Sat yesterday evening...about 2:30pm until 5:30pm. Didn't see a thing.
Couldn't go this morning because wife was out Black Friday shopping.
Getting ready to head to the stand here in a bit.
Happy Thanksgiving fellow IowaWhitetail members!
Can honestly say I'm thankful for such a great group of people who have helped me a few times since I've been a member.
Anyone got some spare sheds laying around? I'm trying to do some decorating in my basement/man cave, but don't nearly have enough!
Obviously I'm not asking for anything big...however if you're looking to clear some space...I'll take them off your hands! Just shoot me a PM.
I'm in the Des...
I'm sitting on an unfilled tag myself.
SLOW season...yesterday (yes the windy/rainy day) was my best action all year. Had a small 5 point, a broken spike, and 3 does. I've had plenty on camera, but literally nothing to be excited about in the stand...
I had my best night last night...3 does and 2 bucks.
I could have shot a big doe, and a broken spike (twice)...within 15 yards. It was windy and only a few sprinkles where I was hunting yesterday evening.
I've got Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off work to hunt.
Unfortunately my daughter has a double ear infection, and an eye infection so I have to skip the morning hunts Thursday and Friday. :(
I've forgotten a bunch of things before...worst is your release or flashlight (both have happened to me).
I now carry a backup release that stays in my pack.
How much did it cost you total? I read you pay for shipping? Is that not the case?
No. I tried them locked just to see what happens...and it reads LOCKED
I've got 2 M80s and love them!
One of them today will not work...I've tried 3 SD cards (all that have worked before), but the display states "CARD ERR". It won't take pictures, or do anything simply because of this SD Card problem.
Any ideas?
No idea, LOL. I followed it step by step. Eventually will shoot a deer, and have him officially taped and try to come up with the same #s! :)
Mine did too...LOL
I meant long tines...not brows. The 2012 buck had nubs for! Hopefully MY arrow will fly through the 2013 trail...
Thank you. I'd still like to learn how to tape...and yes I've looked online (and tried myself)...and came up with some #s below I knew that wasn't' right. HAHA!
Yeah I think so too...the fun part is getting him on camera so many times! The tough part is yet to come...getting him...
Great points...the angles of the pictures don't do his "length" justice. See the pic above of the 2012 buck I shot in the same area...he has long tines as well...
I'd love to find someone to tape my 2012 I can learn how to do it. :drink2:
The buck I shot last year was the biggest deer I've ever shot (see picture below). He came from the same exact area as the trail cam buck above. The buck in the trail cam photos is the biggest deer I've got on camera (I think I have another one around his size). I've got plenty of time to...
Alright, so I can see what you guys are talking about with him being an 8.
Next question...shooter or no? And if yes, how well would you think he would score?
I shot a typical 4x4 last year, so trying to "beat" that. :)
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