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The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

I keep reading the phrase,"Trophy" on this post along with a couple other posts on this site. I'm a little confused, are hunters wanting to change, or amend regulations in Iowa so we have more trophy quality deer?
“trophy” is a word used to discredit guys that want an older age class of deer. Regardless of score. If we go back to biology basics, a balanced age structure is a vastly more desirable biologically sound herd. Lacking that age structure is the opposite of biologically fit, desirable, NATURAL or beneficial in almost any regard. So- when folks want to defend against regulations which RUIN states or deer herds & all the young bucks are wiped out …. Or the best genetic younger bucks are targeted - WHICH IS ACTUAL TROPHY HUNTING … they defend these broken systems by saying “you’re just a trophy hunter” to degrade & deflect. “NO, I just want a balanced age structure & don’t want a system where all the young bucks are killed off every year!!!” Which is sound biology!!!
Let’s be honest- if we wanted to throw “trophy hunting” at any method we didn’t like, could say it about shooting a buck of any size. “You passed up a pile of does to shoot that buck with Antlers!! YOU are a TROPHY HUNTER!!” That term is garbage IMO & only used with an uneducated agenda behind it.
Hahahahahaha…. The point has finally been made!!!!!!! The communist utopia has never existed!! Whether it comes to life, politics, the economy, etc!!!!! And DEER HUNTING!!! The bitching never ends!!! Like in China, Vietnam, the former Soviet block and much of South America this crap has never truely lifted up the middle. As with all COMMUNIST propoganda the rich get richer while teaming up with the “lower class” to make things better for “all” and everyone else in the middle gets stuck with a shit sandwich for dinner.. This line of thinking encourages a society of victims. We are better than that commi bs. Don’t give into everbody’s excuses!!!! It’s complete and utter BS!!!!!!!!! We live in the best deer hunting state in the best country that the world has ever known!!! Nobody should fall for this victimhood commi poor me crap!! Suck it up!!! Strive to be better!!! It’s way easier to look for excuses than to strive to be better!! What example are we setting for our kids??? Do we want them to work harder or cry more???? Big bucks were never easy!! You know that!!!
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Hahahahahaha…. The point has finally been made!!!!!!! The communist utopia has never existed!! Whether it comes to life, politics, the economy, etc!!!!! And DEER HUNTING!!! The bitching never ends!!! Like in China, Vietnam, the former Soviet block and much of South America this crap has never truely lifted up the middle. As with all COMMUNIST propoganda the rich get richer while teaming up with the “lower class” to make things better for “all” and everyone else in the middle gets stuck with a shit sandwich for dinner.. This line of thinking encourages a society of victims. We are better than that commi bs. Don’t give into everbody’s excuses!!!! It’s complete and utter BS!!!!!!!!! We live in the best deer hunting state in the best country that the world has ever known!!! Nobody should fall for this victimhood commi poor me crap!! Suck it up!!! Strive to be better!!! It’s way easier to look for excuses than strive to be better!! What example are we setting for our kids??? Do we want them to work harder or cry more???? Big bucks were never easy!! You know that!!!
No disrespect to Curtis!! I don’t think I live too far away from him! I should try to take him out some time if he’s reading this!! Would gladly debate all this stuff in person to anybody that reads or comments on any of if this! I really do believe we all have the same goals in general!!
I have lived in 3 really good deer hunting states in my life, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana! I have been fortunate to hunt some great ground in all 3 states but will admit the DNR in IA doesnt come close to what we have in Indiana in my opinion.

Our DNR implemented the 1 buck rule 2 decades ago and it has been unreal what it has done for our herd. I have witnessed mediocre hunting become world class in a 5-6 year swing, and that hunting quality hold over the last decade.

