Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. S

    Pole saw/Tree trimmer

    I would get a wicked, they are absolutely amazing...
  2. S

    Lee county

    I use to have a farm near there, good area but just like any where else it depends on the ground itself and the neighbors. Can't hurt to check it out.
  3. S

    New plot questions

    If getting someone to bale it was an option that would work great too.
  4. S

    New plot questions

    You won't get a good kill by spraying stuff that tall. Wish I would of known yesterday could of mowed it than. Maybe we can still work something out. Chemical gro in Houghton can get you fertilizer
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    New plot questions

    How tall is the grass? If it's pretty tall I would get it mowed asap. You want to get that sod worked up so maybe wait a week after mowing and spray with gly than a week after that disk it up. That's if you want to get turnips in around 1st of August. You will probably need to add fertilizer for...
  6. S

    Rain! To

    I will give ya $500 a acre for that desert
  7. S

    Nonresident Draw Results

    Free shipping though! You would think for $8100 they could throw in a hunting license and habitat fee.
  8. S

    Planting in Atrazine

    I tried it once, didn't turn out well.
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    Water Hemp

    Might as well mix some diesel in with all those chemicals Skip :)
  10. S

    401k for farm ground

    Bad idea, I would use the money from selling your house then get a loan on a home .
  11. S

    Polaris vs Honda

    Another vote for the Samurai! Cheap parts, street legal, and will put your side by side to shame. ;)
  12. S

    S.E. Iowa Land prices on the rise!

    Go to auctions, I have seen several tracts of mostly timber go for around $1800/acre.
  13. S

    "Frost Seeding"

    Turkeys gobbling and bluebirds singing here, lol I think I will just row crop this field again and try again next year. I still got 20 acres planted.
  14. S

    "Frost Seeding"

    So ran out of time to get all my switchgrass planted before this warm weather hit. Don't see any change in near future. Will switch still germinate without the freeze/thaw if I plant now? I suspect it will but was wondering what others have seen.
  15. S

    hf 2160 baiting

    I don't see why not.
  16. S

    hf 2160 baiting

    Why do we need a distance at all? Make mineral legal, done.
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    hf 2160 baiting

    This bill is stupid, I wish our reps would spend their time solving real issues.
  18. S

    Hunting whitetails from a boat

    Get a wide flat bottom, learn the river in the day time and you won't have a problem. Best hunts of my life were from a boat, loved it.
  19. S

    Do you have a ticket??

    Lol, I agree.
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