God bless your brother in law and his safe return home. It's men and women like him that make me pround to be an american. God bless all of the families of all the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free.
God bless all you guys for the kind words and prayers. Reading the threads has helped me get thru the week. The news was not good today as a biopsy revealed that my mom has small cell lung cancer. Damn them cigarettes!!
There is no cure for that type of cancer that I have read. We will just...
I know I haven't posted much lately or replied to very many posts but I do keep up and read on a daily basis what's going on with everybody. I put out this post only because I believe in the power of prayer. I would ask so kindly if those of you out there could say a special prayer for my mom...
Good looking birds. Yeah I don't know what the problem is loading the pictures on the sight. They should load right away as has everything else that I go to. I have a cable modem and they should come up right away. They start to load and then they kinda stop about halfway. No problems...
Congrats on a fine hunt. Sounds like you had alot of fun. What area in Nebraska are you hunting. For some reason when I go to you trophy room I can only get a couple of your pictures to come up. Might just be the system is working slow today or there is a glich somewhere. Good luck next week...
Not to say it won't ever happen but I have never lost a bird using 2 3/4 inch shells with #6 shot. Obvioulsly 6's are my favorite. Shot my first with the bow last year, 100 grain mechanical.
Im with you there Rackaddict. Those type of people turn me inside out and ashamed of the fact that they call themselves americans. I will never pay to go see another movie with any of these anti celebs that are appearing in them. I would rather send the money to a worthwhile charity than...
Yes sir he be the one. He had already been scored the year before. I just brought him so that Brady could take a look at him. I had another mount there that I had Doug score.
The deer you killed is a brute. You should get his picture and put it on the site so that everyone can see the hog...
Songdog ranch-- I guess there was a siting above the Lewis Central middle school by some construction workers building some homes in the area of the bluffs East of the school grounds. They did not cancel recess though. I guess they had a biology class that was going to walk up into the hills...
Ditto, I to also enjoyed meeting the guys. Had a great time Fri night after the show. Larry I am sorry if I talked your ear off!!! You would have thought we would have been talking deer but instead we talked politics and the upcoming liberation of Iraq. That's what happens when your an x...
It just so happens one of my best friends and hunting partners is the principal of the middle school at Lewis Central. If that had actually happened I would surely know about it. I will have to double check to see if he is holding out on me or did not deem it worthy news. I don't think that's...
Whitetail fantasies-- The cat is out of the bag. I also spotted a cat this past fall on my property in Taylor County. My ground is North of New Market. I haven't told to many people about the siting. The land owner to the North of me said he spotted one also. I did not tell him that I had...
What you can use the strings for is to time them together around the oustside of the blind. You can then push brush thru them help conceal your blind that much more. You really don't need them to help hold your blind down. Stakes will do the job. Make sure you untie them though before you...
What you can use the strings for is to time them together around the oustside of the blind. You can then push brush thru them help conceal your blind that much more. You really don't need them to help hold your blind down. Stakes will do the job. Make sure you untie them though before you...
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