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Need rain bad


PMA Member
I haven't had any measurable rain in the last month (SC Iowa). I have huge cracks in the ground everywhere, grass is dying, and corn is starting to die. You guys getting rain are lucky.
Just picked up 1.2" last night in SC Iowa. Was a hit or miss storm. Thankful I got some but could certainly use more with all this heat.
Frequent rains have the farmers in my area flying fungicide over their crops. I had to spray a couple of young apple trees on Sunday to knock back a blight/fungus. First tomatoes out of the garden were tasting blah due to too much precipitation. Iowa City area. Dumped 3" out of the gauge on one property yesterday, 1.6" at another property. Got showers overnight.
The year started out great in PA where I live, spring was almost 3 weeks early and good rain. Those who got the corn in late April have decent corn but those who didn't won't have much yield. We had a half an inch the month of July thus far, ground cracking here too, haven't had to mow for 3 weeks!
Timing is everything!! Saw this coming this morning and hauled ass down to farm and got a brassica plot seeded just in time!!

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Same here. ^^ Not to brag though...my app told me that I got 1.6" yesterday. And when I was wheeling around Sunday afternoon I hit a few spots that could be considered "wet". So I am getting rains this year to beat just about anything I have had in the past 4 or 5 years. Yay!
Just a little more info on the "wet" spots that I encountered the other day. These were in a field that was planted to rye/etc last year and then allowed to grow this spring until about 3 weeks ago when we mowed it. Then a week later, I sprayed it with gly.

There was still plenty of rye thatch present the other day when I was drilling into it. I hear people when they say that they have had better results tilling and then broadcasting and packing brassica seed than going no till. I get it...and I have done it that same way dozens of times.

But...if I had tilled that soil and we had a "normal" dry year...I would have been dealing with near concrete level hard, dry soil. Instead, I was drilling into sufficiently dry to moist soil, which I am confident will give me a head start on germination, etc. Especially now that I have had a couple of rains on it.

Short version...it's a crapshoot. :) But after many trials and tribulations associated with "hardened dust" due to low moisture...I am ready to try some methods that are more likely to preserve soil moisture. Now I just hope it doesn't go "wet" on me. :)
Close to 7" of rain here in the last 3 days - crazy wet - too much!
We must be sharing clouds...we have got about that much too since Sunday evening. Planted 2 acres of rutabagas and an acre of soybeans mixed with turnips and radishes. Will be curious to see how that worked out.
Planted my brassicas on Sunday and since then have had close to 7 inches of rain here in SE Iowa. Will they be alright or should I expect to replant?
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