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Tis the season for shed poaching!


Active Member
Thank God for cell cameras caught me a shed poacher today! Oh Nothing gets me fired up more than people with no respect for private property or game laws. Followed side-by-side tracks about 2 miles up the road and low and behold saw one pulling in another property. Turns out it was the adjacent landowner who owns a ton more ground than we do said he just thought it’d be OK to take a walk through our timber and he was really sorry and I can have the sheds back if I wanted to. I said, as my neighbor and fellow landowner he would be the last person I thought who would do that. Stinks because I was saving that farm for my girlfriend to walk with me next weekend so now that’s ruined. They need to stop teaching DEI in schools and teaching people about respect, honesty and integrity. People suck!
Glad you have good neighbors but in my case the neighbor was the trespasser! Smh
You try to get along with your neighbors for many reasons, but some are just selfish, self serving people who only think about themselves. I have 1 of those, it's unfortunate. At least your neighbor admitted to being in the wrong, so you might be able to not only salvage it, but make it much more beneficial to both of you.
Thank God for cell cameras caught me a shed poacher today! Oh Nothing gets me fired up more than people with no respect for private property or game laws. Followed side-by-side tracks about 2 miles up the road and low and behold saw one pulling in another property. Turns out it was the adjacent landowner who owns a ton more ground than we do said he just thought it’d be OK to take a walk through our timber and he was really sorry and I can have the sheds back if I wanted to. I said, as my neighbor and fellow landowner he would be the last person I thought who would do that. Stinks because I was saving that farm for my girlfriend to walk with me next weekend so now that’s ruined. They need to stop teaching DEI in schools and teaching people about respect, honesty and integrity. People suck!
That totally stinks and I am glad you were able to solve it and catch the perpetrator/neighbor. But one thing I have learned over the years is that not all neighbors hold the same opinions about trespassing, dogs(pets) on the loose, etc. I am not saying that they are right, but their opinions are sincere oftentimes and tightly held.

IE. They really don't understand why I would not want them driving through my timber, at any time, let alone while I am in there hunting!, so as to get a load of firewood from their own land, but having to cross mine to get to theirs. In this case, the neighbor knew that I had restored a creek crossing on my land that made getting to a remote part of the backside of his connected timber very easy, so he thought nothing of driving his mufflerless beater up through the timber, usually about 45 minutes before sunset, for real, to then clank and clonk a pickup bed full of firewood to then drive back out of the timber about 15 minutes before sunset. Grrrrrr.

When I confronted my truly friendly neighbor he simply could not understand why this wasn't OK...he needed the firewood after all, etc. I say all this to say this...I would recommend a friendly, proactive visit to each of your neighbors to talk about things that you would have feelings about, etc. For instance..."Firewood Guy" above...I would then bring some firewood up to the road and let him get it there. I certainly didn't have to do that, but I want to be on good terms with the neighbors as much as possible. I would do this when I was otherwise in the timber myself. He seemed to really appreciate that and he did then refrain from rumbling through my timber. :) Win, win.
That totally stinks and I am glad you were able to solve it and catch the perpetrator/neighbor. But one thing I have learned over the years is that not all neighbors hold the same opinions about trespassing, dogs(pets) on the loose, etc. I am not saying that they are right, but their opinions are sincere oftentimes and tightly held.

IE. They really don't understand why I would not want them driving through my timber, at any time, let alone while I am in there hunting!, so as to get a load of firewood from their own land, but having to cross mine to get to theirs. In this case, the neighbor knew that I had restored a creek crossing on my land that made getting to a remote part of the backside of his connected timber very easy, so he thought nothing of driving his mufflerless beater up through the timber, usually about 45 minutes before sunset, for real, to then clank and clonk a pickup bed full of firewood to then drive back out of the timber about 15 minutes before sunset. Grrrrrr.

