Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Bucksnbears

    Planting sunflowers

    Wow, those all look fantastic!! Good job fellas.
  2. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    I don't do the like/dislike thing but iffn I did.... :oops: On a lighter note..
  3. Bucksnbears

    Antler growth

    Ain't seen much for bucks here. Usually don't till October.
  4. Bucksnbears

    Planting sunflowers

    Those look great 83!!
  5. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    I'm at my cabin now. Dead calm and drinking beer on the deck. I can hear gunfire every direction for miles. Very little fireworks. Half giggling thinking folks are expressing " FJB".:cool:
  6. Bucksnbears

    Bear Paw Guide, MN

    Did you draw a tag or going no quota where it's over the counter?
  7. Bucksnbears

    Rain so far.

    Finally looks like a 10 day (somewhat) dry spell coming. This time last year I was praying for rain. Now, opposite. And yep, I'm whining about a total max of 2 acre food plots. Can't imagine what those that do it for a living (farmers) go through. Edited to add.., Just put a pizza on the grill...
  8. Bucksnbears

    Rain so far.

    Our crops here look terrible! We've had about 16" of rain since April. Corn is at best, knee high. Huge swath of hail came through here Saturday. From what I seen, looked to be about 8x20 mile area. Complete devastation.
  9. Bucksnbears

    Assuming you have the power in 2024...

    At this point in time, I don't think liberal legislation is going to affect much. Reason being is... Younger generation wanting to hunt is DRASTICALLY diminishing. Grandpa Jones has a great 100 acre tract that he used to let anyone who asked permission. Grandson DweebBoy seen a huge buck and...
  10. Bucksnbears

    Giant Sunflowers for rubbing posts

    21 days?? Mine are usually up bout 7_10 days but I do water them when planting.
  11. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    Gotta admit. I don't consider myself a Republican. Sure as Hell ain't no Democrat!! I vote R but both parties have become shit shows. If both parties continue on the path we are going, nobody wins. I'd rather someone with Zero party affiliation get in if they had the balls to keep America...
  12. Bucksnbears

    Deer sightings.

    Same with bear. Year in// out, I see big bear, middle of the day ,walking at the hottest time of the day.
  13. Bucksnbears

    Fawns dropping!

    Watched 2 fawns this morning gorging on leaves from a boxelder stump sprout.
  14. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    I think it was a terrible debate from both. However, anyone that votes for Biden needs a mental checkup.
  15. Bucksnbears

    Giant Sunflowers for rubbing posts

    Well that sucks!! Sure was looking forwards to the progress. Never had a bad pack of seeds.. Are you sure mice didn't dig them up?? I had that problem this year. First time ever with both pumpkin and sunflower seeds. I only have 4 outta 9 that made it. Edited too add... Guessing it's to...
  16. Bucksnbears

    Rain so far.

    That's a cool Pic 83. This time last year, we couldn't buy a drop of rain. Now it's " please God, shut off the faucets ". Had a 70 mph + winds here last week. Ripped out many of my pumpkin plants. Mice also invaded and dug up seeds. Never had that problem before. This foodplotting stuff can...
  17. Bucksnbears

    Rain so far.

    Looks like some of you in southern Iowa may be in for some nasty weather?
  18. Bucksnbears

    Awesome Iowa sky

    Sunrise right now.
  19. Bucksnbears

    Deer sightings.

    Been wondering / observing this for many years. Guessing it cant be just this region? Hit home this morning so I figgered it was a topic worth talking about. This morning, I had to make the 30 mile trip to Fargo. Left early and it's great habitat. I took gravel for about 20 of it that...
  20. Bucksnbears

    Shop Remodel

    For practically, 1/2 cdx plywood and stained would be fine and cheaper then t&g.
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