few things & we both know we respect each other & it’s ok to have differing views…
1) I believe this is VERY similar to a guy saying “I voted for Trump. Gave him my $. I disagree with _____ that he’s doing!!!” There’s zero person or group u will agree with everything. & for the record, I had a $30k cost share project that cost me about $60k by time I complete it. I got a call last week “that $ is on hold.” (DUE TO TRUMP!!!!). Am I mad? Nope!!!! Is it taking away from ME - YEP!!! Is it for the greater good? YEP. Even if I was pissed or it truly took away something great- there will NEVER be a time we agree with everyone all the time.
2) groups like IBA, ISC, etc TRY to come up with bills or support bills that: help the greater good (ALWAYS will have some pissed off people no matter the issue!!!!) Or support other orgs that will support them later. I might support the “conservation alliance” on an issue that’s near & dear to them I can get behind & hope to get their support later.
3) NO ONE is gonna convince me that the ISC & IBA do not have the purest best intentions & motives PERIOD!!!!!!! Does this mean that they could not have a perfect solution to something? SURE. Could they make a mistake (not saying they making or not making one here)? Sure. All the other special interests that have impact Iowas hunting have been based in: $ or ME. Period. More killing, new weapons, kill all the crop eating deer, more tags for this _____ group. All $ & me. ISC, IBA, etc have not one drop of that!!!!!!!!!! The first time you can see any good group looking to do good things, whether u agree or not. They are.
4) “but it impacts ME” …. I am not dismissing that. Anything political or regulatory will impact certain people or everyone. I just look at the alternative here….. “i own 5 acres so now……..”. NOW, if that’s the case….. the guy with 5 acres can shoot a buck during about 90 days of archery season. They can get a doe tag (and transfer a buck tag) during a gun season & hunt one of the other gun seasons to shoot a 2nd buck (so- what are they missing out on? 1 of the gun seasons maybe???) The same hunting you could do on LOT tag for the last 20 years until they changed law last year to make it floating. They can shoot the county allotted limit of does. To ME (& I promise, I am not trying to be divisive or lacking empathy) - that’s a lot of hunting & killing. A lot!!! On that same token of trying to be kind how I say this (I love you all!!!!

) ……. If the acre minimum was 40 acres to get a LOT tag…. Would there be ANY meaningful support if the bill was proposed to bring the minimum from 40 to 5 or 2?