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Hunters & Conservation….


Staff member
A good liberal friend of mine was TALKING about climate change with me….
Agreed we need renewable resources. We need less pollution. We need clean water. We need balanced ecosystems including wildlife of course. Regenerative farms that actually get BETTER vs “sustainable”.
Here’s one concern I expressed…. I hear the “left” talk about this & we have all heard this for years. While the “lefty elites” fly on jets, consume, continue to build & buy houses on the ocean coast (thought they were going underwater soon????). I know very few liberals actually doing something about any of this. Maybe they drive a Prius. Maybe they eat less meat. But they usually aren’t doing anything to actually fix things.
While on the other hand…. I know countless CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIONISTS actually fixing things….. building organic matter that holds carbon. Stopping erosion. Planting thousands of trees (I know endless folks who do this and this does make a difference on large scale). We look at worldwide how hunters protect land for every creature…. Africa, Europe, N America…. Every continent there’s wildlife & people it’s hunters pulling huge amounts of weight conserving & improving the earth. The tax on ammo & so on is staggering!!!! Billions!!! For conservation & wildlife. Our tag revunue going towards wildlife. It’s insane the impact hunters have on conservation. It’s insane how little credit they get & how the liberals claim that as their cause & “pat on the back”. Talk is cheap, action is everything. Hunters deserve a lot more credit & the more we understand their role, the more we can improve the planet with the right actions. Not just talk & wasting tax payer $. I don’t mean to make this a right vs left “argument” or even an argument at all. There’s actually a ton of data & information on this for those willing to see the facts. One of a billion articles, studies & info on it….

Talk is cheap, action is everything.

This pretty well sums up the difference between Liberals (Talkers / Complainers) and Conservatives (Doers / Workers). I commend you for having the conversation Skip. How much of that were you allowed to actually get out before the eye rolling or arguing began?

Once a feasible solution to a problem or goal is identified, conservatives dive in and grind out whatever work needs to be completed. In my own personal experience, it has usually always entailed a ton of sweat equity and time on my part. Something that most liberals I've talked to, just don't understand.
Skip...have had this conversation as well. Hundreds of millions in our country really don't know what life is like in rural america or on a farm (no matter how big or small). I've got some family that is very well educated (I've got a couple degrees and grad school and they blow me out of the water!) who lives in CA, and when they came out for Christmas it was way more of a cultural shock for them then I believe even they thought it would be. BUT, I do have to commend them because I feel they listened and were really taking in everything. Funny though, they were counting down the days left in CA before they would be able to move :)

Honestly, I do think there are many folks who know "something's just not right". Which is why I believe they were soaking everything up and listening.

It cracked me up to when I told them prescribed fires would solve their wildfire problems :) That's a whole 'nother conversation!!
prescribed fires would solve their wildfire problems

YES!!! The same logic can be used in healthcare too. Allowing ourselves to beat colds and minor infections, etc. on our own, makes our immune systems stronger. Making us much more able to defend against nastier bugs, naturally, when they come along. That's a tough one for any Lib to wrap their brain around too.
There is a real push in their party to reduce meat consumption and most of the pasture/beef farmers, pork, poultry guys know it. It is hard for me to understand how a farmer would vote Democrat? I do still see a few? In a 5 hour trip (from MN to Iowa) in 2020 we counted over 250 Trump signs and 3 or 4 Biden total.

They can push for climate change all they want, but if we don't have food and gasoline then we are screwed anyway!
As for 'Climate Change', global climate is constantly in flux. Always has been and always will be. There's historical evidence of entire civilizations migrating due to climate change, hundreds and thousands of years before the industrial revolution ever took place. Ancient cities are found under receding glaciers, under sand dunes and under water, all the time. That means the climate was completely different when civilizations flourished in those areas. Some objects found indicate that it was probably a quick change too, do to being left behind at all.

I'm still uncertain how much of a butterfly effect 7.8 billion people have on Earth climate or weather, but I don't believe it's anywhere close to the hype that the media and libs cram down our throats daily. I'll still try to do my part to lessen my footprint on this planet though, because I want to leave a less polluted one for my kids and grandkids, etc.

