Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

When one applies for a lot the dnr asks for a parcel number or name and queries the county assessor website to check it. They know exactly how large tracts are. When the assessors site is pulled up , and a name searched, all my parcels are visible. The dnr employee asked me which one I wanted to use.
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I'm all about cleaning up fraud and abuse. I'm also for taking the grey areas out of the regs. This though, seems to fall into the category of don't let a good crisis go to waste. EHD being the crisis. EHD is killing way more deer than a 3 acre LO. Seems to me we're trying to fix the result of something and not the problem itself. Unfortunately EHD has no fix except the fullness of time. Hopefully we don't take our eye off the ball...the cumulative effect of everything else that plagues Whitetail hunting today. Good news though, after this cold snap the Turkey should be going nuts and sheds on the ground!
Question - If you are going to limit everyone to 2 bucks max (and I agree that is a good plan)
What about party hunting? Can one guy still legally shoot bucks for the whole group?
I've heard stories of one person shooting 6-10 bucks a year in a big party hunting situation
Different discussion in my opinion. Party hunting and two buck limits are not related because even if we go to two buck limits the party hunting still allows a buck to be harvested for every any sex tag in the group. Completely legal right now to shoot above 3 bucks in the gun seasons as a party member as long as the part still has unfilled any sex tags. That is not in the discussion to change that I have read. In fact it is proposed to be changed back where a NR in the party can do all the shooting in one of the proposed bills. I believe that just changed where NR could not participate in the past couple years I THINK.
If anyone has an accurate count of just how many people used 3 buck tags, I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. All we know is that a little over 6k took advantage and got them. Not all are small parcel tho.
3 bucks was the complaint and sacrificing the small parcel guys is an attempt to appease. The big tell would be next year when we could see how many got 3 again. In reality, harvest #’s may change enough to notice.
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  • Reason: Cause
Question - If you are going to limit everyone to 2 bucks max (and I agree that is a good plan)
What about party hunting? Can one guy still legally shoot bucks for the whole group?
I've heard stories of one person shooting 6-10 bucks a year in a big party hunting situation
As muskrat said really a different topic but...........

I really don't like the scenario you laid out. kind of game hogy but I don't have a hard on to get rid of party hunting. The current trends of ownership and deer "management" are putting an end to party hunting and really I think that's a shame. This place is just a small slice of the hunting pie in Iowa. Most hunters don't obsess with deer hunting and more importantly deer management like we do here. Ultimately, If a party has 10 hunters with 10 buck tags it's the same if 1 fills 6 or 6 fill 6. Not my pig not my farm but if it was a guy who pulled a stunt like that would not be back.
Correct- they ask for 1 parcel. Not all
But they see them all and have good idea how much property a person owns. When my assessors site is pulled up, and my parcel numbers are visible, there’s a feature that lets one “map these”. Hitting that highlights every piece owned. Some counties have that feature some don’t.
Thanks to several folks from here that made several meetings today!!! We had an awesome meeting on the celeb tags.
Also Got to meet & discuss deer #’s, economics of deer hunting, other bills farm bureau is pushing, etc etc. Thanks to the folks on here who showed up!!!! Zoom or in person. Today literally had 6-7 big topics addressed & progress on all issues. Both sides of the aisle & all those that showed… major props!!
Thanks to several folks from here that made several meetings today!!! We had an awesome meeting on the celeb tags.
Also Got to meet & discuss deer #’s, economics of deer hunting, other bills farm bureau is pushing, etc etc. Thanks to the folks on here who showed up!!!! Zoom or in person. Today literally had 6-7 big topics addressed & progress on all issues. Both sides of the aisle & all those that showed… major props!!
KIG!!!!!!!!!!View attachment 129367
I do want to say, 1000 times over, thank you for all that you do Skip. And everyone that can attend and has attended, Thank you. Some days I can potentially make it and some days not. I am closer to Minneapolis than I am Des Moines, so it's tough sometimes. Thank you all- and again, thank everyone for civil discussion through various topics. This is the one forum I feel is capable of constructive conversation versus finger pointing and name calling. Thanks everyone!
few things & we both know we respect each other & it’s ok to have differing views…
1) I believe this is VERY similar to a guy saying “I voted for Trump. Gave him my $. I disagree with _____ that he’s doing!!!” There’s zero person or group u will agree with everything. & for the record, I had a $30k cost share project that cost me about $60k by time I complete it. I got a call last week “that $ is on hold.” (DUE TO TRUMP!!!!). Am I mad? Nope!!!! Is it taking away from ME - YEP!!! Is it for the greater good? YEP. Even if I was pissed or it truly took away something great- there will NEVER be a time we agree with everyone all the time.

