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The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

Not specific to deer hunting at all. In general I just think people should never be complacent in paying more for less for anything when dealing with the government. All of us without a doubt would gladly pay more to hunt here. Thats’s really not the way to do things tho. Hardly any of us would gladly pay a higher fuel tax or cheer on doubling our vehicle registration prices to have the same or less than we currently have. Sets a bad precedent.
Still wondering what you consider a small fortune to buy tags and licenses for you and your kids to go hunting?
All the gear, guns ammo, etc. I am not interested in.
Just the cost for tags/licenses.
You forgot to include, 'for 2 days of hunting', but here you go. You can perform the math.

3 habitat stamps
3 licenses
4 statewide anysex tags

That's for 3 adults and 1 youth. (Youth soon to be an adult, and another youth soon to join us.)

Lots of family men out there who do the same, even well after their kids turn 16, 18, or even 21. Not angry... Just stating that raising license and tag prices will negatively impact existing hunters. If prices are increased to a point in 2025 that I say, "nope, not gonna pay it", 5 Iowa resident hunters are lost.

In the grand scheme of things I and my own are a drop in the bucket, but again, lots of family men out there who are in the same camp with their kids.
You forgot to include, 'for 2 days of hunting', but here you go. You can perform the math.

3 habitat stamps
3 licenses
4 statewide anysex tags

That's for 3 adults and 1 youth. (Youth soon to be an adult, and another youth soon to join us.)

Lots of family men out there who do the same, even well after their kids turn 16, 18, or even 21. Not angry... Just stating that raising license and tag prices will negatively impact existing hunters. If prices are increased to a point in 2025 that I say, "nope, not gonna pay it", 5 Iowa resident hunters are lost.

In the grand scheme of things I and my own are a drop in the bucket, but again, lots of family men out there who are in the same camp with their kids.
I appreciate your opinion and debate. Like I've mentioned, I'm a NR so I have no idea what those prices are but I am going to take a stab and say under $200 total.
I am a family man too, have kids that I have to pay for all of their "fun and enjoyment" type entertainment, etc.
To me, that's a cheap form of entertainment, especially given the amount of days in the season available. You could only go for 2 days, I get it but that was your call.

Golfing 18 holes with you and your 4 kids, same cost or more for 4 hours of enjoyment.
Skiing with kids, same deal
Countless examples
We aren't going to agree on this and that's fine. Seems like your kids aren't that into it anyway if they aren't willing to pay their own way once dad is off the hook.
I don't think a giant increase is a good idea, but slow steady increase is necessary IMO.
SMH... No, not float from year to year. Float from season to season, within the same year.

As for the rest, I was sharing my differing opinions and viewpoints, so take your lecture and stick it up your ass, bub.
I saw no lecture, just questions seeking to understand. "Stick it up your ass" seems much more of a lecture than those questions were. Disagreement and discussion are fine. Why attack someone?
I've been here a while, bub.

I can't help it if you inaccurately interpret my comments as 'getting angry'. Yet another lecture. I already addressed where you can place those.

I can obviously afford to take my kids hunting, and of course it's a choice of mine to do so, otherwise I wouldn't do it. I didn't feel I had to make these two statements, but I was mistaken. I shared my personal expense & experience associated with 2024 deer hunting to provide some background support for my opinion that tag and license prices should not be increased, as it will turn off more than it will increase revenue.

I believe my shared opinions represent more of the 'common man' on here than what I consider an 'elitist', but I'm sure there are several who would disagree, and sometimes my comments may not sit well with folks.

Responses are welcomed. Lectures are not.
A lot of people have "been on here a while". One of the main reasons we have is because the people on this site do a better job of not attacking each other and getting personal than many other forums do. Please try to keep it this way. And this is not a lecture but a true request.
A lot of people have "been on here a while". One of the main reasons we have is because the people on this site do a better job of not attacking each other and getting personal than many other forums do. Please try to keep it this way. And this is not a lecture but a true request.
I’ll agree with that. It is possible to be angry and still be respectful. I’ll try to do better too!
I've been here a while, bub.

I can't help it if you inaccurately interpret my comments as 'getting angry'. Yet another lecture. I already addressed where you can place those.

I can obviously afford to take my kids hunting, and of course it's a choice of mine to do so, otherwise I wouldn't do it. I didn't feel I had to make these two statements, but I was mistaken. I shared my personal expense & experience associated with 2024 deer hunting to provide some background support for my opinion that tag and license prices should not be increased, as it will turn off more than it will increase revenue.

I believe my shared opinions represent more of the 'common man' on here than what I consider an 'elitist', but I'm sure there are several who would disagree, and sometimes my comments may not sit well with folks.