Large cities tend to house most of the liberals that don't know the first thing about farming or hunting/fishing. That's why 99 (rural) out of 100 counties in a state can vote Republican and the states electoral college votes Democrat, because the one county that houses the state capitol houses enough liberal idiots to swing the vote D. (It disgusts me every election to see how red and blue is distributed on the maps.) I say, let them starve! We know how to take care of our families and rural communities if SHTF, which I think it has already begun to...
There is a real push in their party to reduce meat consumption and most of the pasture/beef farmers, pork, poultry guys know it. It is hard for me to understand how a farmer would vote Democrat? I do still see a few? In a 5 hour trip (from MN to Iowa) in 2020 we counted over 250 Trump signs and 3 or 4 Biden total.

They can push for climate change all they want, but if we don't have food and gasoline then we are screwed anyway!

Just an FYI on something you might find interesting...Yes, this is real


There is a real push in their party to reduce meat consumption and most of the pasture/beef farmers, pork, poultry guys know it. It is hard for me to understand how a farmer would vote Democrat? I do still see a few? In a 5 hour trip (from MN to Iowa) in 2020 we counted over 250 Trump signs and 3 or 4 Biden total.

They can push for climate change all they want, but if we don't have food and gasoline then we are screwed anyway!
I have relation that farms and is democrat. You just can't fix stupid lol!
A good liberal friend of mine was TALKING about climate change with me….
Agreed we need renewable resources. We need less pollution. We need clean water. We need balanced ecosystems including wildlife of course. Regenerative farms that actually get BETTER vs “sustainable”.
Here’s one concern I expressed…. I hear the “left” talk about this & we have all heard this for years. While the “lefty elites” fly on jets, consume, continue to build & buy houses on the ocean coast (thought they were going underwater soon????). I know very few liberals actually doing something about any of this. Maybe they drive a Prius. Maybe they eat less meat. But they usually aren’t doing anything to actually fix things.
While on the other hand…. I know countless CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIONISTS actually fixing things….. building organic matter that holds carbon. Stopping erosion. Planting thousands of trees (I know endless folks who do this and this does make a difference on large scale). We look at worldwide how hunters protect land for every creature…. Africa, Europe, N America…. Every continent there’s wildlife & people it’s hunters pulling huge amounts of weight conserving & improving the earth. The tax on ammo & so on is staggering!!!! Billions!!! For conservation & wildlife. Our tag revunue going towards wildlife. It’s insane the impact hunters have on conservation. It’s insane how little credit they get & how the liberals claim that as their cause & “pat on the back”. Talk is cheap, action is everything. Hunters deserve a lot more credit & the more we understand their role, the more we can improve the planet with the right actions. Not just talk & wasting tax payer $. I don’t mean to make this a right vs left “argument” or even an argument at all. There’s actually a ton of data & information on this for those willing to see the facts. One of a billion articles, studies & info on it….

Skip, I'm curious how your friend reacted to your comments. Were they open to agreement? I have found (not always) that when you have a face to face with someone you know and just talk, people tend to agree on a whole lot more that what the internet says. I will say that there are some fundamental differences that many probably won't move away from, but I have spoken to a lot of my tree hugging friends and they really love and appreciate all of the things that hunters do to help in all of the areas you mentioned.
So this friend agrees with a lot of it…. Here’s why this friend is one that I have this talk…. I feel like there’s a glimmer of hope of bringing him out of the dark side. He sees the light. I don’t think he wants to admit it yet but I think there’s actually hope.
I did have a friendly debate with a liberal in last month that didn’t end well…. Agreed on corruption in gov, government does a poor job handling things, they feel like abortion is murder, Things aren’t going well with Biden, etc…. Here’s where it went south…. “Skip, you don’t think racism & bigotry are one of the biggest issues in the world?” Or something like that. I said “NO!!! Tired of hearing it daily from the left. Tiring!!! A day can’t go by without skin color or genitalia!!!” “What other time in history or what other country does any race or any person have a better life & opportunity than the US today?” This ended with 2 fingers in their ears, shutting eyes & yelling “blah blah blah blah blah”. Went from adult discussion to a 5 year old.