2) groups like IBA, ISC, etc TRY to come up with bills or support bills that: help the greater good (ALWAYS will have some pissed off people no matter the issue!!!!) Or support other orgs that will support them later. I might support the “conservation alliance” on an issue that’s near & dear to them I can get behind & hope to get their support later.

3) NO ONE is gonna convince me that the ISC & IBA do not have the purest best intentions & motives PERIOD!!!!!!! Does this mean that they could not have a perfect solution to something? SURE. Could they make a mistake (not saying they making or not making one here)? Sure. All the other special interests that have impact Iowas hunting have been based in: $ or ME. Period. More killing, new weapons, kill all the crop eating deer, more tags for this _____ group. All $ & me. ISC, IBA, etc have not one drop of that!!!!!!!!!! The first time you can see any good group looking to do good things, whether u agree or not. They are.

4) “but it impacts ME” …. I am not dismissing that. Anything political or regulatory will impact certain people or everyone. I just look at the alternative here….. “i own 5 acres so now……..”. NOW, if that’s the case….. the guy with 5 acres can shoot a buck during about 90 days of archery season. They can get a doe tag (and transfer a buck tag) during a gun season & hunt one of the other gun seasons to shoot a 2nd buck (so- what are they missing out on? 1 of the gun seasons maybe???) The same hunting you could do on LOT tag for the last 20 years until they changed law last year to make it floating. They can shoot the county allotted limit of does. To ME (& I promise, I am not trying to be divisive or lacking empathy) - that’s a lot of hunting & killing. A lot!!! On that same token of trying to be kind how I say this (I love you all!!!! ;) ) ……. If the acre minimum was 40 acres to get a LOT tag…. Would there be ANY meaningful support if the bill was proposed to bring the minimum from 40 to 5 or 2?
Sorry, had a few bigger issues than deer hunting come up. In general I like ISC and do totally believe they are working for the vast majority of us MOST of the time. BUT me and SEVERAL others that have spoken with certain leaders of the group all came up with the same conclusions. Good group- will fight the big battles BUT definitely have another agenda they are not so public about. Not saying we are right but we all felt a very anti-party hunting, pro-one buck (except the mulligan for landowners) and anti-gun hunting vibe. During the floating tag bill last year the silence was DEAFENING!! On here too!! I followed the bill the whole time and could not believe how hardly anybody was talking about it. I was shocked how surprised everybody on here was that it passed! To me it is obvious that there was a reason it was not brought up much. Obviously many many people knew it gave them a HUGE advantage and did not want anybody else to catch on. SELFISHLY i kept my mouth shut too! This current bill is exactly the same! Why is ISC not publicly cheering this on and blasting it all over facebook like the other bills they support???? Why is the guy with 39.5 acres bending over and taking it for the good of the herd while his neighbor with 40.5 is laughing at him with 3 anysex tags in his pocket?? Again, It is without a doubt well intentioned but in practice does little to solve any real issues. This is as big of a special interest bill as any. If you sit in your stand and get irritated about some other guy with 3 anysex tags screwing up your deer hunting when you think he only DESERVES 2 because he has a little less than you, you are the one that is all about ME ME ME! Not him!

Ps. I’ve always appreciated your respect!! Even if I spouted off in a weak moment and it was not deserved!!!(obviously your service too!). Don’t ever feel the need to hold back when making an argument tho. Let it all fly!! Just like you, I have no problem if the herd and the great residents of this state come out on top!! My feelings can be sacrificed ;)
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So I will play my "best case scenario" for any form of Landowner tag cleaning up. Call this a 4-5 year plan for example. You would never be able to tackle this all at once.

1- No more tenants. I think this is abused.
2- Landowner on Deed only. (Remove LLC? etc? I dont know how that works in the scheme of it to be honest) and that includes, no family aka kids, spouse, whatever unless name is on the deed, then still only the number of tags allotted.
3- Reduce to 1 any sex, 1 antlerless (could be 2- but don't need 3) start slow, less complaints
4- You get LOT, you do not get depredation tags- same, you get depredation tags, no LOT.
5- 10 acre minimum in 1 parcel, 20 acres total owned. I hammer the point, there are areas that you cannot buy a 40 acre parcel "easily". My farms- I would be buying crop ground at 15,000/acre to try to add more to any of my pieces. I think "Real" numbers would go a long way. Leave it this way for a few years
6- Lower to 1 LOT any sex. Leave it like this for a few years
7- Eliminate LOT tags OR give a LOT 1 floating any sex tag into the 2 buck max for Iowa.