When I first moved here we had an extremely high doe population and tags were very very abundant, but as the population dropped due to EHD and over harvest (2013 timeframe) the DNR listened and reduced our tags, this trend continued until the herd was steady and now back on the rise. They have not expanded doe tags yet but I could see a small increase as our herd is nearing the early 2000s heydays. I cannot compliment the management here enough

Someone mentioned the 1 buck rule making people picky, this is a true statement and I will admit we do get an extra bully buck from
Time to time. We have been good at adapting and taking them out or getting others on them if possible. It has also made me a more patient hunter and not grabbing the bow at the first 150” i see because I want to keep hunting and I know what we have in terms of deer quality. I have ate a many of tags being picky but this has also helped my age structure and quality tremendously. Even with the expansion of weapons in the last 10 years we have maintained a tremendous age structure and tremendous hunting

I didn’t think the 1 buck rule would work myself - I do believe it is the single best thing this state has done for trophy hunting!
I have lived in 3 really good deer hunting states in my life, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana! I have been fortunate to hunt some great ground in all 3 states but will admit the DNR in IA doesnt come close to what we have in Indiana in my opinion.

Our DNR implemented the 1 buck rule 2 decades ago and it has been unreal what it has done for our herd. I have witnessed mediocre hunting become world class in a 5-6 year swing, and that hunting quality hold over the last decade.

When I first moved here we had an extremely high doe population and tags were very very abundant, but as the population dropped due to EHD and over harvest (2013 timeframe) the DNR listened and reduced our tags, this trend continued until the herd was steady and now back on the rise. They have not expanded doe tags yet but I could see a small increase as our herd is nearing the early 2000s heydays. I cannot compliment the management here enough

Someone mentioned the 1 buck rule making people picky, this is a true statement and I will admit we do get an extra bully buck from
Time to time. We have been good at adapting and taking them out or getting others on them if possible. It has also made me a more patient hunter and not grabbing the bow at the first 150” i see because I want to keep hunting and I know what we have in terms of deer quality. I have ate a many of tags being picky but this has also helped my age structure and quality tremendously. Even with the expansion of weapons in the last 10 years we have maintained a tremendous age structure and tremendous hunting

I didn’t think the 1 buck rule would work myself - I do believe it is the single best thing this state has done for trophy hunting!
I have quite a few friends that grew up under communist rule. They all loved when they were given an additional loaf of bread every week. Many of them never realized they were poor until they moved here and noticed how rich people were here. Funny thing was they actually liked that while growing up in a communist country they didn’t even know they were poor.. freely admitted they grew up on a diet of potatoes while their dad drank vodka all day and was paid with another bottle of vodka but he would graciously trade that for a few potatoes to get them by for awhile.. None of it mattered. They were all in the same boat so none of them actually realized they were poor until they moved here. Then the jealousy got a hold of them.. they’d freely admit we had more here but yet enjoyed the simplicity of communism. They didn’t know they were poor back then so it wasn’t a big deal to them. There was no jealousy and they were kept from realizing the wealth of others so they were happy. I only know a few people in Indiana right now but does everybody think it’s good hunting there? The ones I know have the same complaints as everbody. I’ve heard it’s awesome!!!… if you have a good place to go. Overall it seems like trophy quality has probably increased but that really hasn’t done much to make the average person much happier there. That’s been the major justification for one buck here.. too lift everyone up. Just curious!! Does communism really work??
I have quite a few friends that grew up under communist rule. They all loved when they were given an additional loaf of bread every week. Many of them never realized they were poor until they moved here and noticed how rich people were here. Funny thing was they actually liked that while growing up in a communist country they didn’t even know they were poor.. freely admitted they grew up on a diet of potatoes while their dad drank vodka all day and was paid with another bottle of vodka but he would graciously trade that for a few potatoes to get them by for awhile.. None of it mattered. They were all in the same boat so none of them actually realized they were poor until they moved here. Then the jealousy got a hold of them.. they’d freely admit we had more here but yet enjoyed the simplicity of communism. They didn’t know they were poor back then so it wasn’t a big deal to them. There was no jealousy and they were kept from realizing the wealth of others so they were happy. I only know a few people in Indiana right now but does everybody think it’s good hunting there? The ones I know have the same complaints as everbody. I’ve heard it’s awesome!!!… if you have a good place to go. Overall it seems like trophy quality has probably increased but that really hasn’t done much to make the average person much happier there. That’s been the major justification for one buck here.. too lift everyone up. Just curious!! Does communism really work??
I honestly think the “ruined states” are closer to the analogy of communism than the great ones. MI…. It’s awful. Across the whole state with few exceptions. & the response is “we’re not changing a thing!!!! YOU ALL deal with crap hunting & don’t think of changing a thing!! Live with scraps & be happy for it!!!! I agree & make no mistake…. Some people there don’t know any different & think the whole country is like that. They appreciate the scraps & have no clue what it’s like elsewhere. The majority do know it sucks though & those that escape, don’t wanna go back to hunt there….
It’s all controlled by bad government policy, special interests, corruption on how regs are made & $$$$$ to the state. Little to No regard for the people or resource. It’s garbage & always will b due to regs & government. MI could easily be an analogy to a communist country or broke 3rd world corrupt country. Deep rooted broken system that will take a miracle to reverse.

