Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. PYBucks

    Video on Making Buck Beds

    Good for you. I made 3 on my property in the spring following his advice but haven't had a chance to check them. Hopefully they are getting used. I really want to set a trail camera up over one. Tim
  2. PYBucks


    I'm going to give try one this fall and so is a buddy I work with. Not the $300 model you put in the tree but the Log6 sells for only $70. I can hook it up to my rubbermaid container each day after hunting. I wasted a lot more money of spray products over the years.
  3. PYBucks

    IW decal

    Rudd's website has them: http://ruddbow.com/main/gallery/?album=1&gallery=11
  4. PYBucks

    Scoutguard 550 trailcam dealers ???

    Just found this on AT http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1517551 Tim
  5. PYBucks

    Michigan 6% Fewer Deer Killed

    Skip, you crack me up, thanks for caring about us. Loeranger, it will happen. I've seen it first hand in MI. It happens first to the people that hunt property the has marginal or poor habitat. I tried to explain this to the landowner of the farm I hunt. He doesn't like deer but he still...
  6. PYBucks

    Hf 327 & sf219

    Cedar, you must not know any NRLO because you’re clueless. Don’t take this as bragging but you asked and clearly have no idea what people are really spending on their land. Yes I make money off my CRP contract but I could make probably $25,000 more a year if I row cropped. The CRP is great for...
  7. PYBucks

    Iowawhitetail Android App

    Works great!
  8. PYBucks

    Met with DNR Director

    No one is making me, it's my choice. I like to hunt where there are big bucks. Every other state is cheaper than Iowa. I spend my money in Nebraska every year I don't draw IA.
  9. PYBucks

    Met with DNR Director

    If you had to wait 3 years to bowhunt your own property you might change your mind. At first I was like no way in hell would I pay $1000 but after my brother pointed out to me that the state of Iowa is aready bending us over for alomst $700. What's another $300!! I'm not rich (mom owns...
  10. PYBucks

    perfect storm - nr landowner lawsuits

    Does anyone know how many NRLO's there are? I see numbers like 10,000 or 20,000+ being thrown out, no way is the number that high. 99 counties in Iowa x 20 NRLO/county = 2000. Maybe, are there even 20/county?
  11. PYBucks

    Southern IA Implement Dealers?

    Guys, I'm looking for a 9-13' mower (Bush Hog type), probably need something used to stay within my budget. 3 pt or pull behind, doesn't really matter. I've call Barker and Vetter's Implement and they don't have what I'm looking for and I can't Google anymore. I'm finding a lot of 10' mowers...
  12. PYBucks


    From my limited experience (one planting) I think guys planting switch worry too much about when they should plant. When they should be spending more time doing field prep and weed control. This happened to me. I planted 70 acres of switch 3 years ago. All my fields were brome and sprayed...
  13. PYBucks

    Broadhead flight at longer distances

    Have you tried moving your arrow rest? This has always worked for me. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=539460&highlight=broadhead+tuning
  14. PYBucks

    NR Results Posted Early

    My son drew. Taking him to Wayne County for second shotgun season.
  15. PYBucks

    Trying to Locate a Pole Barn Builder in Southern Iowa

    We’re looking to build a standard pole barn for storage and later we’ll finish half of it for a hunting camp. Can anyone point me to a good pole barn builder in southern Iowa or northern Missouri? We would prefer a company close to Wayne County, Iowa. I’ve found a couple national companies...
  16. PYBucks


    I burnt my established switch 4/12 in southern IA. Hope this wasn't too late?
  17. PYBucks

    WU/Nebraska Deer Slaughter

    My brother and I have hunted deer in Nebraska every year since 2001 and I can’t believe somebody would introduce a bill like this. We hunt in the SE corner of the state and there isn’t an over population problem. If anything the population is on the low side and of all the places I’ve hunted...
  18. PYBucks

    My turnips

    Mine got pounded in late October early November. The deer on my property always love the turnips. They pull them out and eat the entire plant. I will plant turnips every year. This year I planted a little late, about August 25th, right before it didn't rain for 2 weeks in southern Iowa. So...
  19. PYBucks

    Same Deer?

    Looks like the same deer to me.
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