I think if you slow played it, you would have a TON of support.

Only downfall- as a landowner, I wish we could always get 1 antlerless tag. I am in a county with NO doe tags. So always getting one doe tag would be nice to use IF I needed to, but thats purely for my own selfishness.
Not a comment on your whole post just an addition!! All of us younger guys would love to buy the 80,160, 500 plus acres some of the older guys did back in the day. The money is ABSOLUTELY not equivalent!!! I always remembered a 40 by me that was 50/50 timber/crop that went for 42,000 in 2001…. Not great ground but mid 60’s CSR.. Last year it sold for 229,000. An inflation calculator says in today’s money that land would sell for around 80 grand. Our generation is screwed. AGAIN!! 20-25 years ago people that earned the equivalent to half of what we make had WAY more buying power. They rode this whole thing all the way up and now that they are at the top they don’t want us to enjoy the same advantages they had. It’s BS. Unfortunately it’s the same old story. Get to the top and then ask the government to step in and limit those behind you from doing the same things you took advantage of during your rise to power.
I know you are not old so i’ll put this in perspective… BOOMER sits on his high horse and says somebody that pays 400 grand for 39 acres doesn’t deserve a LOT tag… meanwhile he paid 65,000 20 years ago for 80 acres and tells us tough sh*t…. Does that help???

This is a main issue of mine with this proposed reg
Sorry, had a few bigger issues than deer hunting come up. In general I like ISC and do totally believe they are working for the vast majority of us MOST of the time. BUT me and SEVERAL others that have spoken with certain leaders of the group all came up with the same conclusions. Good group- will fight the big battles BUT definitely have another agenda they are not so public about. Not saying we are right but we all felt a very anti-party hunting, pro-one buck (except the mulligan for landowners) and anti-gun hunting vibe. During the floating tag bill last year the silence was DEAFENING!! On here too!! I followed the bill the whole time and could not believe how hardly anybody was talking about it. I was shocked how surprised everybody on here was that it passed! To me it is obvious that there was a reason it was not brought up much. Obviously many many people knew it gave them a HUGE advantage and did not want anybody else to catch on. SELFISHLY i kept my mouth shut too! This current bill is exactly the same! Why is ISC not publicly cheering this on and blasting it all over facebook like the other bills they support???? Why is the guy with 39.5 acres bending over and taking it for the good of the herd while his neighbor with 40.5 is laughing at him with 3 anysex tags in his pocket?? Again, It is without a doubt well intentioned but in practice does little to solve any real issues. This is as big of a special interest bill as any. If you sit in your stand and get irritated about some other guy with 3 anysex tags screwing up your deer hunting when you think he only DESERVES 2 because he has a little less than you, you are the one that is all about ME ME ME! Not him!

Ps. I’ve always appreciated your respect!! Even if I spouted off in a weak moment and it was not deserved!!!(obviously your service too!). Don’t ever feel the need to hold back when making an argument tho. Let it all fly!! Just like you, I have no problem if the herd and the great residents of this state come out on top!! My feelings can be sacrificed ;)
Good posts!!!!
The SPECIAL INTEREST here…. The Resource. The deer herd. Other hunters. The DNR & dnr biologists & their frustrations. The legislators taking flack & attack on “u guys allow 3 bucks to be shot”. This ammo for NR’s is gonna continue to be used. If we wanna all drop from 3 to 2…. Let’s go. All for it.
Here’s my main concern with “human beings” & some “hunters”….. if we see ANYTHING where we personally have to give something up…. “No way”. I hear from literally thousands in different ways “our hunting going in wrong direction”. “We have this or that issue”. “Too much killing, too few deer. Mature deer rare”. “Regs have gotten way too liberalized”. “PLEASE GO TO 1 BUCK!!” Whatever…..
now there’s ONE BILL in 20 years that dials things back the TINIEST bit & some folks get fired up. No- I personally don’t believe the dude with 2 or 5 acres should get a THIRD buck tag. Living with 2 buck tags, to me in this current environment seems like “no big deal”. But that’s me & im not everyone. I realize I’m extreme …. If hunting went down the tubes badly enough & I had to have ONE buck tag to save the resource & future of hunters…. I’d do it in a second.
So- the reason NOT to support this bill is: it’s going to piss THAT group of people off…. Possibly causing a rift in hunting community? Genuine ?…. Are we in agreement that’s the strongest argument?

