Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. hesseu

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Everything you said...But this one stands out the most to me. I watch RE markets daily in 4-6 different locations throughout the country. Rec land and vacation homes were HOT 6-16 months ago. These areas are now the first to start seeing the pricing shift in the market. I'm seeing some vaca...
  2. hesseu

    Posting Pictures - Updated to be Easier

    So...how can we PM a picture that is on our computer?
  3. hesseu

    Need Opinions...Aerial and Topo Included

    I'll PM you some more info...
  4. hesseu

    Need Opinions...Aerial and Topo Included

    Gotta say...I'm liking the reply's so far!! Some are exactly where I have waypoints to check out.
  5. hesseu

    Need Opinions...Aerial and Topo Included

    Well, I have drawn a coveted managed hunt down here in Missouri. The hunt is scheduled December 10 and 11th. I am planning on going to do some "boots on the ground" scouting Thanksgiving weekend. However, I feel like I've done around 10-20 hours of e-scouting and aerial scouting now...And, I...
  6. hesseu

    IW podcast on Nine Finger Chronicles- KEEP IOWA GREAT!!!!

    Listened and thought you did a great job. As a Missourian (southern Missouri no less), you hit the nail on the head with our state and the timing of firearms season. I wish they would start it the following weekend after Thanksgiving and get it out of the rut. I believe it is Missouri's...
  7. hesseu

    We’ll see how many stick around.

    Good group this year!
  8. hesseu


    Would this be available next year? Sorry, only reason I am asking is I have Pref points built up, but did not apply for a tag this year. But may next year...
  9. hesseu

    Habitat Gurus- What Would You Do?

    I'd see what pops up just from the seed bank. Although, it being ag (which I'm not very familiar with), it may not have a whole lot pop. I'm always in favor of early successional habitat that is Rx burned every 2-3 years.
  10. hesseu

    Rx Fire after Hack and Squirt

    I've got 2 areas on next years burn rotation that are wooded...a 30 and a 40 acre piece. I've done TSI on both, but just class felling. Planning to complete the TSI here soon, and just thinking of mixing up style using the H&S.
  11. hesseu

    Rx Fire after Hack and Squirt

    Anyone ran a fire through their woods after doing H&S? Just curious what / if any issues they ran into. Getting ready to tackle some TSI, and kicking around the idea of H&S...but, I am planning to run a fire through there next winter / spring.
  12. hesseu

    Hunters & Conservation….

    Just an FYI on something you might find interesting...Yes, this is real https://goodmeat.co/process https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005345/en/GOOD-Meat-Partners-with-Industry-Leader-to-Build-the-World%E2%80%99s-First-Large-Scale-Cultivated-Meat-Facility
  13. hesseu

    Hunters & Conservation….

    Skip...have had this conversation as well. Hundreds of millions in our country really don't know what life is like in rural america or on a farm (no matter how big or small). I've got some family that is very well educated (I've got a couple degrees and grad school and they blow me out of the...
  14. hesseu

    “The Land Podcast” link & Iowawhitetail discussion….

    Listened to the podcast on my drive back from florida last week. I was shaking my head in agreement with you in regards to the future. Some friends were down there at the same time we were, and they are very large commercial real estate investors. In our conversations down there, they are...
  15. hesseu

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Agreed...cash / corporate buyers are the "x-factor" right now.
  16. hesseu

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Most people buy based on what they can afford at the moment per month. So, with interest rates rising, the reduces the amount they can afford per month.
  17. hesseu

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Very true in regards to the 1031 exchanges. I'd be looking for long term hold on property right now just in case :)
  18. hesseu

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Regular people purchase based on what they can afford per month. Corporations are a different animal... Inflation is outpacing what the media is reporting. With what I do for a living, I feel I have a pretty good pulse on 3,6, 12 months from now. I told my wife back in February to start...
  19. hesseu

    Added 70 acres to the “Home Farm”

    I'm on a much smaller scale, but general same train of thought. 145 acres here in cattle country MO...Have a long wooded 40 just east of us with a cabin on it. Would LOVE to be able to pick this up. Red = 1 acre clearcuts in timber Blue = TSI'ed areas Light Blue = Cedar Removal / Glade...
  20. hesseu

    Added 70 acres to the “Home Farm”

    Congrats. Looking like you'll be able to get 'em coming to food in the evenings behind the future house, and backdoor them in the mornings as well coming back from it. Opens up a lot of possibilities!
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