Iowa (or Indiana or kansas, etc) are “special”. Iowa especially. But hurting & have problems. I’d call them the equivalent of AMERICA…. Prosperous and great but still has its struggles or problems. Maybe a period of bad leadership & decisions but still the shining city on a hill. Iowa or a few others are the best much like America is the best. & we all know America has some serious problems to solve but we are still blessed. That’s iowa in my mind. Iowa has the age class every hunter in the country wants to experience. Has people fleeing their broken states to come here & put in for our GROWING 6 year draw!! Has a mass migration every fall from folks from junk states that leave to go to: IA, IN, KS, KY, etc. Seeking a better system & age class. & it’s night & day different.
I grew up fairly close to IN border in MI. I have countless buddies on both sides to this day…. MI side or IN or OH side…. U cross that magic line, way better in OH & IN vs MI. No comparison. Does OH, IN, IA, etc still have “problems & complaints”. For sure. But I assure you, light years difference!!!! U want “great experience” - u still can achieve it here or those other states. U go to the “ruined states” - u settle for the scraps & be content with a garbage experience & disastrous management system.
U realize with a herd of >500k deer & 7% timber …. U imagine how many folks would flee their broken states if we opened it wide open?!?! Instantly countless tens of thousands. We would collapse if we took them all on, ruin our state. THEY ARE FLEEING!!!!!!! It already happens, they just get spread to: KS, IN, OH, KY, bit of NE, SD, etc. Mass exodus from: MI, MN, WI, PA, LA, MS, NY, AR, NJ, etc. It’s a lot like countries in a way…. Central America & the flooding of our border fleeing their broken systems looking for better. We can’t take them on!!! We need those other countries to fix themselves & that’s the true solution!!!!! These other states…. Time to fix their broken regulations!!!! & yes, every state has its flaws but if MI or WI or MO could copy some of regs of iowa, kansas, Indiana, Ohio, etc….. glaringly obvious the results they can see when crossing lines into those better systems & regulations.
It’s as obvious to me because I’ve been in all these states. It’s like starting or running a business…. You wanna do it in TX or CA???? Look similar & similar resources, populations & economies. One has businesses fleeing & one has business flocking. How states manage deer- literally about the exact same dynamic!!! REGULATIONS!!!! PERIOD. REGULATIONS Define overall quality or lack there of in any state on average. IN got it right with one buck!!! So did Ohio. Now, if IN moved gun back, they’d be better than IA. 1 buck, late gun, states that would destroy iowa: MO!!!!!! IL, IN, WI, MN, etc.
I have lived in 3 really good deer hunting states in my life, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana! I have been fortunate to hunt some great ground in all 3 states but will admit the DNR in IA doesnt come close to what we have in Indiana in my opinion.

