It would be very interesting to hear from the landowners with 40 or more acres if they plan to get their 3rd tag? Hearing lots of arguments about this bill is for the betterment of the Iowa herd/resource. If the betterment of the Iowa herd/resource is the sole reason that you are leaning "yay" on this bill, then are the same "yay" guys saying that they are willing to go on record and not get their 3rd tag? If it is about the betterment of the resource then guys with 40 or more should lean that way. Right? I am missing something? I am one that would qualify for the 3rd tag and I would absolutely be on board to give it up for the betterment of the herd/resource. I am not in favor of telling a small parcel guy that he is not deserving of a 3rd tag and the larger parcel guys are. IMO we need to go to 2 antlered tags per year for everyone. Thanks to all the guys & gals that take time out of their lives to go to the capital and lobby for all Iowans and our awesome resource.