That totally stinks and I am glad you were able to solve it and catch the perpetrator/neighbor. But one thing I have learned over the years is that not all neighbors hold the same opinions about trespassing, dogs(pets) on the loose, etc. I am not saying that they are right, but their opinions are sincere oftentimes and tightly held.
IE. They really don't understand why I would not want them driving through my timber, at any time, let alone while I am in there hunting!, so as to get a load of firewood from their own land, but having to cross mine to get to theirs. In this case, the neighbor knew that I had restored a creek crossing on my land that made getting to a remote part of the backside of his connected timber very easy, so he thought nothing of driving his mufflerless beater up through the timber, usually about 45 minutes before sunset, for real, to then clank and clonk a pickup bed full of firewood to then drive back out of the timber about 15 minutes before sunset. Grrrrrr.
When I confronted my truly friendly neighbor he simply could not understand why this wasn't OK...he needed the firewood after all, etc. I say all this to say this...I would recommend a friendly, proactive visit to each of your neighbors to talk about things that you would have feelings about, etc. For instance..."Firewood Guy" above...I would then bring some firewood up to the road and let him get it there. I certainly didn't have to do that, but I want to be on good terms with the neighbors as much as possible. I would do this when I was otherwise in the timber myself. He seemed to really appreciate that and he did then refrain from rumbling through my timber.

Win, win.