Our DNR implemented the 1 buck rule 2 decades ago and it has been unreal what it has done for our herd. I have witnessed mediocre hunting become world class in a 5-6 year swing, and that hunting quality hold over the last decade.

When I first moved here we had an extremely high doe population and tags were very very abundant, but as the population dropped due to EHD and over harvest (2013 timeframe) the DNR listened and reduced our tags, this trend continued until the herd was steady and now back on the rise. They have not expanded doe tags yet but I could see a small increase as our herd is nearing the early 2000s heydays. I cannot compliment the management here enough

Someone mentioned the 1 buck rule making people picky, this is a true statement and I will admit we do get an extra bully buck from
Time to time. We have been good at adapting and taking them out or getting others on them if possible. It has also made me a more patient hunter and not grabbing the bow at the first 150” i see because I want to keep hunting and I know what we have in terms of deer quality. I have ate a many of tags being picky but this has also helped my age structure and quality tremendously. Even with the expansion of weapons in the last 10 years we have maintained a tremendous age structure and tremendous hunting

I didn’t think the 1 buck rule would work myself - I do believe it is the single best thing this state has done for trophy hunting!

I would agree that going to a one buck State won’t work. Lower deer numbers and one buck tag will cause high grading and decreased top end potential. However, if Iowa’s deer numbers were at early 2000’s levels the trophy potential would be incredible due to the limited access and current management practices being implemented versus 25 years ago. However, getting FB and the insurance lobby moved in that direction will be difficult. Getting doe tags decreased is possible. Getting hunters educated on passing does for the next 3-5 years to get the population back up is definitely possible. These two things will do far more for increasing trophy potential than going to a one buck State.
When suggesting that a change in the harvest regulation for a floating single buck tag, I was thinking this would be for all hunters regardless of land ownership or not. Landowners get no additional tag. In reality, there would be the hunter that consistently shoots a buck every year may see a season with no buck harvest due to waiting for the right deer. I do believe it is true that a one buck rule would increase the age structure of the Iowa deer herd. It is a fact that mature or dominate bucks will leave their home range during the rut but may relocate seeking an area where he can be the dominate buck in a given range. This is the act of seeking an area with less competition. This buck is usually the higher age class which will not stay in an area where he is not getting pushed out by the bigger bucks. With this understanding I believe that more deer would leave areas of high competition and now take home range in new areas. This could be places that traditionally did not hold mature deer. More opportunities for hunters.
Residents need to kill the deer! And lots of them! If we go to a one buck state we will definitely have a jump in population. The legislature will be more than happy to find new people and new ways to kill them. We will have crossbows, preference for non resident landowners and an increased non resident quota. Finally they will be able to give into everything people have been crying for because none of it matters any more and there are “plenty of bucks for everyone”. We will be just like all those other one buck states with very liberalized regs and high non resident quotas but like you said only 7% timber and there will be no going back.
Do Indiana landowners get a second tag? My problem is most of the supporters here say how great a rule it is and we need to follow Indiana, but they are landowners and want their landowner buck tag still. If one buck per person is so great, let's have everyone do it. I don't care if you manage habitat, feed the deer, etc. You only shooting 1 buck will improve the herd. It's for the greater good of Iowa deer hunting. Don't be so selfish wanting a second tag.
I have quite a few friends that grew up under communist rule. They all loved when they were given an additional loaf of bread every week. Many of them never realized they were poor until they moved here and noticed how rich people were here. Funny thing was they actually liked that while growing up in a communist country they didn’t even know they were poor.. freely admitted they grew up on a diet of potatoes while their dad drank vodka all day and was paid with another bottle of vodka but he would graciously trade that for a few potatoes to get them by for awhile.. None of it mattered. They were all in the same boat so none of them actually realized they were poor until they moved here. Then the jealousy got a hold of them.. they’d freely admit we had more here but yet enjoyed the simplicity of communism. They didn’t know they were poor back then so it wasn’t a big deal to them. There was no jealousy and they were kept from realizing the wealth of others so they were happy. I only know a few people in Indiana right now but does everybody think it’s good hunting there? The ones I know have the same complaints as everbody. I’ve heard it’s awesome!!!… if you have a good place to go. Overall it seems like trophy quality has probably increased but that really hasn’t done much to make the average person much happier there. That’s been the major justification for one buck here.. too lift everyone up. Just curious!! Does communism really work??
Like I said - I was a doubter myself and had the same thoughts as everyone else. Obviously you have to change as a hunter too or it may not work. You have to be willing to harvest bully bucks or get someone in there that will. But while I hear every other state complain about deer populations and quality - I have not experienced those trends

