I have quite a few friends that grew up under communist rule. They all loved when they were given an additional loaf of bread every week. Many of them never realized they were poor until they moved here and noticed how rich people were here. Funny thing was they actually liked that while growing up in a communist country they didn’t even know they were poor.. freely admitted they grew up on a diet of potatoes while their dad drank vodka all day and was paid with another bottle of vodka but he would graciously trade that for a few potatoes to get them by for awhile.. None of it mattered. They were all in the same boat so none of them actually realized they were poor until they moved here. Then the jealousy got a hold of them.. they’d freely admit we had more here but yet enjoyed the simplicity of communism. They didn’t know they were poor back then so it wasn’t a big deal to them. There was no jealousy and they were kept from realizing the wealth of others so they were happy. I only know a few people in Indiana right now but does everybody think it’s good hunting there? The ones I know have the same complaints as everbody. I’ve heard it’s awesome!!!… if you have a good place to go. Overall it seems like trophy quality has probably increased but that really hasn’t done much to make the average person much happier there. That’s been the major justification for one buck here.. too lift everyone up. Just curious!! Does communism really work??
I honestly think the “ruined states” are closer to the analogy of communism than the great ones. MI…. It’s awful. Across the whole state with few exceptions. & the response is “we’re not changing a thing!!!! YOU ALL deal with crap hunting & don’t think of changing a thing!! Live with scraps & be happy for it!!!! I agree & make no mistake…. Some people there don’t know any different & think the whole country is like that. They appreciate the scraps & have no clue what it’s like elsewhere. The majority do know it sucks though & those that escape, don’t wanna go back to hunt there….
It’s all controlled by bad government policy, special interests, corruption on how regs are made & $$$$$ to the state. Little to No regard for the people or resource. It’s garbage & always will b due to regs & government. MI could easily be an analogy to a communist country or broke 3rd world corrupt country. Deep rooted broken system that will take a miracle to reverse.
Iowa (or Indiana or kansas, etc) are “special”. Iowa especially. But hurting & have problems. I’d call them the equivalent of AMERICA…. Prosperous and great but still has its struggles or problems. Maybe a period of bad leadership & decisions but still the shining city on a hill. Iowa or a few others are the best much like America is the best. & we all know America has some serious problems to solve but we are still blessed. That’s iowa in my mind. Iowa has the age class every hunter in the country wants to experience. Has people fleeing their broken states to come here & put in for our GROWING 6 year draw!! Has a mass migration every fall from folks from junk states that leave to go to: IA, IN, KS, KY, etc. Seeking a better system & age class. & it’s night & day different.
I grew up fairly close to IN border in MI. I have countless buddies on both sides to this day…. MI side or IN or OH side…. U cross that magic line, way better in OH & IN vs MI. No comparison. Does OH, IN, IA, etc still have “problems & complaints”. For sure. But I assure you, light years difference!!!! U want “great experience” - u still can achieve it here or those other states. U go to the “ruined states” - u settle for the scraps & be content with a garbage experience & disastrous management system.
U realize with a herd of >500k deer & 7% timber …. U imagine how many folks would flee their broken states if we opened it wide open?!?! Instantly countless tens of thousands. We would collapse if we took them all on, ruin our state. THEY ARE FLEEING!!!!!!! It already happens, they just get spread to: KS, IN, OH, KY, bit of NE, SD, etc. Mass exodus from: MI, MN, WI, PA, LA, MS, NY, AR, NJ, etc. It’s a lot like countries in a way…. Central America & the flooding of our border fleeing their broken systems looking for better. We can’t take them on!!! We need those other countries to fix themselves & that’s the true solution!!!!! These other states…. Time to fix their broken regulations!!!! & yes, every state has its flaws but if MI or WI or MO could copy some of regs of iowa, kansas, Indiana, Ohio, etc….. glaringly obvious the results they can see when crossing lines into those better systems & regulations.
It’s as obvious to me because I’ve been in all these states. It’s like starting or running a business…. You wanna do it in TX or CA???? Look similar & similar resources, populations & economies. One has businesses fleeing & one has business flocking. How states manage deer- literally about the exact same dynamic!!! REGULATIONS!!!! PERIOD. REGULATIONS Define overall quality or lack there of in any state on average. IN got it right with one buck!!! So did Ohio. Now, if IN moved gun back, they’d be better than IA. 1 buck, late gun, states that would destroy iowa: MO!!!!!! IL, IN, WI, MN, etc.