Responses are welcomed. Lectures are not.
Whose bub?!
I agree with Obsessed on the costs being high when trying to get your kids into hunting.

JBAGS, you can’t exclude the cost of equipment because it is part of the total cost associated with the hunt. You can’t hunt without equipment. Just like you can’t exclude the cost of golf clubs, shoes, glove, golf balls, tees and only look at the green fees associated with golfing. If you are introducing your kid to a sport you have to decide if you’re trying to set them up for success or failure. If they are using adult golf clubs and they are 10 years old they are not likely to succeed. That is with every sport, take your pick. The problem comes when the costs become prohibitive and people decide not to go. I gave up golfing 20 years ago although I still have all my gear. Not because I didn’t enjoy it but because after having kids I needed to prioritize my time and money. Working on farm projects and other kid stuff took priority. So I gave up golfing. If it wasn’t for grandpa and grandma whose passion is golfing none of my kids would have been introduced to golfing because I have never taken them golfing. Not one time. But their grandparents did and now all of them enjoy golfing. We need parents taking their kids hunting.

When the costs get high enough that they force a choice between dad spending the money on say golf clubs and golf league fees for the summer to play with his buddies or buying his kids new hunting equipment and tags for two days of hunting. He may choose the golfing. That is just an example because anything could take the place of spending the money on hunting if the costs get too high. Paying bills, buying something the wife wants, vacation, you take your pick.

I think most of people on IW really have a disconnect with the average hunter and their mindset. Most are not like us. They don’t think about deer hunting 365. Sure spending two hundred on licenses seems cheap to you and me because we already have thousands dumped into stands, blinds, guns, bows, trail cams, tractors, land, seed, fertilizer, etc all just for deer hunting.

Most guys don’t even start thinking about deer hunting until a couple weeks before the season. Many not until a couple days before. These are the majority of deer hunters in Iowa, not the minority, and we can’t afford to loose them. When the cost gets high enough that the average guy stops to think…is it really worth going??? Then we are on the edge of loosing them and their children. I think we are at that point with a very high percentage of the average hunters in Iowa. Everything has gotten so expensive after the last 4 years. The deer population is down more than half what it was in 2005. Loss of habitat has concentrated the deer onto fewer farms. Then factor in that more guys are loosing access every year due to leasing and land sales. It is easy for guys to get discouraged and quit. None of it is good for the future of Iowa’s deer hunting heritage. While the license fee price doesn’t mean too much to guys like us. I assure you that it certainly does to the majority of guys that deer hunt in Iowa. We need tag fees to stay affordable for the guy that casually deer hunts and for the guy that is busting his butt to get ahead that wants to expose his kids to the sport. Both are important to the future of deer hunting in Iowa.
I agree with Obsessed on the costs being high when trying to get your kids into hunting.

JBAGS, you can’t exclude the cost of equipment because it is part of the total cost associated with the hunt. You can’t hunt without equipment. Just like you can’t exclude the cost of golf clubs, shoes, glove, golf balls, tees and only look at the green fees associated with golfing. If you are introducing your kid to a sport you have to decide if you’re trying to set them up for success or failure. If they are using adult golf clubs and they are 10 years old they are not likely to succeed. That is with every sport, take your pick. The problem comes when the costs become prohibitive and people decide not to go. I gave up golfing 20 years ago although I still have all my gear. Not because I didn’t enjoy it but because after having kids I needed to prioritize my time and money. Working on farm projects and other kid stuff took priority. So I gave up golfing. If it wasn’t for grandpa and grandma whose passion is golfing none of my kids would have been introduced to golfing because I have never taken them golfing. Not one time. But their grandparents did and now all of them enjoy golfing. We need parents taking their kids hunting.

When the costs get high enough that they force a choice between dad spending the money on say golf clubs and golf league fees for the summer to play with his buddies or buying his kids new hunting equipment and tags for two days of hunting. He may choose the golfing. That is just an example because anything could take the place of spending the money on hunting if the costs get too high. Paying bills, buying something the wife wants, vacation, you take your pick.

I think most of people on IW really have a disconnect with the average hunter and their mindset. Most are not like us. They don’t think about deer hunting 365. Sure spending two hundred on licenses seems cheap to you and me because we already have thousands dumped into stands, blinds, guns, bows, trail cams, tractors, land, seed, fertilizer, etc all just for deer hunting.