Other things have obviously changed along the way and like I said the DNR really started listening here 12 years ago or so. Some of the counties I hunted every person could shoot 8 does and this was pretty consistent for half the state. With many of us expressing concerns about population etc, we no longer have a county that allows over 3 does and the counties I had major concern about are at 2.

Our numbers have risen, our quality has risen, and compared to IL where we have self implemented these things on our farm it is night and day.

So does communism work, I guess yes if you are willing to be poor all your life and not willing to try to change.

Here I believe the voice of hunters has been heard, we have some change, not everything we want but we have risen from so so deer hunting to some of the best in the Midwest
Do Indiana landowners get a second tag? My problem is most of the supporters here say how great a rule it is and we need to follow Indiana, but they are landowners and want their landowner buck tag still. If one buck per person is so great, let's have everyone do it. I don't care if you manage habitat, feed the deer, etc. You only shooting 1 buck will improve the herd. It's for the greater good of Iowa deer hunting. Don't be so selfish wanting a second tag.

1 across the board. Special instances like reduction zones where you can earn a buck but those are mainly city limits hunts and park hunts.
Like I said - I was a doubter myself and had the same thoughts as everyone else. Obviously you have to change as a hunter too or it may not work. You have to be willing to harvest bully bucks or get someone in there that will. But while I hear every other state complain about deer populations and quality - I have not experienced those trends

Other things have obviously changed along the way and like I said the DNR really started listening here 12 years ago or so. Some of the counties I hunted every person could shoot 8 does and this was pretty consistent for half the state. With many of us expressing concerns about population etc, we no longer have a county that allows over 3 does and the counties I had major concern about are at 2.

Our numbers have risen, our quality has risen, and compared to IL where we have self implemented these things on our farm it is night and day.

So does communism work, I guess yes if you are willing to be poor all your life and not willing to try to change.