For those same folks (no disrespect & I’m being extremely genuine & open minded here on a hot topic)…. If the law was currently 40 acres for 3rd buck tag & we had a bill to drop it to 2 acres…. What would the merits or points of your debate be to pass that?

The same folks, if we proposed giving a 4th buck tag to landowners with 2 or more acres…. Would u support that or not?

Honest ?’s & good faith debate here. U ask me a direct ?….. I’ll answer it so please feel free to fire a direct ? Back. & I assure you all on any side of this discussion- this debate, process & “hot topics” are part of ANY political Bill or proposal. This is America & how we go about any changes…. Good or bad… we discuss, debate & the “good faith members” of the debate truly work together to COMPROMISE, change their minds or allow themselves to be persuaded. There’s no issue I won’t listen to POV’s or if someone wanted to bring me aside to persuade me…. I’m always open to it.
Good posts!!!!
The SPECIAL INTEREST here…. The Resource. The deer herd. Other hunters. The DNR & dnr biologists & their frustrations. The legislators taking flack & attack on “u guys allow 3 bucks to be shot”. This ammo for NR’s is gonna continue to be used. If we wanna all drop from 3 to 2…. Let’s go. All for it.
Here’s my main concern with “human beings” & some “hunters”….. if we see ANYTHING where we personally have to give something up…. “No way”. I hear from literally thousands in different ways “our hunting going in wrong direction”. “We have this or that issue”. “Too much killing, too few deer. Mature deer rare”. “Regs have gotten way too liberalized”. Whatever….. there’s ONE BILL in 20 years that dials things back the TINIEST bit & some folks get fired up. No- I personally don’t believe the dude with 2 or 5 acres should get a THIRD buck tag. Living with 2 buck tags, to me in this current environment seems like “no big deal”. But that’s me & im not everyone. I realize I’m extreme …. If hunting went down the tubes badly enough & I had to have ONE buck tag to save the resource & future of hunters…. I’d do it in a second.
So- the reason NOT to support this bill is: it’s going to piss THAT group of people off…. Possibly causing a rift in hunting community? Genuine ?…. Are we in agreement that’s the strongest argument?

For those same folks (no disrespect & I’m being extremely genuine & open minded here on a hot topic)…. If the law is was currently 40 acres for 3rd buck tag & we had a bill to drop it to 2 acres…. What would the merits or points of your debate be to pass that?

The same folks, if we proposed giving a 4th buck tag to landowners with 2 or more acres…. Would u support that or not?

Honest ?’s & good faith debate here. U ask me a direct ?….. I’ll answer it so please feel free to fire a direct ? Back. & I assure you all on any side of this discussion- this debate, process & “hot topics” are part of ANY political Bill or proposal. This is America & how we go about any changes…. Good or bad… we discuss, debate & the “good faith members” of the debate truly work together to COMPROMISE, change their minds or allow themselves to be persuaded. There’s no issue I won’t listen to POV’s or if someone wanted to bring me aside to persuade me…. I’m always open to it.
My MAIN issue is with the older generation of landowners telling the younger generation that they are not up to their STATUS yet and haven’t worked HARD enough to gain the same benefits they have thoroughly enjoyed over the last 30+ years!! It is complete BS!!!!! The heck with that BS!! Half of them probably inherited it anyway!!! You guys are not any smarter or didn’t work any harder than the younger generation!! You hit the lottery on the timeline of life!!! It’s really that simple.

Not YOU Skip!! Haha!! I know you are not a Boomer!!!! YOU EARNED IT ALL! What did your first 80 cost tho??? What would it cost today!??? How does the cost of that compare to the average wage of an iowa resident today???
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My MAIN issue is with the older generation of landowners telling the younger generation that they are not up to their STATUS yet and haven’t worked HARD enough to gain the same benefits they have thoroughly enjoyed over the last 30+ years!! It is complete BS!!!!! The heck with that BS!! Half of them probably inherited it anyway!!! You guys are not any smarter or didn’t work any harder than the younger generation!! You hit the lottery on the timeline of life!!! It’s really that simple.

Not YOU Skip!! Haha!! I know you are not a Boomer!!!! YOU EARNED IT ALL! What did your first 80 cost tho??? What would it cost today!??? How does the cost of that compare to the average wage of an iowa resident today???
My 80 was $115k. I was I think 22 & I saved LITERALLY since I was 10 years old FOR LAND. A poor kid with 6 siblings & we had no $. Yep- I did get lucky on timing!!!! How old are you BTW?