Most guys don’t even start thinking about deer hunting until a couple weeks before the season. Many not until a couple days before. These are the majority of deer hunters in Iowa, not the minority, and we can’t afford to loose them. When the cost gets high enough that the average guy stops to think…is it really worth going??? Then we are on the edge of loosing them and their children. I think we are at that point with a very high percentage of the average hunters in Iowa. Everything has gotten so expensive after the last 4 years. The deer population is down more than half what it was in 2005. Loss of habitat has concentrated the deer onto fewer farms. Then factor in that more guys are loosing access every year due to leasing and land sales. It is easy for guys to get discouraged and quit. None of it is good for the future of Iowa’s deer hunting heritage. While the license fee price doesn’t mean too much to guys like us. I assure you that it certainly does to the majority of guys that deer hunt in Iowa. We need tag fees to stay affordable for the guy that casually deer hunts and for the guy that is busting his butt to get ahead that wants to expose his kids to the sport. Both are important to the future of deer hunting in Iowa.
He said it was a small fortune to buy tags and licenses to go hunting. I asked what he considered a small fortune was for the tags. That's why I wanted to know what he paid.
I am well aware it takes equipment to hunt or golf, or fish, etc. I do all these things.
My overall point was, a $25 tag, $25 license and a $10 habitat stamp, so $60, or whatever it is in this ballpark, to be able to hunt for several days during a gun season is cheap. Too cheap.
So they only went 2 days, his choice to only go 2 days, but $30 a day to hunt. Haha, C'mon
What else can you do for $30??
It was stated about opinions being formed around the "common mans" way of thinking vs the "elitist".. What do you consider "elitist"? Do you think the "elitist" hunters are helping iowa deer hunting or having a more negative affect?
Elitist is hard to judge. Could be the guy that has it good and fights as hard as possible for others or could be the guy that totally does everything in his power to squash the competition and do everything in his power to rig the system and take advantage of the resource . Unfortunately many have the same thoughts and the bad guys will take the theories/messaging of the good ones and will use that to their advantage to screw everyone else.
He said it was a small fortune to buy tags and licenses to go hunting. I asked what he considered a small fortune was for the tags. That's why I wanted to know what he paid.
I am well aware it takes equipment to hunt or golf, or fish, etc. I do all these things.
My overall point was, a $25 tag, $25 license and a $10 habitat stamp, so $60, or whatever it is in this ballpark, to be able to hunt for several days during a gun season is cheap. Too cheap.
So they only went 2 days, his choice to only go 2 days, but $30 a day to hunt. Haha, C'mon
What else can you do for $30??

