty mess. Way to hammer them. Will be interesting how many you get at that location
Really happy to hear this as my DNR guy told me no last year on a permit. Anyone know when the new law takes effect?
The word from from the DNR on how it's interpreted is that only the landowner/tenant can kill them year round.
The word from from the DNR on how it's interpreted is that only the landowner/tenant can kill them year round.
That would be me and I'm ready to do my worst. I used to trap, so I have lots of traps. Just waiting for it to be legal. :)
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