Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    This rain is awesome. Thank you God! Thinking I'm gonna be " stranded" for sure tomorrow no matter what. Lol. Little R&R type of day. Haha.
  2. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    Sitting on my covered deck in my briefs and a hoodie. Drinking a COLD beer and listening to the wonderful sound of rain falling. I spead 1# of red clover seed into my back yard an hour ago. Got oats dug in there last week. Yeah, front and back yard are food plots. Lol. View of one of my pumpkin...
  3. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    I'm battn down the hatches. Looks to be perhaps 2" plus coming starting in about an hour. Just got off work, went n got groceries, beer. At my cabin so might get stranded for a few days.
  4. Bucksnbears

    Food plots are done for the year!

    Looks great! You musta got good rains?
  5. Bucksnbears

    Here we go again EHD????

    Damn. Has any studies been done on how you fellas dealing with that? Like treating areas around watering holes with an insecticide?
  6. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    I wish Vance would just shut up. Seems like he's making this election year to be about himself. Trump needs to reign him in!
  7. Bucksnbears

    Shop Remodel

    Looks great Ishi. Are you blind nailing or face nailing? Here's my project. Finishing a 60x110 foot shop. Walking on concrete all day is killing me.
  8. Bucksnbears


    For 50.00$$, I'd find a kid that could use them (free). My .02
  9. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    Same here TnŴ. I have zero friends that vote D.
  10. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    I just missed 1/ 2 AGAIN by a few miles. Dammit!
  11. Bucksnbears

    Shop Remodel

    Busy for now. Lol. What are you putting in the inside corners? If a cove molding, base should go on first. Looks great. WAY better then sheetrock.
  12. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    In person voting. 1 day. Can't make it, too bad. My opinion. Cancel MLK day and make voting day a " Holiday". Really, what's more important?
  13. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    Only 2/10 the. Booo.
  14. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    We just got put in a severe watch. Need rain Bad.
  15. Bucksnbears

    Need rain bad

    We started out SO wet here, some farmers unable to plant. Since about June 15, hard to get a drop.
  16. Bucksnbears

    Is it possible

    Yep, it's possible. Been bowhunting for 45 years and occasionally, seen tiny fully spotted fawns in October/ November before (rare) though.
  17. Bucksnbears


    Man that sure rings a Bell ! As of this past Friday, we were looking at a bit more then an inch coming. Was giddy as July 25 is my annual go to date. Got everything done yesterday morning and they all about took away any chance next 10 days. Worst fear now is getting a pop up shower with just...
  18. Bucksnbears


    I got my brassicas planted yesterday. Just for experiment, I seeded about 3lbs of Millet with them in 1 1/4 acre plot.
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