Your point is mute. Because the tag costs are just a portion of what it costs.
He said he bought 4 anysex tags, three hunting licenses with habitat stamps. So that should be $237 HE spent on licenses. Let’s say he spent $100 on gas. Ammo, let’s say $100 (3-20 round boxes of 350 legend) Food, let’s say $10 dollars each for breakfast, $10 each drinks and snacks, $15 each for lunch and $15 each for supper. So let’s figure $400 for food HE spent in two days. So let’s say $837 HE spent to take his kids hunting for two days. You can figure whatever you want for equipment and clothes. Here is my list. Let’s say 4- 350 legend bolt action rifles with scopes $3200. $325 each for camo and boots is $1300. You can also figure his locker bill to make some deer sticks and summer sausage. I’m gonna say $200. Let’s total it up. $837+$3200+$1300+$200=$5537. Oh and I didn't figure any binoculars, knives, tree stands or other equipment for him or the kids. Oh and if he hunted first season shotgun he likely only gets Saturday and Sunday to hunt because he has to be at work Monday-Friday and his kids have school Monday-Friday. So he doesn’t get to choose how many days he gets to hunt. He gets two days. Wise up. You play this tag cost off like it is nothing. It’s still $237 which to many families is a lot. Makes you sound like an “elitist”. Like I previously said. It doesn’t affect me. But you playing it off like it is nothing for everyone makes you look unsympathetic to other peoples financial situations. Everyone just wants to be able to pass on their love of deer hunting to their kids. For some people money isn’t an obstacle, for others it is. No need to be a jerk.
Your point is mute. Because the tag costs are just a portion of what it costs.
He said he bought 4 anysex tags, three hunting licenses with habitat stamps. So that should be $237 HE spent on licenses. Let’s say he spent $100 on gas. Ammo, let’s say $100 (3-20 round boxes of 350 legend) Food, let’s say $10 dollars each for breakfast, $10 each drinks and snacks, $15 each for lunch and $15 each for supper. So let’s figure $400 for food HE spent in two days. So let’s say $837 HE spent to take his kids hunting for two days. You can figure whatever you want for equipment and clothes. Here is my list. Let’s say 4- 350 legend bolt action rifles with scopes $3200. $325 each for camo and boots is $1300. You can also figure his locker bill to make some deer sticks and summer sausage. I’m gonna say $200. Let’s total it up. $837+$3200+$1300+$200=$5537. Oh and I didn't figure any binoculars, knives, tree stands or other equipment for him or the kids. Oh and if he hunted first season shotgun he likely only gets Saturday and Sunday to hunt because he has to be at work Monday-Friday and his kids have school Monday-Friday. So he doesn’t get to choose how many days he gets to hunt. He gets two days. Wise up. You play this tag cost off like it is nothing. It’s still $237 which to many families is a lot. Makes you sound like an “elitist”. Like I previously said. It doesn’t affect me. But you playing it off like it is nothing for everyone makes you look unsympathetic to other peoples financial situations. Everyone just wants to be able to pass on their love of deer hunting to their kids. For some people money isn’t an obstacle, for others it is. No need to be a jerk.
Thanks for your math lesson but again you missed the point.
We don't agree so I'll just move on
Your point is mute. Because the tag costs are just a portion of what it costs.
He said he bought 4 anysex tags, three hunting licenses with habitat stamps. So that should be $237 HE spent on licenses. Let’s say he spent $100 on gas. Ammo, let’s say $100 (3-20 round boxes of 350 legend) Food, let’s say $10 dollars each for breakfast, $10 each drinks and snacks, $15 each for lunch and $15 each for supper. So let’s figure $400 for food HE spent in two days. So let’s say $837 HE spent to take his kids hunting for two days. You can figure whatever you want for equipment and clothes. Here is my list. Let’s say 4- 350 legend bolt action rifles with scopes $3200. $325 each for camo and boots is $1300. You can also figure his locker bill to make some deer sticks and summer sausage. I’m gonna say $200. Let’s total it up. $837+$3200+$1300+$200=$5537. Oh and I didn't figure any binoculars, knives, tree stands or other equipment for him or the kids. Oh and if he hunted first season shotgun he likely only gets Saturday and Sunday to hunt because he has to be at work Monday-Friday and his kids have school Monday-Friday. So he doesn’t get to choose how many days he gets to hunt. He gets two days. Wise up. You play this tag cost off like it is nothing. It’s still $237 which to many families is a lot. Makes you sound like an “elitist”. Like I previously said. It doesn’t affect me. But you playing it off like it is nothing for everyone makes you look unsympathetic to other peoples financial situations. Everyone just wants to be able to pass on their love of deer hunting to their kids. For some people money isn’t an obstacle, for others it is. No need to be a jerk.
I think you forgot to add the new F150 4x4 and a new ATV. :p
I live in Kansas, so perhaps our prices are different. That being said, if the State decided to raise tag prices double, even triple I would be willing to pay for 5 extra tags for them to hand out on a case by case basis to someone who could show the need. I am fortunate in life and able to do it and would be happy to. If that would keep them from pimping out more tags to NR's for the sake of revenue, it would be worth it. Nothing against NR's, but they are 1/3 of our tags now and growing.
I live in Kansas, so perhaps our prices are different. That being said, if the State decided to raise tag prices double, even triple I would be willing to pay for 5 extra tags for them to hand out on a case by case basis to someone who could show the need. I am fortunate in life and able to do it and would be happy to. If that would keep them from pimping out more tags to NR's for the sake of revenue, it would be worth it. Nothing against NR's, but they are 1/3 of our tags now and growing.
I am a NRLO in KS and I agree, they need to get a handle on it before it gets too far gone. I don't have the answers but 1/3 of all tags being NR is far too many. Plus, KS isn't what it used to be either.
Too many crossbows and corn piles on small acreages pulling deer off where they truly live
I know zero but I would:
- Limit depredation tags as it’s an excuse to kill everything.
- Eliminate the January doe season.
- Roll back straight wall rifles as pinched rounds will come.
- Keep NR access at 6000 tags, it works.
- Absolutely no x bows.
- Some how de-incentivize bull dozing every piece of cover, this is complex and needs closely examined for an attractive alternative for farmers ie reallocate nrlo crp funds to resident farmers…. I don’t know
- For now leave tag allocations for residents and RLOs alone and leave party hunting alone.
- Find the funding for an additional CO in each of the hotbed counties to promote proactive investigations. Right now because of zero manpower they operate strictly on the snitch line.
- Also, the DNR needs to force multiply by establishing task forces with each Sheriff’s Dept and US Fish & Wildlife in the hotbed counties to again be proactive. Hire former LEO’s as seasonal deputies. This isn’t difficult. Poaching is huge.
Start there most of it is simple, can always amend.
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