The older liberals, if honest, get it…. The ones that used to say “Screw the system”. The ones who used to stand for free speech. The ones that don’t want their kids brainwashed. The ones with a Libertarian bone in their body. The ones where I know they are embarrassed by the blue hair lunatics that took the left over.
Right now, 2022…. The world is upside down. How screwed up people & what’s being done to our country is…. This is as big of a catastrophe as any our country has faced IMO. 30 trillion in debt, etc etc. Establishment that will do anything to cling to power & wealth. What a mess. Meanwhile…. A group of folks working hard, fixing the problems, doing best at making the world a better place…. Keeping their head down & ignoring the crazy garbage going on. The world may be going mad but doesn’t mean we need to participate in the madness. ;).
In terms of the history of the world, the human race will be a blip on the radar. Destined for extinction like a virus that canobilizes it's host. That accelerator gets pushed harder every day.
What do you mean the world is upside down? I am getting excited that Men can have babies now..............
On a serious note climate change is real been going on since the earth came to be. It warms up then cools off been doing that for as long as it has been around. Only 50,000(a mere blink of an eye for the earth) years ago there was a mile thick sheet of ice that covered the entire northern hemisphere. Its gone now and you have to go to the extreme northern hemisphere to find glaciers. What is comical to me is how they want to say that man is responsible for doing this. All that ice was already gone when the machine age started less than 200 years ago. They say its the emissions that are doing it but it was melting long before emissions. If you think about it that huge ice glacier before it melted was keeping the world cooler. So now that it is gone the heat up goes at a quicker rate. We can all do our part to help the earth with various environmental changes but to think we can change the path is foolish. As Rush would always say if they think they can control mother nature why don't they just stop the next Tornado or Hurricane? If Man is in control they should be able to do that.

In the end if Man truly abuses the earth the earth with handle that by eliminating Man. Mother Earth will have the final say on that. From a time perspective the earth holds all cards. If we pollute the earth and make it uninhabitable the Earth will kill us off then take a few million years and clean it up.
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A day can’t go by without skin color or genitalia!!!

Yep! True Caucasian perpetrated racism of yesteryear is nearly non-existent today. The Left and media saw racism fading and needed it to come back into the limelight in order to push their agenda. Divide and conquer. Guilt trip the Right into submission. It's all a big game. Don't play it. Now, you'd have to be deaf and blind not to notice the modern Caucasian victimized racism today, and no, it's not considered anti-racism, it's just plain old racism, and it's everywhere.

I don't care if someone prefers intercourse with a sewer pipe instead of the holiest of all holies... Just don't try forcing me to say it's right. It isn't. Never has been. Never will be. But to each their own. You do you and I'll do me. I don't shove my sexuality in people's faces, and I expect the same in return. None of us are supposed to be having sex until we're married anyway. Since when did what a person is attracted to define who they are as a person. If you buy into this concept, then you have an extremely shallow existence.

That's one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen. Anyone got bets on how quickly incest, pedophilia or bestiality will be the new thing that these sickos push? Think it's ridiculous to even mention these things, just do some research. They're all building momentum.

Personally, I look forward to The Rapture and inheriting the New Earth. Man's time on this Earth will all come to an end alright, but it won't be due to climate change or mother earth killing us all off.
here’s how I view most liberals in regards to fixing issues, one representative example….

Here’s conservation conservatives…. & IMO: an action & sight most liberals will never see…. This example: tree plantings, pollinator habitat, ponds for cleaner water, etc etc.
There’s so many inconsistencies of the left it’s wild!!
I wonder if the hippy-leftists think their massive bong hits are polluting the air?
Do they realize how many bugs & animals are killed by any level of farming?
Why can’t we be for nuclear which is basically emissions-free & technology of today means it’s one of the safest forms of energy- period.

Why are liberal-utopias ecological polluted disasters??? Detroit, San Francisco, LA, NY, etc, etc. Crickets of course & a media & big tech that fully covers for all these wild inconsistencies we can rattle off for days.

Coincidentally I have a bunch of liberals sitting next to me…. I’ll ask…..
ok…. Got the answer …. “Because you are all racist bigots!” ;)
“But I drive an electric vehicle. I’m saving the planet. It makes me FEEL GOOD. Just like wearing my mask!!” I swear Libs care more about “feel good” than actual results. Interesting read on electric vehicles where the facts aren’t so convenient.
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