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Sightings from Stand (11/29 - 12/6)


New Member
I thought I'd make this thread for those of us who still have a tag to fill.

This is to better give confidence for those of us still planning on sitting out before the orange armies take reign.

I will report my sightings tonight.

I will also have a report for each day I'm out.

Feel Free to add what you guys see to this thread...

Good Luck, Everyone...
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Saw one deer this morning. Yippee! Makes it hard to keep hunting when you have mornings like that. Hopefully you guys have had some better luck.
Not from stand...but did see 2 bucks chasing a doe through my backyard this morning. This is a great time for a big buck to be out cruising, also see a brute you have never seen before.
Saw one deer this morning. Yippee! Makes it hard to keep hunting when you have mornings like that. Hopefully you guys have had some better luck.

I don't hunt mornings this time of year..

I would focus on maybe 10 am - evening.. or start at 2 - Evening..

They are definitely focusing on food sources..

MNBuck - That is great to hear!! I'll have to break out the small antlers..
Wednesday night had a big boy sparring/fighting with another buck. A third one (120ish 8) came in to investigate. Before dark the two that were sparring walked over a hill with their noses to the ground following a doe. Saw two other bucks that night as well. Went back yesterday morning and saw 7 does and one spike. Hoping to be out there a couple more times before the weekend is over. I'll update as well.
Saw my best buck of the season Thanksgiving morning. He was at 100+ tending a doe so I didn't even try to call him away from her. Got my motivation back now for the remaining days till gun season.
Sat yesterday evening...about 2:30pm until 5:30pm. Didn't see a thing.

Couldn't go this morning because wife was out Black Friday shopping.

Getting ready to head to the stand here in a bit.
Was out day before and had good movement...in my opinion right now is the best time for rattling.

Yeah, you can read a lot of mix things... Some say it's a horrible time to rattle as the bucks are to tired and worn out from the primary rut. I rattled the same buck 2 or 3 times last year from about November 28 - November 31.. in the morning (give or take a couple of days)..

I'm trying to new tactic now where I'm using really small sheds.. Peter Fiduccia gave me the idea.. He said you want to use smaller sheds as it is less likely to spook bucks and the buck we think he'll be able to clean house. It makes sense once you think about it. You hear people saying/doing the opposite with what sheds they use..

This is a great start to the thread. Hopefully, we'll have some big ones down, on the ground, because of it.. Keep it up!:way:
Saw a doe with her fawn in the in-laws backyard north of Cedar Falls this am along with 6 hens & 1 tom turkey. Good luck to all those still with a bow tag.
I haven't hardly had any luck with rattling this year. Years past, when things got a little dead in the woods, I would always hit the horns and more times than not, something would come in. This year, not so much. I've rattled in one buck this year, a young 130 inch ten on Nov. 16th that I saw walking away from me on the edge of a corn field. This season has kinda been a real snoozer for me. Thanksgiving week is usually really good to me, hasn't been so kind this year.
Saw two solid bucks and a big 10 this morn. Big 10 was on a doe. I'm in the blind now with a decoy and some big ol thick sheds. If I don't rattle in a buck tonight it's only because I broke my thumb smashing these together here in a bit.
Yeah, you can read a lot of mix things... Some say it's a horrible time to rattle as the bucks are to tired and worn out from the primary rut. I rattled the same buck 2 or 3 times last year from about November 28 - November 31.. in the morning (give or take a couple of days)..

I'm trying to new tactic now where I'm using really small sheds.. Peter Fiduccia gave me the idea.. He said you want to use smaller sheds as it is less likely to spook bucks and the buck we think he'll be able to clean house. It makes sense once you think about it. You hear people saying/doing the opposite with what sheds they use..

This is a great start to the thread. Hopefully, we'll have some big ones down, on the ground, because of it.. Keep it up!:way:

Well, probably should have said in my excperience. For me right now is the best time for me.
I had great movement this morning. One shooter and many doe. No shot on buck -
Took a mid day break and walked a fresh picked corn field with some grass- 2 rooster and one quail. Saw 4
Total rooster and a huge covey of

In stand now- nothing as of yet except squirrel mania

I have been so picky this year with bucks- I'm already starting to taste my tag soup.
I was helping my buddy recover his deer Monday afternoon 2:30 ish, and had three different bucks come through the timber at a fast walk nose down. They were definitely looking. We are in story county if that matters to anyone. Games not over yet keep at it.
Going out tomorrow. Where is everybody sitting food plots or funnels in cruising area. I'm leaning towards sitting in my funnel. Problem is i can't see much at all from this location and will be hunting by myself so won't have a report from any other parts of the farm.
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