Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Getting ready to buy mineral to put out. Last year I used Purina wind and rain and like others in this thread say, it was “so-so”. Have you guys found a good mix that would be available at coops that has been successful?
I was actually just looking at some myself. I was thinking about trying a bag from realworld. Seems a little pricey compared to other options though.
there’s one rangeland formulation where they increased all the goodies in it - which is great for nutrition …. But they lowered the salt & molasses. Deer didn’t gobble it. My method on those…. I just added more salt & molasses… mixed it in & they pounded it. I’d probably say that for any mineral they are not hitting … can add 5 lbs of each per 50 lbs.
that stockade 6 for $19. I’d look at that & check out ingredients. That’s a great buy!

Current Wind And Rain label. This is all I can find locally without going buck on bag.

I was curious about the last two ingredients so I goodled them. Here are the results.

Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) and cobalt carbonate are both ingredients in animal feed supplements and salt blocks:

  • Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI)
    An iodine supplement that prevents iodine deficiency in cattle and pets. It can also treat foot rot, goiter, and lumpy jaw in cattle. EDDI is a powdered additive that's highly bioavailable.
    • Cobalt carbonate
      A component of dietary supplements and a precursor to cobalt carbonyl and cobalt salts. Cobalt is an essential element.
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Anyone put their mineral out in any sort of container (small kiddie pool, or cattle trough)? just curious how the deer react
Anyone put their mineral out in any sort of container (small kiddie pool, or cattle trough)? just curious how the deer react
I've been using large rubber feed pans but they fill up with water and then deer don't use them so I think I'm going to stop using them and just plan on covering the sites before season.
Nutrena brand, $19/bag at TSC. Kent brand, $41/bag at TSC.

Formulations similar, but not exact. Is the Kent worth twice the price?

Anyone have experience with either of these? Palatability/draw, etc.? If so, did you have to tweak with add’l salt or molasses to enhance?

Per Skip’s guidance earlier in this thread, look for minimum 8% phosphorus. Personally, I wouldn’t do Nutrena at only 4%.
I always add a bit of molasses.

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Here’s what I did…could be completely wrong or could be ok. We’ll see. Mixed these 4, 50 lb bags (Bronze loose cattle mineral, Trophy Deer mineral, Trace Mineral Salt, Dried Molasses) in a 1:1 ratio of all 4. I didn’t like that the deer min only had 7% phos, but did like the calcium content. Added the Bronze due to 8% phos…I do realize that blending 7% to 8% “waters down” the 8%. But still…better than what was there before. They were on it in less than 2 hours. Should be plenty salty, but plenty of the good stuff too. Ended up with 200 lbs of material for about $90.


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I’ve got a dead ash tree that topple over finally, it’s right next to my current mineral site, should I add mineral directly to the stump or keep it where it is, I’ve seen guys reccomend placing on stumps.
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