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What's next for Republicans?

NO! it was from international travel jet lag (10 days prior)

Stay tuned though, will be a different reason by this afternoon
To me the reason he was hoarse was obvious. He prepped for the debate 10 days and talked way more than normal. This caused him to lose his voice.
This will be the key for Trump …get ahead by so much that the late night vote dumps are impossible.
These large 2020 Brandon 'vote dumps' will always be impossible for me to believe as legitimate.

Because of this, I don't think it will matter how far up Trump is on Brandon in 2024, the next vote dumps will just barely surpass Trumps lead yet again.
  • Deleted by Hardwood11
  • Reason: Aa
Just like the last one. Safety, security, opportunity, and prosperity. The so called project 2025 is a left wing fear mongering joke.

Every single president elect appoints their own cabinet, heads of agencies and other staff. If they didn’t nothing would get done.

2024 is an ideological choice between conservative values or left wing woke bs that is tearing down the foundation and every solid
Institution that built the nation. Ie family, faith, security, opportunity, hard work ,legal immigration etc. You choose.
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Just read this about Michelle Obama's odds against Trump. Exactly what I thought. https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-finds-1-democrat-absolutely-034301837.html
It says Biden is tied with Trump too. What kind of country do we live in now that people think Biden should be our President (or Michelle Obama)? Almost comical but it's really pretty scary. I guess most Americans feel like they have nothing, and it cannot get much worse. They figure their best chance is to get free things from the Dems, but when we don't have a country anymore, that thought process will come to a crashing end.
It says Biden is tied with Trump too. What kind of country do we live in now that people think Biden should be our President (or Michelle Obama)? Almost comical but it's really pretty scary. I guess most Americans feel like they have nothing, and it cannot get much worse. They figure their best chance is to get free things from the Dems, but when we don't have a country anymore, that thought process will come to a crashing end.
That should tell you how valid the poll is. It isn’t. No way Biden is tied. The media has to keep it close. In 2016 the media reported Hillary was up by 10 pts in Florida. She lost Florida.
That should tell you how valid the poll is. It isn’t. No way Biden is tied. The media has to keep it close. In 2016 the media reported Hillary was up by 10 pts in Florida. She lost Florida.
I bet it's pretty close. I travel all over the USA for work and see different cities every week. I can tell you firsthand we are in serious trouble in this country. The quality is WAY down.
I also travel across the country. Four years ago Trump signs were 50 to 1. Yes, very unscientific but a good indicator. I still see Trump signs, zero Biden. Wasn’t close. Isn’t close now. Of course that’s not considering the fraud operation that the dumocrats have to a science. Just my opinion.
States not in play: iowa, Ohio, Florida. In play but not really…. GA, AZ & NC. GA fixed the shenanigans with voting bs (same with WI). AZ - they can’t cheat enough as folks there are beyond pissed about border. NC be shoe in.

The other states: there’s only so much cheating any county/city can do based on registered voters. IMHO- they have added millions of phony votes for decades in these corrupt big cities. Fake votes on steroids in ‘20. All the millions of mail in ballots, ballot harvesting & truck loads in middle of night while they covered the windows of voting locations. Absolute BS. No doubt in my mind & to my core that was stolen. They can’t do it again….

IMHO, here’s my gut & my HOPE:
1) zuckerbucks got shut off in WI. HUGE!!! & I think drop boxes.
2) ga got voter integrity law that’s amazing done.
3) people know the cheating is gonna be tried and there’s gonna be an army of people on this like hawks. Millions more spent on lawyers, etc. They don’t have covid to pull the BS
4) RNC got taken over by Trump folks. Folks from before hated Trump & let all this bs go. This time they are on it big league & have funds.
5) Briben ruined the country on almost any metric in 4 years. He’s a vegetable fool & people are PISSED!!!! He lost millions of independents.
6)Trump has HUGE war chest & far more support than in ‘20. $ he’ll use to stop cheating. & he doesn’t need to spend much in OH, FL & IA (used to be swing states). He’s up in Nevada, PA, WI, NH & even has a chance at NJ, VA, etc. This could be close but it also could be a landslide.
7) Trump will spend millions on mail in voting & ballot harvesting this time around.

Betting odds for Dems: Biden, then kamal-toe then newsom. Obama is almost written off as “not happening”. All 3 - game over IF we keep same direction & no massive game changer.
I bet it's pretty close. I travel all over the USA for work and see different cities every week. I can tell you firsthand we are in serious trouble in this country. The quality is WAY down.
What u mean quality down? Quality of people in the country?
So- big cities…. U see piles of Biden signs?
I travel the Midwest - pry 6 states - 90% Trump signs id guess. But admittedly…. I don’t go to the corrupt big cities. No reason since I’m not corrupt & prefer not to get shot.
Sorry- have to add a third…. Their “#1 issue” is ABORTION!!!!! How sick, evil & DESPERATE can u get???? Genocide of babies is your biggest issue to win an election? How can’t we call those with that stance what they are????….. EVIL. That’s pure evil. The most innocent & vulnerable - not protected by the leftists… & it’s the issue they are pushing all the chips in on. Sick mo-fo’s!!!!!!!!
What u mean quality down? Quality of people in the country?
So- big cities…. U see piles of Biden signs?
I travel the Midwest - pry 6 states - 90% Trump signs id guess. But admittedly…. I don’t go to the corrupt big cities. No reason since I’m not corrupt & prefer not to get shot.
Yes, the quality of people I encounter in a lot of cities is not good all across the country (It is totally opposite of that in Iowa and most other Midwest states). The bigger the city, the worse it is. I also think people don't put Biden signs up because deep down they don't want people knowing they vote for him, but they do figure it is the best way to get free things. I could be wrong, but this is an honest opinion of what I see across our country.
I'm an independent, cant believe what we have to choose from. Figured in the spirit of this thread u deer hunters would like this shirt I saw on snap chat, I assume a parade in Iowa? made me chuckle

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I agree with you @tall@wide, me and my wife travel quite a bit for work and this country is falling apart. We’ve been in Iowa two years now, but my wife loves it here saying it’s like “how it use to be” and I feel the same way.
Agreed. It is a breath of fresh air coming back to Iowa. For people that never leave Iowa, it almost like they are isolated from what the real USA has become now. The Dems have done a great job controlling medium and large cities all across the nation. Also, there is no telling what the real number of illegal immigrants who have crossed the border really is....I'd guess 10x what they say the numbers are.
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