When I confronted my truly friendly neighbor he simply could not understand why this wasn't OK...he needed the firewood after all, etc. I say all this to say this...I would recommend a friendly, proactive visit to each of your neighbors to talk about things that you would have feelings about, etc. For instance..."Firewood Guy" above...I would then bring some firewood up to the road and let him get it there. I certainly didn't have to do that, but I want to be on good terms with the neighbors as much as possible. I would do this when I was otherwise in the timber myself. He seemed to really appreciate that and he did then refrain from rumbling through my timber. :) Win, win.
Oh, this guy knew exactly what he was doing! Everybody’s sorry only when they get caught!
Glad you have good neighbors but in my case the neighbor was the trespasser! Smh
My neighbor is the same way- he put up posts where "the property line is" as he just randomly walked around doing. Its only to keep him on his own land- as I have plenty of pictures of him walking up my draw various times of the year. Every time I send him his picture and then move the camera. It never stops, but in this case, I am not turning him in because I will always be his neighbor. In turn, I don't ask to blood trail anymore. 2 wrongs dont make a right, but in this case I can deal with him.
My neighbor is the same way- he put up posts where "the property line is" as he just randomly walked around doing. Its only to keep him on his own land- as I have plenty of pictures of him walking up my draw various times of the year. Every time I send him his picture and then move the camera. It never stops, but in this case, I am not turning him in because I will always be his neighbor. In turn, I don't ask to blood trail anymore. 2 wrongs dont make a right, but in this case I can deal with him.
I know exactly what you are talking about. One of our neighbors actually was standing on our property to put up his no trespassing signs. Then a couple months later backed his truck off the bank of our pond. Had to have another neighbor pull him out. Only reason we knew is the tracks in the snow and the chunk of his fender stuck in the ice of the pond. He had no idea why we were so angry about it.
Not so much do I have a trespassing neighbor but I have a neighbor that will drive around on his property during the gun season(late season as well), during the last half hour of day light honk his vehicle horn while I'm hunting.(I'm drawing a lot of deer off his farm and out of my farm as I leave food but he doesn't) SMDH, and he cant figure our why I have all his deer.

I'm doing improvements he s not, I leave food he doesn't. I almost laughed out loud when he was driving along, and the 50+ deer just all sat there and watched him honk like WTH?

Ya know, If anything I wish my neighbor would drive around on his farm more. He really moves the deer onto my farm well.
Not so much do I have a trespassing neighbor but I have a neighbor that will drive around on his property during the gun season(late season as well), during the last half hour of day light honk his vehicle horn while I'm hunting.(I'm drawing a lot of deer off his farm and out of my farm as I leave food but he doesn't) SMDH, and he cant figure our why I have all his deer.

I'm doing improvements he s not, I leave food he doesn't. I almost laughed out loud when he was driving along, and the 50+ deer just all sat there and watched him honk like WTH?

Ya know, If anything I wish my neighbor would drive around on his farm more. He really moves the deer onto my farm well.
Yeah, I think I have the same issue going on. He thinks that because we have some food plots over on ours that were overrun with 200 inch deer but that’s not the case. With too many doe tags and EHD the hunting on our place sucks just as bad as on everyone else’s but at least we’re doing our part to keep some alive so in essence we’re helping the neighborhood not hurting it by improving habitat and keeping food for them throughout the year.
A guy in Minnesota has exploding canons—used by farmers with sunflower fields to scare birds—on his north border. If they see a cell cam pic of a buck heading north the shot goes off .

It’s so far fetched I almost didn’t believe him. But they are there !
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At least you don't have the landowner's daughter honking the horn and even walking through the woods yelling "run deer run, no hunting". Her mother said don't worry about her, you can hunt here as long as I'm alive. She never stopped though.
Thank God for cell cameras caught me a shed poacher today! Oh Nothing gets me fired up more than people with no respect for private property or game laws. Followed side-by-side tracks about 2 miles up the road and lo and behold saw one pulling in another property. Turns out it was the adjacent landowner who owns a ton more ground than we do said he just thought it’d be OK to take a walk through our timber and he was really sorry and I can have the sheds back if I wanted to. I said, as my neighbor and fellow landowner he would be the last person I thought who would do that. Stinks because I was saving that farm for my girlfriend to walk with me next weekend so now that’s ruined. They need to stop teaching DEI in schools and teaching people about respect, honesty and integrity. People suck!
Totally with ya….i just want to go psycho on idiots that are intentionally trespassing, shed poaching, or breaking game laws. Nothing worse. Found a fresh arrow w a broad head laying/sticking in the ground near one of my stands like they were hunting out of my stand and missed a deer. Would give anything to catch whoever that was. It’s just maddening. You pay a fortune to own some ground, pay the property taxes, the expenses to improve it and then someone just thinks they can walk around on it/pick up sheds/or hunt it. So frustrating.
Question for you guys…. Can we STEREOTYPE a certain age range of dudes generally doing this and any other commonalities? Or isn’t there any and it’s too broad?
I won’t say too much as want total spontaneous thoughts…. What’s ages & your ideas of who, why & what “type” of guy might trespass or poach?
Question for you guys…. Can we STEREOTYPE a certain age range of dudes generally doing this and any other commonalities? Or isn’t there any and it’s too broad?
I won’t say too much as want total spontaneous thoughts…. What’s ages & your ideas of who, why & what “type” of guy might trespass or poach?
They have one or more or these characteristics: usually between the ages of 20-50, usually local to the area or own ground in the area, they deer hunt, they get mad when someone shoots 'their' deer, and they hate NR LO if they're a resident of the state, they're entitled, inconsiderate, and not to be trusted with anything. Doesn't mean you can't get along with them, but you need to have plenty of discernment in dealing with them.

Edited to add: One or more....
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