Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mplane72

    Hunting near highways/interstates

    I used to hunt a place right on I-80. Hunting was great. I killed some good bucks and was always chasing a couple pigs. I really think it just depends on the property. If everything else is good the highways not going to ruin it but it could complicate it. I rarely ever saw a deer try to...
  2. mplane72

    Rec. Property tax implications

    You need to talk to a expert. I suspect that the reason you see a lot of property's owned by an LLC or other such designation.
  3. mplane72

    Help with stuck wire brush

    Maybe pull the nipple and use compressed air to blow it out.
  4. mplane72

    New DNR Director

    Hope you're kidding but wouldn't be shocked if it were true.
  5. mplane72

    New DNR Director

    The word lobbyist doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
  6. mplane72

    Does anyone know where to find the application to become a outfitter in iowa???

    Pretty sure that's just a proposed bill from 1998. Never passed into law, though it or something similar should be on the books. As far as I know you can call yourself a guide or outfitter with no license needed.
  7. mplane72

    FOB fletching

    My old neighbor shoots them. He likes them. Flight seemed good including with broad head. Don't group shoot, they break. Though they seemed to hold on tight I would be concerned about brush catching on them and pulling them off. The idea of them coming off as arrow passes through thus...
  8. mplane72

    Trophy room upgrades

    Nicely done.
  9. mplane72


    I don't have the numbers for Iowa but one NR in total spends about what 30 residents spend. I'm sure that money is a significant portion of their budget. NR's fund a large part of most hunting destination states budgets. I know that CO residents are getting pissed and I won't be surprised at...
  10. mplane72


    Every state that has any big game hunting that is in demand puts the screws to the NR and it's their right to do so. Happens to me every year out West. Get into the points game in a few states and see how fast the costs blow up before you even get a tag. Sucks but NR is the easy target and...
  11. mplane72

    Morel farmer???

    I would think that if it could really be done it would be being done commercially. I have been in a lot of mushroom farms and they have it down to a science.
  12. mplane72

    Opening morning success!

    Well done! Congrats. We have the camper picked up and are heading out for the weekend this afternoon. Not sure who is more excited. Not a lot of work happening right now and I'm not expecting the ITBS is getting the attention it should from Jacob.
  13. mplane72

    License fees

    My favorite are the guys with a newer jacked up truck, new bow every year and a safe full of guns, full on Sitka, UA or whatever suit and all the other latest and greatest gear that pisses and moans to no end about the DNR and the cost of license and tags. Talked to plenty of guys standing on...
  14. mplane72

    SF610, new number old bill, cost of youth deer and turkey tags

    I can't really see the current cost of a tag being a real barrier to entry. I would rather all other licenses and tags went up and youth stayed the same.
  15. mplane72

    HF716/necked cartridge update

    I followed that bill closely. Yes, he signed it, it was a huge bill and a major accomplishment to finally get it through but it should have, and could have, been done some time ago. It did have overwhelming support but if you look up the votes in the House and Senate every NO vote has a R...
  16. mplane72

    HF716/necked cartridge update

    I agree and I have tried to do that. The problem is, and it pains me to say it, Republicans seem to care less and less about conservation. They are now getting pounded by the other side with emails full of phrases like government over reach and 2A freedoms. I also emphasized my concerns about...
  17. mplane72

    HF716/necked cartridge update

    I'm not so confident this is done. We need some Republicans with the guts to stand against a gun related bill. When was the last time that happened? Look at all the push back they got on SSB 1221 and still not one vote against.
  18. mplane72

    HF716/necked cartridge update

    I did make it a point in my last letter to my state Senator, he has a R behind his name, that I find the continued attacks by some Republicans against the DNR, wildlife, and sound conservation practices troubling. I'm still waiting to hear back.
  19. mplane72

    Modern Rifles in Iowa

    That too. Could totally see it happening often here in Eastern Iowa.
  20. mplane72

    Modern Rifles in Iowa

    #4 I think you could actually make the argument that adding more capable firearms will reduce opportunity. It's pretty much accepted that when you increase hunter effectiveness the long term result is tag reductions. It may not make much of a difference on intensively managed private but it...
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