Here I believe the voice of hunters has been heard, we have some change, not everything we want but we have risen from so so deer hunting to some of the best in the Midwest
You own land there tho correct? Or at the very least have pretty solid access? I really have no doubt you’d see an improvement in that scenario. Same thing would happen here for many without a doubt! I’m more concerned with the people of Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Kentucky that have had their hunting effected by their states liberal non resident quotas that are now competing for access with more non residents than ever. Iowa will most definitely be sold out to the highest bidder. So many people waiting for the chance to finally cash in!! Luckily our limited non resident quotas are the only thing that’s really stopping that.
Residents need to kill the deer! And lots of them!
Yeah, heard this before. What was it, 10 or 12 years ago there was a major push to shoot the deer herd back into the 1970's. Many hunters complied; I was unfortunately one. What was my reward? Did FB thank me? Did the insurance companies lower my auto insurance? No, it was more profit for them. Have these lobbyists let up after the hunters reduced the numbers and waves of EHD? NO, and they aren't going to stop bending ears in DSM any time in the future. The battle lines are drawn.
Yeah, heard this before. What was it, 10 or 12 years ago there was a major push to shoot the deer herd back into the 1970's. Many hunters complied; I was unfortunately one. What was my reward? Did FB thank me? Did the insurance companies lower my auto insurance? No, it was more profit for them. Have these lobbyists let up after the hunters reduced the numbers and waves of EHD? NO, and they aren't going to stop bending ears in DSM any time in the future. The battle lines are drawn.
%100 correct!!! Those same groups are also begging for the opportunity to sell out our state to non residents too! They just haven’t quite had the opportunity to do that yet. We don’t need to serve that opportunity up to them on a silver platter!
You own land there tho correct? Or at the very least have pretty solid access? I really have no doubt you’d see an improvement in that scenario. Same thing would happen here for many without a doubt! I’m more concerned with the people of Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Kentucky that have had their hunting effected by their states liberal non resident quotas that are now competing for access with more non residents than ever. Iowa will most definitely be sold out to the highest bidder. So many people waiting for the chance to finally cash in!! Luckily our limited non resident quotas are the only thing that’s really stopping that.
I do not own land in Indiana, I do own in IL. I would say the land in terms of potential quality of hunting are equal and don’t get me wrong I have been fortunate enough to kill big deer consistently off both. However, in IL I have seen a pretty flat overall herd structure for the last 20 years - not horrible, not the best and the management we do doesn’t seem to help much. I can only attribute it to the fact that IL lets you hammer multiple bucks and really unlimited does. While in Indiana everyone has been forced down this path, thus my neighbors are only whacking 1 130” buck instead of 2. My herd quality has improved tremendously and I am consistently more excited to hunt the IN farms than I am the IL one based on potential!

I 100% agree on the second statement with liberal NR quotas - it has really hit IL hard and the outfitters infiltrated. Iowa has to fight that more than anything, i believe that would be the biggest detriment to the deer quality and obviously the access to hunting. fight that one with all you have!!!

However, be open to some of these other situations, I do think they can have quick impacts when everyone has to make the change!
That’s great insight. Illinois definitely has a few things that could be better!! I can see how the good parts of Indiana would without a doubt be better now!

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I'm curious how many folks you know that harvest more than 1 buck per year on average with the current regulations?

I have at least 10 close friends that are serious deer hunters. Another 20-30 I communicate with through a Snapchat group that originated from Iowa Whitetail. I don't know a single person that even remotely comes close to harvesting 2+ bucks a year. These are some of the most intensely focused deer hunters I know. Put in a ton of time on top quality farms, plant food plots, run cameras, all the "stuff".

I grew up shotgun hunting. I've never seen a group that killed more bucks than total hunters in the group. Most times it's not even close to being 1:1. Obviously those hunters could also bow hunt and go LM. But very very rarely are they killing 2 or more bucks per year IMO.

We want to solve every issue with regulations. Regulations don't magically fix habitat issues, or EHD, or a hunters inability to kill a large antlered buck. Personally I think you'd have 5x as many crusty old crap bucks running around because every single person would hold out for the "trophy" buck they dream of.

Doe management is FAR more critical to herd health & even seeing bucks reach their genetic potential and there's never been talk of limiting antlerless tags per hunter. It's because WE as hunters HAVE to accept a large portion of the responsibility of managing the resource. I struggle to believe Iowa moving to 1 buck (especially if it's a floating tag) would really fix all these "issues".
Very good points. Especially on the crusty old bucks that no one wants to kill. Those bucks will overtake a farm & the quality of bucks will decline over time if they are not managed. Being able to kill more than 1 buck & manage the “Crustys” is a good thing for the overall quality of the buck herd. This does not mean you have to shoot 2 or 3 a year if that is not warranted. But it’s nice to have if it is needed.
I myself on my main farm was concerned with deer numbers & bucks this year & chose not to shoot a buck. One of my big landowner neighbors did the same thing & time will tell if this strategy works.

I myself would not be in favor of going to 1 buck for reason discussed above- maybe from 3 to 2 would be ok??? Great tooic!
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