If folks look down at younger but hard working generations with disdain or arrogance…. I’m there with you in disgust!! I was that kid…. I had nothing but I busted my balls & no doubt I dealt with elitist arrogant jerks. In a Christian way, I had to be careful not to “hate” or resent those People. & working so many jobs at so many businesses- I dealt with my share. On the other hand, there were far more GOOD people who helped me along the way, guided & instilled great morals, hard work & integrity to me. I appreciate those people FAR MORE than I was angered by the former group & they also impacted me far greater. I do know, to my core, I always said “I’ll never be like that arrogant rich guy who’s a jerk to everyone”.

On this subject…. I sure hope “classes of people” or “groups” are NOT any part of this discussion. For me and I believe most others, it’s: BIOLOGY, sustainability, access issues, doing good for other hunters & analyzing the ever changing realities we face. One of which is a deer herd HALF of what it was 20 years ago. It’s the kids that say “I hear what hunting was like 30 years ago, wish I could experience that!!!! Heck- I just wish I had a place to hunt to get a shot at ONE BUCK”. The legislators & dnr that have asked for support solving issues they face. I believe this is a good faith debate. If we don’t move forward with the bill, it’s not end of the world- especially if there’s a significant case not to. I will warn folks there’s a strong downside for not passing this bill too…. So weigh it all out. Good thoughts all , appreciate ALL the feedback & POV’s.
My 80 was $115k. I was I think 22 & I saved LITERALLY since I was 10 years old FOR LAND. A poor kid with 6 siblings & we had no $. Yep- I did get lucky on timing!!!! How old are you BTW?

If folks look down at younger but hard working generations with disdain or arrogance…. I’m there with you in disgust!! I was that kid…. I had nothing but I busted my balls & no doubt I dealt with elitist arrogant jerks. In a Christian way, I had to be careful not to “hate” or resent those People. & working so many jobs at so many businesses- I dealt with my share. On the other hand, there were far more GOOD people who helped me along the way, guided & instilled great morals, hard work & integrity to me. I appreciate those people FAR MORE than I was angered by the former group & they also impacted me far greater. I do know, to my core, I always said “I’ll never be like that arrogant rich guy who’s a jerk to everyone”.

On this subject…. I sure hope “classes of people” or “groups” are NOT any part of this discussion. For me and I believe most others, it’s: BIOLOGY, sustainability, access issues, doing good for other hunters & analyzing the ever changing realities we face. One of which is a deer herd HALF of what it was 20 years ago. It’s the kids that say “I hear what hunting was like 30 years ago, wish I could experience that!!!! Heck- I just wish I had a place to hunt to get a shot at ONE BUCK”. The legislators & dnr that have asked for support solving issues they face. I believe this is a good faith debate. If we don’t move forward with the bill, it’s not end of the world- especially if there’s a significant case not to. I will warn folks there’s a strong downside for not passing this bill too…. So weigh it all out. Good thoughts all , appreciate ALL the feedback & POV’s.
There was definitely a time in this country when the older generations ate the sh%t sandwich and did the hard things to improve the lives of future generations. I feel this bill does the complete opposite. The older generation once again is sitting there and is telling the younger generation to be happy even tho you have less while yet again they pass on making any true sacrifices themselves. This is the same reason we are 36+ trillion in debt. Older better off generations do not want to pay for what they have screwed up and once again want to pass on the debt to someone else. I’m personally sick of this scenario.

I’m almost 38!! Lol. Glad this bill doesn’t effect me! I’ve been extremely fortunate in life and own enough to meet the proposed requirements
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Serious question. What does how much ground is (or was) have anything to do with a reasonable acreage discussion about getting a 3rd buck tag? 2 acres was never reasonable, imo. Not when ground was $500/a. Not if it's $25,000/a. Irrelevant. The price of ground doesn't or shouldn't enter into a conversation about the resource.

Secondly, who are these older generations you speak of making statements or doing anything related to status? I'm really perplexed by this comment cuz I haven't seen it or heard it anywhere. If I did, I'd have a serious problem with it and say so.
How was landowner status proven prior to the new electronic system? I've only owned for 5 years so the new system is all I know.

It seems like there was more potential for abuse prior to the new way, and I wonder if old landowners were just grandfathered in without ever having to prove what they had. In a county I used to live/work in the DNR officers started cracking down on the fraudulent landowners. They were citing guys that only owned in towns on parcels that weren't even an acre. They were getting landowner tags, and killing deer elsewhere obviously. I don't know how many guys they jammed up, but I know a small town of 100ish had 6 people charged.
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